- 0 replies
Hi All I have a site for company training. The page has a number of questions, each of which has a RadioButtonList for the user to input their answers. I build all the questions and answers along with any images in an asp:Repeater. On the OnSelectedIndexChanged event of the RadioButtonList I have the following code: ''' <summary> ''' When the user selects an answer the page scrolls to next question. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender"></param> ''' <param name="e"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub ScrollToNextQuestion(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 'Flag to t…
Last reply by davearia, -
- 2 replies
I am binding a dataset to a datagridview. My dataset returns about 7 different columns, of which I only want 3 to be visible. To enable me to hide the additional columns, I have added the following code: 'Organisation Name dCol.HeaderText = "Organisation Name" dCol.Name = "OrganisationName" dCol.DataPropertyName = "OrganisationName" dCol.ReadOnly = True dgvResults.Columns.Add(dCol) 'License Code dCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn dCol.HeaderText = "License Code" dCol.Name = "LicenseCode" dCol.DataPropertyName = "LicenseCode" dCol.ReadOnly = True dgvResults.Columns.Add(dCol) 'Total Waste/Emissions dCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn dCol.HeaderText = "Total Waste…
Last reply by mike55, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
At work we use External USB Modem for the users that are reporting on site, as there is no permanent internet facility available. I�ve been working on a chat program to link all users together, both the Server and Client are working fine over the internet, but I�ve hit a snag and I�m not to sure how to go about fixing it. If a user closes the program data arrives to the server which is Zero in length this signifies to the server that the user has disconnected and all other users that are connected are informed of this. The problem I�ve got is if the connection goes down (on a datacard it can quite often depending on signal strength) or the datacard is disconnecte…
Last reply by MrPaul, -
- 1 reply
I have a problem with my web site when dealing with the BACK button... Imagine the following, I have a DropDownList that allows the user to select an option which, when selected (_SelectedIndexChanged event) sends me to another web page... The problem comes if the user presses BACK afterwards he is returned to the previous page with the DropDownList that still has the option selected. Therefore, if the user wants to proceed to that option again he has to change to the empty listing in the DropDownList and then select the option to fire off the _SelectedIndexchanged event. What I want is that, if the user presses BACK it resets the DropDownList.selectedindex=0 (em…
Last reply by Diesel, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I was trying to make a game like Pokemon. This game has nice animations and when running. I need to hit a collision and stop, and face the direction that I was previously running, and THEN have the ability to hit a diffrent arrow key and go a diffrent direction. I fail to figure this out. I get hung.. This : If Ctl.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Player.Bounds) doesn't do what I want it to do.. When I collide I get stuck.. Any help would be very appreciated!
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hello; I want to play several types of audio files in my application. If I use Managed DirectX assemblies, will a client computer that has not installed Managed Directx (or even DirectX) be able to use my application? Is it enough just to deploy the assembly I used? And also do I need to pay for a licence to use DirectX? Thanks
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- Leaders
- 3 replies
Hello. I want to add a reference to a dll file named SciLexer.dll (scintilla/notepad++ related dll) but it gives me this error: "A reference to <file directory here> could not be added.Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component." Any ideas?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Presumably this is a common enough problem, but I can't seem to find a neat way of doing it! The problem is I need to convert a .doc file to a .pdf, on the server side - so I can't automate Word to do it (yes I'm aware it can be done with Office2007, which I have, but this app will have to be left unattended - this is not the designed use for Word). Does anyone know of any open source tools that would be able to do this? Thanks
Last reply by Zorka, -
- 0 replies
I am using a GRIDVIEW (gvInfo) with AutoGenerateEditButton="true", when a users presses the button the row with cells defined as "readOnly="False" becomes edit'able (as expected) - so far this is exactly what I am looking for. Now the problem is that, when the user presses EDIT the cells in question (which are now edit'able) change size (width), specifically they increase a lot - to the extend where the gridview is now totally out-of-bounds on my webpage... Is there a way to control the size of the textbox used in the cells when the user is EDITING the row/cell? <asp:GridView ID="gvInfo" runat="server" Height="99px" CellSpacing="5" AutoGenerateColumns="Fa…
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
- 0 replies
Hi I have a datagridview control on my form, into that grid I add a number of columns depending on the data I want to display. The majority of the columns are: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, however there are a number of DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to be added. The DataGridViewComboBoxColumn will have 3 option: "Not Done", "Satisfactory", and "Not Satisfactory". I want to add an eventhandler that is fired when any of the cells in the column have there data changed by the user. My reasoning is that I must save the change to the database at some stage. Can anyone suggest what eventhandler I should be adding? Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
- 0 replies
