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Everything posted by NK2000

  1. i can just say thanks, because i am sure i will need that information soon :) Thanks :)
  2. NK2000


    another solution by another friend: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rras/rras/rasgetconnectionstatistics.asp
  3. hm maybe you split up the logo with your email and insert at the email part a link with "mailto: .." or a feedback form in general could be helpful (for perfectionist you maybe should put the search box about 5px more to button so it ends at same y value as "the knowledge to get you ahead") i like the design :)
  4. NK2000


    my friend found another solution http://www.activevb.de/tipps/vb6tipps/tipp0021.html it is vb6 code and i didnt have the time to go through it.. comments are german but i can help you there..
  5. sourcesafe or any cvs application&server might be helpful
  6. try to execute a SDK sample if you get same error then check if you got .net 1.1, directX 9.0b and newest driver for your graphics card
  7. NK2000


    i found some packet sniffer programms with sources: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gte477n/languages/csharp/ http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/pacanal.asp i know you didnt want a packet sniffer but the reason for them is easy, if you can sniff the packets then you just get the bytecount of each packet which is sent or recieved and so you can determine the speed.. but i am also looking for other possibilities, but didnt found that much, that is just an idea which came in my mind :)
  8. that depends on that http server if this server offers directory listening then you can simple get the html code and parse it if not then there is only a possibility in getting the html code of one of the pages and go to all links which belong to that server generally said you have to parse a lot of things which isnt that difficult if you find some points which indicates a start and stop and so on an example for directory listing would be: http://www.apache.org/dist/ there you see folders and files then you just have to go through each line and check the symbol before the name of the folder/file a folder symbol indicates a folder and a all other symbols indicate a file have fun :)
  9. i dont know a way to use it in win32 but there are some good ways to get them using directinput, just a look in the SDK samples will show you how to solve that
  10. yes it is possible but you need the handle for this object i used such a thing at a tool for a game named Ultima Online you can find handles with Spy++ but i dont know if they change at each startup but normally the window name doesnt change so you just have to know how many times you have to send the TAB key (switch to next control in the form) and then just send the string you want to enter UPDATE: But you definitly have to use the Win32 lib good luck :) The code is from my first days in windows coding so maybe you find performance improvements..but worked very well at those times :) Code used at my tool:
  11. do you get this error while executing or while compilering? but it looks like you dont got the right version of DirectX use Windows Start -> Run and execute "dxdiag" there you should the version normally it should be 9.0b D3DErr_InvalidCall doesnt seem to be a .net error, it really looks for a DirectX/Direct3D problem just try reinstalling the DirectX
  12. could anybody send me a small test application which is compiled using the directx 9.0b to check if i cant run 9.0b applications or if i just cant run my own compiles 9.0b applications!
  13. i agree, you should download new nvidia forceware driver Direct Link for Windows XP/2000/any NT-based Operation System Geforce card: http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_53.03
  14. It worked perfectly for me no problems at compiling and executing But i couldnt see the app itself because of my problem ( http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=402344#post402344 ) I attached a working debug compiled code of your application windowsapplication3.zip
  15. I got a simple problem but havnt found a solution yet I can compile DX code with DirectX 9a and 9b but when i try to run it under 9b then i got a FileNotFoundException and it tells me that Direct3D or a depending assembly of it is missing I also executed the mdxredist.exe (debug version) file several times to go sure that there is no problem because of runtime DxDiag also tells me that i got DirectX 9.0b Does anybody know a solution? UPDATE: I can execute code as long as i dont call Direct3D so 2d would work fine!
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