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  1. Thanks. That really helps alot. :) Am not quite understand what MulticastDeligate yet, but sure get the ideas there.. :D
  2. True.. but I'll still need to set the condition if it's success or not? Like when would SetSuccess() run?
  3. I do understand how delegates works. I just want to know why use it? What's it's purpose? Thank you.
  4. DreamKid


    Can anyone explain what's a makefile in .net? How can I create it?
  5. Backtracking is an algorithm that search for remaining numbers to fill up the magic square cells to make is it a magic square.
  6. This may not be the best place to ask this but I looking for some tips or even source codes regrading backtracking algorithm on Magic Square (4x4). Where can I obtain any information on this backtracking algorithm in C# or VB.Net? Thanks in advance.
  7. It's a requirement of the assignment. How do I compile in command line tools?
  8. How can I implement C# and VB.Net in a same project?
  9. In VB.Net, we use "imports Project.NewClass" to link the classes together. How do I do that in C# as I'm not familiar with the namespace concept. Thanks in advance.
  10. I need to convert a String to Integer. The String consists of: 3 23 5 7 4 8 10 12 I would like to store each Number in the String into an array of Integers. Each Integer is seperate by a space. Any idea how can I do that? Thanks in advance.
  11. I'm trying to put values in the a chart legend in excel. I refer to a few websites & found out the method below but it seems like "Value" is not a member of LegendEntries. MSDN only provide samples of chrt.Legend.LegendEntries(i).Font.blah... which clearly are not helpful at all. For i = 1 To chrt.Legend.LegendEntries.Count() chrt.Legend.LegendEntries(i).Value = xws.Range("B" & i + 3).Value Next Please advise. Thank you.
  12. I'm trying out the code below: Dim waXml As New Word.Application Dim wdXml As New Word.Document Try wdXml = waXml.Documents.Open(strDocPath) Dim tblXml As Word.Table Dim rowXml As Word.Row Dim cllXml As Word.Cell Dim prXml As Word.Paragraph tblXml = wdXml.Tables.Item(1) For Each cllXml In tblXml.Range.Cells For Each prXml In cllXml.Range.Paragraphs Console.WriteLine(prXml.Range.Text.ToString) Next Next tblXml = wdXml.Tables.Item(2) For Each cllXml In tblXml.Range.Cells For Each prXml In cllXml.Range.Paragraphs Console.WriteLine(prXml.Range.Text.ToString) Next Next Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Error: " & ex.ToString) Finally wdXml.Close() waXml.Quit() End Try But an error occurs at: tblXml = wdXml.Tables.Item(1) Which said that my request collection doesn't exist. The program manage to display the data in the console but seems to have error before it terminates.. Please advise.. Thank you.
  13. Thanks alot! :-\
  14. We can get a base directory with: System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() Any idea how can we get the directory up one level? Example: Base directory: C:/Temp/Base/ I want to get C:/Temp/ How can I do it?
  15. DreamKid


    Thanks for all your advise! Like marble_eater said, I made mistake in declaring my array. Should have been obj(10) instead of obj(). Is there any way to have an array that is not fixed in size?
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