I have an .aspx webpage that contains a GridView (gvInfo), the GridView itself is edit'able (as shown below) by enabling "AutoGenerateEditButton=true", this allows for me to display the EDIT button on the left side of the GridView so that users can select it and then edit the contents of the row. But, by default the EDIT button is located on the LEFT of the rows, and with the design of my website it looks very odd, I would much prefer - if it is possible - to display the EDIT button on the RIGHT side of the rows - does anyone have a clue if this is possible and if so how it could be accomplished? <asp:GridView ID="gvInfo" runat="server" Height="99px" CellSpaci…
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
- 1 reply
Attempting to serialize all the type information contained in an assembly. To test my code I'm using a SharpDevelop assembly. However, when running: StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XmlSerializer XmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (Type[])); XmlSer.Serialize(sw, TargetAss.GetTypes()); The code breaks with error {"There was an error generating the XML document."} {"Cannot serialize interface ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Gui.ICanBeDirty."} Why would it try to serialize interface ICanBeDirty ? All I need of the Type is MethodInfo, properties, etc. Thanks all
Last reply by MrPaul, -
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
I thought it would be called "Docking", but in the book I have, Mastering VB.Net, it says that Docking is aligning a conrol to a side of the form or something. I'm trying to do what WinAmp does, which is make a program with more than one form - One master form, then from there the user can open up multiple other forms, which when close to the main form "Snap" onto it, either the sides or top or something. I'm guessing you can do a check on any other forms move (redraw?) procedure to check if its close to the main form, and if it is, align it, make it the same width and make its X the forms X + Height. But I was wondering if there was something easier or more 'st…
Last reply by rbulph, -
- 1 reply
As explained in the SDK it is possible to draw bit by bit into a surface. Still orientating on Directx, I'm trying to do so. Short summary on my intents: *Make a surface using CreateOffscreenPlainSurface *Lock this surface *Modify the bytes using pointer given by LockRect *Unlock the surface *Copying this surface into the backbuffer using UpdateSurface Some things I'm aware of: *It's perhaps also possible to acces the backbuffer directly, but one step at a time for me. *I need to lear a lot about DirectX, that's why I'm here, hoping to learn from you :-) *currently as a start I'm only making and copying a grey surface, when that succeeds I'll be plotti…
Last reply by rouke, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I've got a newby question, I've made a few web applications (for school) but never actually had to host it to the outside world (I think the term is - publish), meaning I now have a web application and I need to allow other users (non-local on my systems) to access the webpage - pretty typical requirement I am sure. This is what I have done so far... - Created a webpage using VS2005 (ASP.NET 2.0) on some folder on my F:\ drive - Converted the project to VS2008 (ASP.NET 3.5) and continued development - Tested it and it runs perfectly fine (using LocalHost) - Moved the Project Folder to C:\inetput\wwwroot\Project - Installed (enabled) IIS7 (Vista Ultimate 64bit) …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 3 replies
We have a client that wants us to create a custom viewer for an electronic document that he is selling for hundreds of dollars. His document is in PDF format, which can be embedded in a project as a resource and displayed at runtime. However, the only way I can see to display it is to reference the Adobe Reader. If I do that, Adobe's interface gives everyone the ability to save the file or print the file. We need to cripple this system so that these documents can be viewed only, and they have to be viewed in our interface. Is there some way to do this? If we have to get away from PDF, what is another format that we could use?
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 1 reply
I've built an ASP.NET webproject (VS 2008) and tested it perfectly fine locally (via LocalHost) using "http://localhost:64474/Project/Default.aspx" when debugging in VS 2008. At this point everything runs fine. I then installed IIS7 (and ran asp_regiis.exe -i) tried to access it non-locally using "" (where that is the IP of my machine running IIS), again this seems to work perfectly fine (always on my local computer). So, now for the real test, I went to another computer on my LAN (w/Router) and tried the exact same thing "" and sadly it doesn't work "Internet Explorer Cannot d…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 1 reply
I am trying to find a way to display certain cells in RED or YELLOW based on specific criteria, ideally the cell itself could change color (it has to be very apparant) but in the worst-case a method of simply changing the color of the text would do - if there is no way to change the cell color. Specifically, I have a DataSet with a table like the following: [Date]-------[Type]--[Value] 11/20/2008---HEP-----10.1 11/20/2008---HAP-----7.8 11/21/2008---HEP-----12 11/21/2008---HAP-----100 11/21/2008---AAH-----2 (as an example) Currently I get the DataSet (SQL table) and then set it as a datasource to my GridView on my ASP.NET web page - this works great. Now I …
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 0 replies
Has anyone had any experience publishing ClickOnce applications on Terminal Services 2008? I wrote several ClickOnce applications for a customer that worked fine when they used Citrix. However, when they moved to Terminal Services 2008, the users would get an exception when trying to launch the application (Not exact, but the error message was something like: "The application validation did not succeed." Details -> The resource System.Deployment could not be found."). I have since changed the applications to Windows Installer packages, but this is a pain in the neck to update. I would love to go back to ClickOnce, but until this problem is resolved, no dice.
Last reply by kmoyle73, -
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Anyone know of a tool or how to poll an ftp site on the local computer to see if it's down and restart it if it is?
Last reply by Diesel, -
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