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I'm trying to declare a std::map that is keyed by a char and has a function pointer as a second parameter, these functions would be a member function of my class. But for some odd reason I cannot call the functions when extracted... So, I have a class A as shown below, it contains a map as well as a function class A { private: map<char, void (A::*)(void)> mapA; public: void func(); [/Code] Next I have main code that looks like this: [Code] A::A() // constructor { // Generate User Options mapA['a'] = &A::func; } [/Code] Now, I try to execute func by extracting it from the map and running the function: [Code] map<char, voi…
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
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Hello, I just registered this forum while surfing and I�m curious about what you think about Bing. According to some news it already started to overtake Yahoo. But it seems to me they can�t beat Google. I think more creative ideas and some vision is needed to overtake Google. Besides of that there�s adsense and adword industry. Google is creative and established firm, Bing brings nothing new to us. If Google creates linux based operating system, maybe they can overtake Microsoft?
Last reply by Ranana_Poette, -
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- 4 replies
I need to access our company's website database from a PC using a Windows Form. We are using VS2008, but current policies restrict us to development under Framework 2.0 (i.e. VS2005). How would I connect to a website's database? Is it just a special connection string or do I need to do more? Questions for further down the road: Our installer uses a Verisign security key that we purchased. 1. Will people see a Windows Firewall message asking them to accept or reject the connection? 2. Can an Installer add this firewall exception (to prevent #1 above)?
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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- 11 replies
Hi all. This is the first time I'm working with the fingerprint scanner myself. I believe it kinda works the same as all the others, it reads your fingerprint into a byte array, then I need to convert it to a system image to put it into a picturebox, or save it on a harddrive as a jpg. I'm getting the error "Parameter is not valid." When I am trying to convert to image. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and I'm not quite sure what. Can someone please help me in the right direction? Public Declare Function AET60_Capture Lib "AET60.dll" (ByRef Template As Byte, ByRef TemplateLength As Integer, ByVal TimeOut As Integer) As Integer Public iRetcode As Integer Priva…
Last reply by JohanPrinsloo, -
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- 6 replies
Hello I'm building an application with a connection to a MDB database (access). I've build the code like this: IniFile ini = new IniFile("test.ini"); database = ini.IniReadValue("Info", "Database"); connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + database + ";User Id=admin;Password=;"; SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sCommand = "select * from Klanten"; But i'll get an error.. .Net said that the string is not correct. On an other part of the program i use this code: database = ini.IniReadValue("Info","Database"); connectionString = @"Provider=Microso…
Last reply by robertsams23, -
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- 4 replies
The standard Windows form starts with Main(). What is the benefit to starting my application this way: [sTAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); } as opposed to this way? [sTAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Form1 form = new Form1(); form.ShowDialog(); } Also, I've looked up what a STAThread is (Single Threaded Apartment), but I don't really understand what it is or why I should be using this instead of something else. The help for it says it pertains to applicat…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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- 8 replies
I have a test application that sends data from a new thread back to the main thread. I would prefer to use the BackgroundWorker class (which is perfect for doing this), but I can not, as explained in my earlier thread No BackgroundWorker Allowed. I designed the custom class ThreadParameter (below) with a delegate and a corresponding an event. The event, in turn, is intended to Invoke the method in the main thread; however, whenever the method in the main thread is called and I attempt to access one of the controls on my form, I get an InvaidOperationException telling me that I can not access the control from a thread other than where it is owned. I thought I was! So…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 3 replies
Hey there, Some serious problem occurred the other day. I'm building a reporting module. At the moment I have a .NET Application which consists of several buttons to the right side of the form. on the mid - left side there is Word 2007 hosted in a panel. The .NET Application loads a .NET DLL for some functionality for those buttons. Word loads a specific template which strips most of the ribbon and adds our own buttons and controls. (With VBA Scripts). These buttons calls the same .NET DLL as the application. Now I need to have access to a patient Identifier (for now perhaps more fields later on) which resides in the .NET DLL. I made a simple class EccPatientManager …
Last reply by DPrometheus, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I want to get the controls inside a tab page or group box which is in a windows forms in C#. Ex: foreach(Controls ctrl in tabPage1.controls) { if(ctrl is Label) { my code is here } } Above code is the written by me for accesing Label Controls in my form.But i cant retreive Label Control Because it is inside the tabpage. Is there any solution for this without specifying Groupbox1.Controls or tabpage1.controls Plesae help me with the code Thanks Subash
