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I was curious if someone could point me to a solution for how to accomplish an Outlook Style dropdown button. Outlook uses it to allow a user to select from any one of 3 different ypes of addresses for a contact. I have attached a sample of what I am looking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Hi I need to store "dynamic" data, which simply means: Some fields might be not used or maybe a new datafield is added. So if I create a class with every single field which might be needed, I will most likely end up having a class where many fields are unused. To counter this issue I've been using a somewhat custimized Dictionary(of String, Object) so I can use the Key in a Path like manner. For example: "File\Hash\CRC" => "6c2f28d3" "File\Path" => "C:\" etc... I've been wondering if there are some other approaches to solve this problem.
Last reply by Arokh, -
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I am running VS.NET 2008 Standard Edition comiling a Visual Basic application with the compile option set for "Any CPU". My deployed application runs as it should on Win32 w 32 bit Processor but fails on a Win64 OS w 32 bit Processor. Is the a limitation of VS.NET 2008 standard? I was under the impression it was the 64 bit processor it wouldn't support. One other tidbit. On the Win64 PC there is a "Program Files" folder for 64 bit applications and a "Program Files (x86)" folder for 32 bit programs. It correctly installs to the "Program Files (x86)" folder. Could the path be the issue? [Edit] Weird. Created a Hello world program and physically copied th…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I have about 6200 little files in a directory, which might be used by my program but in most cases the file will only be used once. Now having 6200 files of 2-10kb in a directory looks bad, so I'm looking for another way: One solution I thought of was creating a file which acts a an archive and contains all files. I can't use zip compression because if I need to use one of the files, I would like to get them as fast as possible without decompressing the whole archive first. Is there an easy way to pull this off, or do I have to write something like that myself?
Last reply by Arokh, -
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Hello, My application is written in VB.NET 2008, and I want to catch CantStartSingleInstanceException exception. I have read the following links: But cannot find how to catch this exception. Anyone knows?
Last reply by OMID SOFT, -
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Hi I have following code in my Visual Basic Project. It contains html page which includes classid of vb6 class and method in VB6 class is called from html Code in HTML: <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <OBJECT id=objView tabIndex=-1 height=0 width=0 classid=clsid:97919B55-C676-468C-8B04-C57DBC931E1D></OBJECT> </BODY> <SCRIPT language = vbscript> objView.SetTVRef() </SCRIPT> </HTML> But same thing when i try to do with class it does not work. I just replaces classid value in above html with classid of the .net class. But it does not work :( Thanks in advance.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hello, From inside a thread I wanna enable/disable a text box on my form, that's so easy to do, but my problem is that I have to enable it only if a radio button is checked, and if not checked I should not enable it. Here is my code: Delegate Sub SetEnabledCallback(ByVal Enabled As Boolean) Private Sub SetEnabled(ByVal Enabled As Boolean) If Me.RadioButton1.InvokeRequired Then Dim d As New SetEnabledCallback(AddressOf SetEnabled) Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {Enabled}) Else Me.TextBox1.Enabled = Me.RadioButton1.Checked End If End Sub From within my thread I use Me.SetEnable(True/False) but it won't work at one condition. Please help me:(
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Given a string strTotal (all numerical values). I need a mechanism to do the following. 1- Determine the number of digits in strTotal 2- If there are less then 2 (digits 0 to 9) then pad with a 0 to form 2-Digit Values like 00, 01, 02, 03,�, 08, 09. Else leave as-is. Any clues?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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hi, the server uses active directory for authentication. in iis, the anonymous access is unchecked and windows authentication is check. however, returns empty string. what is the cause? the following code <code> Response.Write( "Page.User Identity: [" + Page.User.Identity.Name + "]<br>" ); Response.Write( "Window.Current Identity: [" + System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + "]<br>" ); Response.Write( "Thread.Current Identity: [" + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name + "]<br>" ); </code> derives these results: Page.User Identity: [] Window.Current Identit…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
I have a number of settings that I can access via My.Settings. I have several date field values in My.Settings that I'd like to use to populate DateTimePicker controls during the InitializeComponent event. Can this be done?
Last reply by caeanis, -
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I have a Grid view in uc1 ASCX file. uc1 ASCX file loads in another uc2 ASCX file . uc2 ASCX files loads on ASPX page. ASPX page user master pages. Everything loads very well even during postback. Issue is: When I click on Edit link in gridview, it postbacks but RowCommand doest fire. When I click for the second time RowCommand Fires. Please help, why I am not able to fire on first click. Note, during first click control goes to page load but doest go to rowcommand.
