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- 3 replies
Hey All, I am currently near the end of a piece of software built for a company. I have just come over one problem that i cant seem to get the answer too. When my program come up with an error (like it cant find a file for example) it sends the error message and a screen shot to my company email. while it is sending this email it freezes the program and then continues after it has finished. i want it to display a form which i have already created that tells the user an error report is being sent, but not freeze the program while it sends the email. can anybody help? Thanks alot Bluejag.
Last reply by bprashanth, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I never wrote a plug-in for Office products, but this is a very useful thing... This is what I want: In outlook 2007 when user right clicks on an email message and select one, a menu item should be added with a custom name, and when user select it, it runs my program with a command... I also need the headers of selected email to be sent to me... But this is long and cannot be sent via commands yes? Please help me... Thanks.
Last reply by VBOfficer, -
- 3 replies
hi all, can anyone help me on how to attach a database to my application in vs 2008, and the code used to access the attached database
Last reply by bprashanth, -
- 0 replies
The following is the code that uploades a bytearray into a file DSN on our mainframe. It works very well. What I want to do is upload the jcl which should then start to execute. That's the part I am stuck on. I used to be able to do it through WININET, but I want to get away from that and use the better FTP commands in Public Shared Sub UploadToMainFrame( _ ByVal ftpHost As String, _ ByVal ftpMainframeDSN As String, _ ByVal UserName As String, _ ByVal Password As String, _ ByVal DataToUpload As String) Dim ftpRequest As FtpWebRequest Dim ftpFullMainframePath = String.Format("ftp://{2}//'{3}'", ftpH…
Last reply by lauriemc, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
string versus String ! I have a question (a little embarrassing because I see it so late), what is the difference between String and string ? not in the way that String is a Class and string is a reference type. But rather how to think about them in the term of uses. I searched and find this piece of gold, but I don't know how to use it very well: Use "String" to refer specifically to the String class. Use "string" when referring to an object of the String class. How to use them, accordingly? thanks again.
Last reply by q12, -
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- 10 replies
My question is how to create this: for an existing object a new custom property? "existing object"= an object control in general (ex: a textbox) "new custom property"= by default this control "textbox" have this property: textbox.Hide(); ...and many other properties off course,but I snipe to this particular one, only. In what way? Well, I want that a single button to have a custom property write by me, named "myHideShowProperty" that can do 2 things in one package, I mean that when I click once, "Show" that textbox ; and when I click one more time it "Hide" that textbox, then when I click once more it "Show" a textbox,and so on. In the end, the code I imagine that…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
I've written a Print Screen routine that captures *all* of the information displayed by my project (2 or 3 forms), saves it to a defined image type in a folder that the operator selects, then displays the image in an external viewer. My operators, however, are still trying to use the "Print Screen" key and pasting their images on their own because they forget that my tool is there. So, I want to capture the "Print Screen" key. I've written these two routines and wired them to the MDI Form, but they never fire: void MdiForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.PrintScreen) { ScreenCapture(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFold…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 2 replies
hello gurus! :) i am new to and i am now exploring the some of the controls in :) i have a problem with regards to autocomplete in 2005 in my textbox, i set the AutoCompleteMode to "SuggestAppend" and i have filled my AutoCompleteCustomSource. the autocomplete works but with one problem.... i have a problem with regards to "/" character in my attachment when you type "A"... and your succeeding characters is with "/" character... it will not display the rest of the characters... for example, "A. VALVE 1/2 X 3/4" in textbox will display "A. VALVE 1/". i would like to ask also about displaying "ENTER KEY/vbcrlf" in datagridview...…
Last reply by bprashanth, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am developing an editor program using rtb in Now, i hav added some controls in it using rtb.controls.add statement and i want to scroll these controls with scrollbar(vertical). Is it possible to do it? if yes then how can i start?