Last reply by DPrometheus, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, First let me say that I am in need of som help. I have a small but complicated excel file I need to convert to I am not a experienced programmer in vb....I am experieneced in PLCs... Therefore I will need to be spoon fed most of the information....I am trying to learn but time is short and thus I am asking for you help.... Please see attached Excel File........... Optimize
Last reply by opister, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have listview and Textbox in a winform.Listview contains more than 10 items.I want to search listview items with textbox.text values.How it is Possible? Thanks Subash
Last reply by iMP, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to make it possible to drag & drop reorder items in a listview by groups, and I have one problem; Is there any way to determine which group is under the cursor in a ListView control? Just like GetItemAt for items, only for groups? I've searched the net but couldn't find anything :confused: When I drop items I get the group from the item it dropped upon, but when there's a empty group, I need to be able to get the header from that group or anything to determine which group it shall be placed in 0.o.. Any help is appreciated! :) Cheers
Last reply by iMP, -
- 0 replies
I have an add-in program that has several forms. When the program is done with one form, it automatically goes to the next method it needs. (Word add-in). My problem is this...When I hit cancel, I want it to stop all actions with-in my add-in. Right now, if I hit cancel, it just continues to the next method. I want to cease all actions, and undo what was done essentially. Enivronment.Exit(exitcode) doesn't work because it closes Word all together. I want it to just spot the add-in from moving to the next method. Any suggestions?
Last reply by mypicturefaded, -
- 1 reply
I am using VS2008 in VB. I am sending some data (about 20 characters) using the serial port. Unfortunately, there is always a delay of about one second. How can I force the send to initiate immediately.
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, This is puzzling me for some time now. In the old days when I was writing code in VB6 the version information and build info was automatically inserted in the new dll that you build. But now in C# when I build a dll with tlb file(COM) the same version is visible in the properties of the dll. My question now is how can I get the major, minor and build information in the dll. So every time I build the dll a new build is generated. Thanks, Cire
Last reply by feurich, -
- 0 replies
I have a datagrid that has a checkbox column defined: </asp:TemplateColumn> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Email" Visible="True"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="cbEmailed" Runat="server"> </asp:CheckBox> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> I have a function (called on page load for testing) to check for the values as changed by the user: For Each dgi In myDataGrid.Items Dim myCheckbox As CheckBox = CType(dgi.Cells(6).Controls(1), CheckBox) If myCheckbox.Checked Then 'do the work …
Last reply by sconard, -
- 0 replies
I've got a really nice routine I wrote with a BackgroundWorker, it works beautifully, and reduces the time of looking up my parts in our database from 4 seconds to under 1 second. At the heart of my BackgroundWorker is the DoWork delegate. It looks up information from 5 different tables in our database, but instead of processing that data, the data is transferred to the ProgressChanged delegate so the DoWork delegate can go on to query the next table. When the entire process is finished, the RunWorkerCompleted delegate displays the result of all the information to my form. I want to use this time saving technique on my Windows Mobile applications. I know this messag…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
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I have this VBScript that I am trying to convert to C# and I am a little stuck on what I should be doing. Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0") Request.async = false with Request.appendChild(Request.createElement("fnApiRequest")) .setAttribute "cmd", "QueryLibrary" end with with Request.documentElement.appendChild(Request.createElement("library")) .setAttribute "name", "name of database" .setAttribute "user", "username" .setAttribute "password", "userpassword" end with with Request.documentElement.appendChild(Request.createElement("query")) .text = "myquery" end with ' send request Set HTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1") HTTP.setT…
Last reply by mypicturefaded, -
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Is there a way to extend the functionailty of a data grid cell so that it can contain a checked list box. We have an application where a parent/child relationship exists and the child records have a field that is best suited with a checked list box (it is a bitmap enum value). Or if anyone has come across a similar sitiaution and can offer a suggestion regising how to implement such a field hat would be great. Thanks Tim Smith
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
hi all, i am new to crystal reports and i have come accross one situation in developing reports, in one of my report we are publishing the data which contains previous 4 yrs data also the report contains the colums yr1, yr2, yr3, cur yr, group and current yr average fine here the last two colums are common for all. so after developing the report it should show the data of remaining colums(yr1,yr2,yr3 and current yr which will change) with the last two colums are not disturbed can any one tell me which control or how can i achive this
Last reply by laxman,
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