i did that 3-4 times it seems that this msdn is a bit buggy, perhaps another release would work, i dont know, i try to get another one if possible, but i think at the moment i will use the internet msdn :(
but i thank everybody who can give any hints here!
uhm thanks, but they only got installing problems or problems to burn in to cd, my problem is that msdn doesnt register the indexes "No table of contents has been defined for the current Help collection"
I finally got VS2003, but unlike VS2002 MSDN i always got "Empty Index Entry" usage, does anybody know a fix or anything which could be helpful here?
the MSDN is the april 2003 version
oh you mean diskspace i talk about memory.. in memory everything is bmp so ... :)
uhm your custom picturebox would have to only read the current needed data and not alle data of the picture..i think, maybe with some caching for a smooth scrolling
for fullscreen i would use DX definitely!
if you want to use SEVI's method then you have to set the WindowBorderStyle to no border
You can easily get all the gfx card settings by using of DX, just look at some samples, shouldnt be difficult to understand
as far as i know you can change how the app paints everything on screen, but i dont have the variables in mind at the moment, i just can tell you if you want to have fast graphics there is no way around dx, but normally you should also get it to work with gdi+ just use doublebuffering, so create a bitmap with same size as your drawing surface and then just draw all in that hidden bitmap at the onpaint you just draw this one bitmap
i dont know what ReadOnly has to do with the method we showed you
ReadOnly tells the application that this Textbox wont write the letters, which were typed by user
yes you have to use the dllimport attribute to get the sendmessage
this might help: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/win32map.asp
i searched for some tutorials:
i think it is the best to give you just the link you can then pick the best site out
oh i was irritated by " I'm trying to capture the tab key in my ASP.NET app"
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onkeypress = Input;
function Input(event) {
alert("You pressed: " + event.which );
maybe this helps to get the name for tab only
string text = " .... ";
for (int i=0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (text.Chars[i] == '~')
text = text.Substring(0, i) + values[i] + text.Substring(i+1);
i didnt test it, but tell me if any error occurs
you can do that with javascript, you definitely need a clientside language, so use javascript to update
frames, i frames and so on can help you very much
need html help? just ask or try to find it via google..
as far as i know is javascript clientside language und asp (active SERVER page) a server sided page.. so you still have to use javascript, java applet, flash, which are all clientsided
first look at the String class, it would be really helpful if you give me/us an example so we can tell you an algorythm, if you dont want to use replace then you have to work with substring i think
i never tried mySQL in connection with .net but with php
normally you have to use strings to insert..
string SqlQuery = String.Format("INSERT INTO TestTable(`{0}`,`{1}`,`{2}`) VALUES ('{3}','{4}','{5}',) ", Key1, Key2, Key3, Value1, Value2, Value3);