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Everything posted by NK2000

  1. maybe because the win32 calls require it, but before you ask a lot just test it and if it works then dont touch it any longer :) (it could get broken again :D ) 2 real answers: 1) you maybe can put it anywhere but then you dont get the desired effect 2) you must call this win32 functions before the form is visible i am open for new and/or better answers :)
  2. this winspy tool looks in some aspects better than spy++
  3. it doesnt matter what in c# work it matter what in .net work and since we use same framework.... :D good luck, just look at DllImportAttribute i think it is the same keyword at vb.net it should be also in InteropServices namespace
  4. first you need to know the type lets say it is an int then just use SqlInt32.Null you can do that with all other types just look at: System.Data.SqlTypes-Namespace hope that link helps: http://ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS.1031/cpref/html/frlrfsystemdatasqltypes.htm
  5. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/t81959.html (your own 2nd thread :) )
  6. if (Directory.Exists(...) ) should be used when you dont know if something does exist..
  7. yes but he wants a "over" 24-hour clock, if i am right :)
  8. you cant inherit sealed classes that is true but i ask why do you have to inherit a Thread? You can point to any method since it uses delegates..so there should be no need, if you got a problem to realize something just post it and we will look together for a solution, ok? :)
  9. is that true? i got 2002 version and installed 1.1 sdk but i think i would get an error if i compile 1.1 on 2002 if that is really true, but i am not certain about my answer..
  10. i am not sure about this answer: float x = 1.0F; float y = 1.0F; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(PathToYourImage/StreamOfYourImage); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); g.ScaleTransform(x,y); there you have to change x and y which is a scalarfactor lets say your image width is 600 and you want to have 800 so: float x = (float) 800/600; => float x/y = (float) <new Width/Height> / <old Width/Height> hope that helps i am not sure if you can also achive that effect by the Bitmap constructor, because there you can tell the image width and height, but my method also is a good training for image editing :)
  11. uhm splice was quite right, he only didnt see that Chars isnt a method but a property you can go through each char by string text = "blabla"; // :) for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { char c = text.Chars; ... } or foreach (char c in text.Chars) { ... } of course dynamic_sysop's answer is also write but unnecessarily complicated, but i would never criticize a forum leader *duck* :D so many ways go to rome and you can use some different ways to get to your aim, just choose your style :) ( I prefer the for one at this situation :) )
  12. normally it should in the same way you read it. but this sounds if you even havnt tested it yet. Just use a copy of one of your mp3 and edit it
  13. oh i am sorry didnt know that, but if you need any spy++ output data just tell me what to "spy out" and i will provide you with txt and jpg :)
  14. interesting...i am a parser :) if you use @ before string then you can write \ instead of \\ :)
  15. i forgot someting which could matter always trim the userinput to go sure there are no hidden/invisible chars at end of line
  16. simple answer: the managed directX documentation isnt that good i am working on a project which have a own documentation (of course also the current one but also additional information and comment posting etc.. + tutorials) if you really want to start then read that: http://staff.develop.com/candera/weblog2/articleview.aspx/DirectX that should definitly help have fun
  17. i dont know much about vb.net but in c# it would be int height = myTextBox.Font.Height; myTextBox is the name of the object which is a TextBox should be quite similar to vb.net i think
  18. i am not familar with regex but maybe this can help int position = 0; string path = "xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx"; position = path.LastIndexOf('\\'); string temp = path.Substring(0, position -1); position = temp.LastIndexOf('\\'); string wanted = path.Substring(position+1); this is a workaround
  19. int hours = DateTime.Now.Day*24 + DateTime.Now.Hour; string time = String.Format("{0}:{1}", hours, DateTime.Now.Minute); I hope this is the thing you wanted to know
  20. i didnt look this much up but i think it is easily possible to check if the wanted form has focus/is active or not? i think you should check that, which could be easier for applications where you dont have the source off and cant modify! you can also activate a form and if you want a mouse click you even can emulate them, spy++ can also display events you can even get the current size of window and translate that to screen coordinates if you want to activate by emulated mouse click normal the "normal" activation of windows is easier then by doing it per mouse but it would be also a good training :D hope that helps
  21. i would suggest: use ReadLine string input = Console.ReadLine(); after that you can parse the number: private bool ParseToInt(string text, out int number) { number = 0; try { number = Int32.Parse(text); } catch { return false; } return true; } if you dont like that out and want to return an int value then this is also ok but you dont know if the parsing failed.. so number = 0 would be the alternative if the parsing failes
  22. You should generally do a cleanup when you work with files, it helps to reduce bugs so always check if a StreamWriter is still open ( Writer != null ), normally you put that in the "finally" part of your try and catch
  23. one way to open is to start Visual Studio and at the menu Extras you find spy++ with spy++ you can get window handles for example and more important is that you get the windowclass if not then you have to find your window by the titlename of the window
  24. PHP code that is just a simple way to display all files :)
  25. oh i thought you want to get the files of a host which you dont own i could write something like a directory listing in php for you if that is a problem.. so the parse way is only for hosts you dont have access
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