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Everything posted by NK2000

  1. i believe that you can find everything in the web with a little effort but if you have a job ( i am student till end of august then this also is true for me.. ) then you probably dont have that much time, so a magazine could help, but normally you really find a lot of information on sites about .net. Is there any special reason why to get them?
  2. did you get your copies of software legally? :D
  3. hm i dont like delphi but for delphi coders there will be no difference between the delphi .net and the ms .net. it is also a fact that the delphi creator was also one of the creators of .net. so i dont think there should be worries but dont count on that post and blame me if you dont like it after buying it..
  4. somehow that seems that is always just show MaxDropDownItems/2 items I dont have vs2003 at the moment and no converter to turn this project to 2002 down but i found some links, which might help http://www.codeproject.com/cs/combobox/ownerdrawncombobox.asp http://www.codeproject.com/cs/combobox/ComboBoxAutoWidth.asp http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/23/115125.aspx maybe you screwed up with a number like ItemHeight or so, just look at the tutorials there might be a line you missed..
  5. that was just an example i know tools which compile at runtime a c# file and so you could have your new form, but i think i missunderstood the poster, maybe because i didnt catch the aim of form loading..
  6. uhm maybe you should write something like a client then you can read the header of the html which you get from that url i think you have to add/change the cache expiration in the header
  7. not always true, with .net framework you can be very flexible, i know many tools which generate their ui just from a xml file.. also games like AoE/RoN do that..
  8. do you talk about asp.net? so maybe post in the asp.net forum :) sorry i have no knowledge of asp.net - btw php rulez *hide* :D :D :D
  9. first you should just make a server which accepts everything then just open your ie and connect to your server http://localhost:<port>/ then you should see anything at your server, after your server wont answer just click at the stop button and you will see what you get whenever a client closes the connection after that just try to connect with your client to your server now you tested everything :D but: because i am a nice guy i will give you some extra hints look in your msdn for an example for asynchronous server socket, there is also one for client, these two examples are just great to get started and fully work at the Readcallback there is a line which starts with int bytesRead = .... just do a try and catch around because here you will get the SocketException ( so catch the SocketException), which tells you that your client just said "bye" ( :) ) If you need more help on that topic, feel free to just reply with your questions :)
  10. NK2000


    yeah my friends were all also interested in it so they all helped searching :)
  11. hm i write it out of my mind but as i looked in vs you can just check the Form.ControlBox to false and i think that is the desired effect :)
  12. NK2000


    uhm do you intend making something like an autoupdater where you just click or your tool automatically execute an exe file which updates your whole tool?
  13. ok thanks :(
  14. i dont know but this should work and normally there shouldnt be any performance difference..
  15. if you know exactly the byte position yes.. but if not then i would do it in that way: read line for line while you get a line just check if you want to replace that one if not then write it in a temporary file when you finished that then just delete the old one and rename the temporary file to the filename of the old one
  16. hm but i thought the compiler is independent from the studio
  17. look for Directory.CreateDirectory
  18. uhm normally a thread just opens something like a "2nd process" so like a second application you can work at the same time on more than one thing, normally you pass the arguments to the object of the method where the threadstart delegate aims to
  19. uhm i dont understand your problem but why dont you just split the string - after cutting the "D" and "MT>" away - at every ',' String[] parts = Data.Split(new Char {','}); Data is a String with your incoming data Then you can do for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++) { TextBox1.Text = String.Format("var{0}={1}", i.ToString, ((Data[i] != null) &&(Data[i] != "")) ? Data[i] : "\"\"" ); } HINT: if you dont know that construction of (condition) ? true : false i explain it here in short int x = 5; String text = (x ==5) ? "Yes, X is 5" : "No, S is not 5"; so this is like an if condition, but more like a "inline" if (C++ Coder might understand this in that way) so the thing after the ? and before : is the output if the condition true if not then the output is the thing after the : thats all
  20. is it a .net dll? if yes then class reflection might help is there really no workaround for this dll?
  21. i only know MySQL but maybe they use same syntax add: INSERT INTO <tablename> (`columnname1`, `columnname2`, `columnnameX`) VALUES ( 'value1', 'value2', 'valueX') update: UPDATE <tablename> SET `columnname1`='value1', `columnname2`='value2' WHERE `id` = '123' delete: DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE `id` = '123' hope that helps :)
  22. i dont know much about it but found an introduction http://www.randyridge.com/Tao/Tutorials/SimpleIntro/SimpleIntro.html should be quite similar to vb.net
  23. at the moment i would suggest just draw the ellipse and then draw over it so that only the needed segment is visible, but if you want to have a segment like a cake then i would suggest using math (sin and cos) maybe you have a picture or an example what you want to paint then i can go on helping you
  24. i would suggest load the file and write each line as it is but only write for the wanted line the new line so just load full content of a file and modify the text where you want and save it back as whole file
  25. The Controls object is also an object (c# code) for (int i = 0; i < myMainControl.Controls.Count; i++) { Control control = myMainControl.Controls[i]; if (control.GetType == typeof(TextBox) ) { .... } } so foreach just goes through each index, hope that code helps
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