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Hello All i am new to ASP .NET and VB .Net In VB 6.0 we use Grids without bounding them to table I have a program in VB 6.0 which loads the Grids columns from a table and loads data from a query given to it and when the save button for the grid is pressed a collection was filled using the updated grid and saved to database I want to implement the same in web base application which i m developing is ASP .NET and VB .NET Can anyone tell me the logic to implement the above or a place where i can find this or bit alike the requirement i have I will be real thankful to you All Regards Khurram
Last reply by learner, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
Hi, I wanna generate a random alphanumeric in the following format: d4g2o5m3-u1q2-s7z9-z6o8-o3q2c2m5m2s9 So with your help, I wrote a public function like this: Public Function GenerateContactID() As String Dim MyRandom As New Random GenerateContactID = Nothing For MyLoop As Integer = 1 To 8 If MyLoop Mod 2 = 1 Then GenerateContactID = GenerateContactID + Convert.ToChar(MyRandom.Next(97, 123)) End If If MyLoop Mod 2 = 0 Then GenerateContactID = GenerateContactID + MyRandom.Next(1, 10).ToString End If Next GenerateContactID = GenerateContactID + "-" For MyLoop As Integer = 1 To 4 If MyLoop…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have some little experience with but I'm juste beginning with VS2008 and Linq. I'm trying to do a little control to manage a "User group" (allowing to add and remove users from the group). So I defined a GridView like this : <asp:GridView ID="GridUsers" runat="server" DataKeyNames="UserID" onrowdeleting="GridUsers_RowDeleting" > (with a "Delete" command field). And in the code behind I have the following databinding : GridUsers.DataSource = from u in DC.OJC_UserGroups_Users where u.UserGroupID == this.UserGroupID select new { u.UserID, u.User.FirstName, u.User.LastName }; GridUsers.DataBind(); But in the "GridUsers_RowDeleting" meth…
Last reply by IxiRancid, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, I'm Eelco and basicly new to visual basic. I want to create an pop3 connection to receive email. I'm that far that my application will connect to my pop3 account. But then what, how can i recieve what the pop3 does or say, i.e. when i'm connecting with USER user.(myname) pass.(mypass) and everything is ok. Then pop3 will send +OK back, how can I collect that within I thirst checked this out with TELNET and there I recieve +ok . Hope you guys can help me with this. Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim client As New TcpClient client.Connect("Pop3.wha…
Last reply by OcLee, -
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- 2 replies
I'm building a Setup and Deployment project in Visual Studio 2005. I need to place two (2) check boxes on the setup screen that allow me to place an icon on the desktop and another that launches the application after setup completes. 1. I don't know how to modify these forms that VS2005 gives me. 2. I don't know where to write code that modifies or reacts to any of the conditions from a check box. Where can I go for answers? C#, VB - it doesn't matter.
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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How do I get or create a trusted Certificate for the ClickOnce setting to sign my project? I'm using Visual Studio 2005, and it allows me to create a temporary test certificate. I don't see how to change it so that it reads something besides my domain and login name, and I don't see how to make it a trusted certificate by placing it "in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store." - even though I clicked "Select from Store..." Where can I find information on how to do this?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hi All! I have a query regarding the best practice when working with data driven MDI children... lets say that the user had a number of windows open, within one of these open windows I have a 'Receipts Total' text box which will give the total amount of all receipts held in the database. Now, from another MDI Child, the user selects a button which opens a window allowing them to add a new receipt to the system, this is simply a form and a save button... when the save button is clicked, a message box informs them that the new receipt is saved and the add receipt window is closed. My problem is that all MDI children will now need to be closed and reopened by the us…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
Windows Vista comes with a new feature called Default Programs (which replaces the Set Program Access and Default and File Types feature from Windows XP). This feature provides a way of changing program defaults, such as file and protocol associations and AutoPlay settings. To save us most of the trouble, David Kean has gone ahead and written a small wrapper around the IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI::LaunchAdvancedAssociationUI method, which displays the file association window for a particular application. The usage of this method is simple: System.Windows.DefaultApplications.ShowAssociationsWindow("Internet Explorer") Here is a link for the source code a…
Last reply by JumpyNET, -
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Hi All.. I have a windows Application 1.3 which has Uploading and Downloading work over http to local system as well as local system to http. My application runs through Web Service. I encoded Downloading and Uploading options through the Client Windows application itself. My problm is I am not able to check the File Existence over HTTP. Its throwing only exception if i do so. Its urgent. Pls help.. Thanks a lot in Advance..:D Regards., :) Vijay Daniel
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- *Experts*
- 6 replies
Hi, I am really new to & trying this first time. I want to update my huge database using SQLdataadapter. I am using following codes which gives me no error but does not make any changes either to my database. Please help..... Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Try SqlDataAdapter1.UpdateCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE dbo.MKTest SET ID = @ID, Lname = @Lname, Fname = @Fname WHERE (ID = @Origi" & _ "nal_ID) AND (Fname = @Original_Fname OR @Original_Fname IS NULL AND Fname IS NUL" & _ "L) AND (Lname = @Original_Lname OR @Original_Lname…
Last reply by robertsams23, -
- Leaders
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How do you check to see if a file exists or not?