Last reply by kaisersoze, -
- 0 replies
I am working on a time submittal form which uses the datetimepickers with the time format to enter log in , Lunch out, Lunch in and log out times. I have set up a dialog with which we can save default values (like a property page) to the settings. It is supposed to set the values for the datetimepickers to these values on the load event and also save the values entered in the dialog back to settings. However on load it defaults the Time in dtp (datetimepicker) value to the current time, and ignores the rest of the dtps. How can I force the date to a specific time, say 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM? I found that if I put in a message box to pull the settings for time and dis…
Last reply by caeanis, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know if there's a security policy, which would disallow JavaScript from sending data to/from a .NET ActiveX control? I've found some tutorials online about ActiveX and they all seem to use the same basic format for using JavaScript with it: *Create an Interface in the ActiveX Control *Derive your object class from the Interface *Implement a String value *Use the Set method to grab the value sent *Tell JavaScript to set [ControlID].[stringName] as a value ex: MyControl.Msg = 'Hello' When I follow the same basic steps, I'm unable to send values to the control. I've even tried skipping the step of creating an interface and that didn't help at all…
Last reply by Fork501, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, having some trouble getting a exclude regex function to work. tried to search as much as i can, and have seen that regex isn't ideal for HTML, however i'm hoping to get around this by using exclude function. i want to get the most child html rows, and was hoping to use something like this: <tr.*(?!<tr).*</tr> my thinking for this is that it will catch any <tr> ... </tr>, without </tr> in the middle, being the most child row. However, i can't get it working, can anyone help please. it can be tested on the following, <tr> 1 <tr> 2 </tr> 3 </tr> i would hope to have '<tr> 2 </tr&g…
Last reply by MrPaul, -
I just found a critical problem in my Visual Basic DotNet application and need your help My start-up form is OK when I test it on Vista. But if a user changes the DPI settings from 96 DPI to 120 DPI my application will display incorrectly One problem is that because my start up form is not resizable and is fixed single About half of my form controls will not be shown This is very strange I also was not able to fix this even after changing the AutoScale property of my start up form to none or font Can you please help me with this and tell me how can I make my application compatible with all DPI settings modes
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I'm writing a WinForms application that needs to update its user area on change of resolution by the user. I've overriden the WinProc method of my main form so that I can monitor the changes of the resolution and do what I need to do. Its body looks like this: private const int WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = 0x007E; // this is the message notifying that the display resolution has been changed protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { base.WndProc (ref m); if(m.Msg == WM_DISPLAYCHANGE) { MessageBox.Show("Width: " + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width + "\n" + "Height: " + Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); } } The problem is that the Screen.PrimaryScreen.…
Last reply by tm90, -
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Dear All, We seem to have a problem with one of our intranet servers - it does not seem to allow some internal users to connect to web pages, returning a 403 (forbidden) error when an attempt is made. This is despite the fact that the users in question are administrators on that server, and authentication is provided through Windows NT login. I compared the IIS settings for the default site of the server against another intranet server in the same domain, and found them to be pretty much identical, the thigs that were different were very minor (e.g. the method of logging etc). If anyone could shine any light on this problem, I'd appreciate it. With thanks…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Currently I am using the microsoft web browser control (axwebbrowser) to display maps, but I don't like how there are margins on the top and left of white space. I thought maybe I could use a picture box but it doesnt seem to have the setting for scrollbars. Is there a way to enable scrollbars for the picture box control or is there a better way to do what I would like to do?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Currently I have a pretty large project that I made in 2003 and before I convert it to vs2008 I have a couple questions. First of all, when I convert it there are some errors about my AxWebBrowser control which I guess has been replaced by the WebBrowser control. When I used the AxWebBrowser control I have to include the ieframe.dll in my setup project, in the vs2008 converted project, do I still need to include that .dll or is it no longer necessary? Another question, will my users have any issues when they 'upgrade' to the new version of my program by using the .msi file to install it? Currently I have it set to detect previous version and remove previous v…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hello, I want to replace a string inside a special control. For example replace any "a" word with "b". You might think it's easy. Something like: SelectedElement.innerHTML = Replace(SelectedElement.innerHTML, FindText.Text, ReplaceText.Text) But it has a problem! It just replace all match case strings. So if the string is in upper/lower/mixed mode, it cannot find it. Now what should I do? I was not able to find a way. You may think something like: SelectedElement.innerHTML = Replace(UCase(SelectedElement.innerHTML), UCase(FindText.Text), ReplaceText.Text) But it will destroy my original text, since it will convert all the output to upper case! I need h…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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