Last reply by roontange, -
- 1 reply
When I try to update my database I get the following error "Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows" which seems to suggest that I dont have an insert command in place - but I do. This is a snippet of my code" 'get data row to pass accross Dim tblSystem As DataTable Dim drCurrent As DataRow tblSystem = DesignData.Tables("Systems") drCurrent = tblSystem.Rows(0) 'reopen connection to master table Dim conn As OleDbConnection = DesignConnection() conn.Open() Dim sql As String = "Select * from Systems" 'create data adaptor Dim daSystem As New OleDbDataAdap…
Last reply by bprashanth, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I use Visual Basic .NET 2008 and want to create a new Excel workbook and save data into it... I was using this code for Excel 97-2003 workbooks and it just works fine: --- Dim ExcelString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + FileTextBox.Text + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" Dim ExcelConnection As New OleDbConnection(ExcelString) ExcelConnection.Open() Dim ExcelCommand As New OleDbCommand() ExcelCommand.Connection = ExcelConnection ExcelCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE Sheet1 (Email Char(255))" ExcelCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ExcelCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Sheet1 (Email) Values ('" + MyReaders("Email").ToString +…
Last reply by VBOfficer, -
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- 1 reply
Hi, I need to parse a specific date format, as fast as possible, since there are around a million of them I need to parse in a go. The date format looks like this: "7/30 17:15:39.140" "7/30 10:07:03.156" After searching for an example on the MSDN I found this: [CSharp] string dateString, format; DateTime result; CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; // Parse date and time with custom specifier. dateString = "Sun 15 Jun 2008 8:30 AM -06:00"; format = "ddd dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt zzz"; try { result = DateTime.ParseExact(dateStr…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 7 replies
Dear all, I am trying to complete a project. My task is to read large TXT files (300 files, 2.2 GB in total) read the customers inside, perform some data calculation and write each customer data to a separate txt file. I made a code in VB6, it runs fine, however it takes 8 days to run on a quadcore processor, utilizing 20-30% of the CPU. Now I upgraded the code and am running on VB.NET 2008, the latest version. The speed still remains the same, and the CPU usage is also about the same. Anyway I can make this process faster. I have a quadcore PC with 8GB of ram, possible to maybe make VB utilize all the CPU say 100%? so it executes atleast 2 to 3 times faster. …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have written a .NET 2.0 component (.dll) which I am creating a setup for it. The hard thing is that I wanna create a Toolbox in the target system Visual Studio Toolbox. I wanna create this Toolbox at the installation time. Anyone knows a way to do this both for VS.NET2005 and VS.NET2008? I found 2 ways: Creating a .vscontent and .vsi file and execute it, which has 3 problems: Cannot run in silent mode - cannot create a custom named toolbox - my dll is not digitally signed and it will show a warning box, non acceptable! 2nd way is: But it's only for VS.NET2005 and VS.NET2008 is not …
Last reply by DPrometheus, -
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- 2 replies
hi all, i am newbie to and i need some help. i just wanted to create an application,something like changing the color of the image or changing the image itself.For example the application will contain the image of an house and all i wanted to do is if the client request i should be able to change the pattern of that house,color of that house and also if the client requests i can able to change the house to another one.once i click on the image i must be able to change the color,pattern,etc. i request all of the members to help me out,bcz this is the first application which i am going to create thanks in advance regards Mohseen:)
Last reply by syed mohseen, -
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- 1 reply
Hi new to the forum and programming with vb2008, hope u can help. :D I have a text document that stores around 200 commands ,each on its own line with a value of either 0 or 1 after them. This determins if that command is ON or OFF. I need to be able to manipulate the on/off values for 5 specific commands using a check box to say "turn this one on" if box is marked. or vice-versa. ie in the text file test_example1 0 test_example4 1 test_example3 1 test_example2 0 test_example9 0 The 5 commands are not always on the same line in the text file, and this is the only way I could find to make this work. So is there a way i can get this to look for t…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
I have an application that I have written for my application distributed throughout the company to send data to me through our Windows 2003 server (running IIS 6.0). Small text messages get through, but larger messages containing more data (about 20 KB) are not getting through. I set the byte buffer to the TCP Client�s buffer size. I noticed that my data was being received on the server; however, it only looped through the receive routine once, and my large files were always exactly the size of the buffer size, or 8 KB on our server. In other words, my code only makes it through one loop before the server closes the socket connection. Thinking there might be an issu…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 1 reply
Currently when users launch my .msi installer to install my application if they dont have .net 3.5 it will direct them to I would rather change that link to something else so it goes directly to the download which I know how to do, but Im not sure which fire to refer them to... When you go to the above link it has a page for .Net 3.5 SP1 which is: But this file is only 2.3mb... is this what I need to refer them to?
Last reply by Lanc1988, -
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I am trying to upgrade a small application that simply downloads a file from my website (an update basically) and then when its finished it launches the install for the update. The program works fine in 2003 with .NET framework 1.1 and when I upgrade to 2.0 it appears there are no problems but when I run the program it doesnt work at all and it doesnt give me any clues where the problems are. I've attached the program. Someone else wrote this code for me a couple years ago so I can only kinda follow along with it. Hopefully the fix is something simple. This program is a small part of a larger project that I have already converted to 2.0 and it works fine b…
Last reply by Lanc1988, -
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I often get calls from a friend of mine's company saying "ahhh our email is not working!". I thought I could write a program that would test a few things that they could run and have easy answers to my questions when they call. Things like "Is your internet connection alive?", "can you send mail but not receive it?", etc. Testing the outgoing mail seems easy: Try Dim EmailFrom As String = "" Dim EmailTo As String = "" Dim EmailSubject As String = "Test" 'compile report Dim EmailBody As String = "test" Dim email As New Net.Mail.MailMessage(EmailFrom, EmailTo, EmailSub…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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