Last reply by j_vijaydaniel, -
- 3 replies
Is there anyway to convert a word document to a pdf document in vb .net without an expensive addin? Thanks, Chester
Last reply by tfowler, -
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What's the most efficient way to read a portion of data from a 100MB file, where I already knew the starting position and the length I need? Thanks a lot, Alan.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 2 replies
Hi I am using the following code: Private Sub ReloadSelectionCriteria(ByVal userSelection As Hashtable) For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In userSelection CType(Controls(entry.Key), ComboBox).SelectedItem = entry.Value Next End Sub to loop through all the keys in a hash table. All the keys are the names of a valid combobox displayed on screen. What I am trying to do is to reflect the values chosen on the comboboxes on the parent screen through to the child screen. However, with the above code I am getting a NullReferenceException. Any suggestions? I believe that the problem is that my code cannot find the control on the wi…
Last reply by mike55, -
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- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me how to add multiple tables to a dataset? I'm having all kinds of problems trying to figure it out. Thanks
Last reply by robertsams23, -
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- 21 replies
Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up a piece of code that does the following. In a RichTextBox I add a series of numbers (each number on a different line). Then I press the add butting a foreach loop reads the first line and starts a new forach loop. this new loop sees wether the number is allready in the dataset. If so, a error is shown. If not, the loop continues and the number is added to the dataset. Then it starts over again with the next number, and so on. The propblem is, when I start debugging I get the messagebox stating that the loop was succesfull everytime, though no numbers are added to the dataset. Here is the code: private void btnNropslaan_Click(obj…
Last reply by mrpddnos, -
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My company is finally moving to Visual Studio 2008 for development. We have been developing .NET applications for a while now but have never settled the issue of whether we should still be using the Registry to store settings. Currently I am making use of user.settings to store user type things. But what should we do if we want to have common settings that several applications that exist in different directories (i.e. different products) need access to? Should we continue to utilize the Registry or is there some accepted way of sharing settings? I just remember hearing things about the Registry going away in the future, so I want to plan accordingly if that is …
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 1 reply
I want to do something like this: 'create a dataset and a table Dim ds As New DataSet ds.Tables.Add("TestTable") ds.Tables("TestTable").Columns.Add("Names", System.Type.GetType("System.String")) 'create a test row Dim TestRow As DataRow = ds.Tables("TestTable").NewRow TestRow.Item("Names") = "hello world" ds.Tables("TestTable").Rows.Add(TestRow) 'attach dataset to report Dim dsname As String = "Dataset1" Dim rs As New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource(dsname, ds.Tables("TestTable")) ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rs) 'attach dataset to table on repo…
Last reply by daviddoria, -
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I have a datetimepicker control which is set to display time in hh:mm format. The format property is set to custom and the ShowUpDown setting to True. Is there any way I can set the limit of time in the control from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM? Any suggestions will be great appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by cus129, -
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I have a datagridview which has its first column of button field. There is another column called "Fee" which can be - ontime or late. I want to disable button for that row in the datagrid which has Fee as "ontime" and enable button when fee is "late" during the datagrid load or cell formatting event. Any ideas of how can I approach on this? Thanks.
Last reply by cus129,
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