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I am getting an error when trying to build. Error is that ReneApp.Item does not contain a definition for Item and no extension method 'Item' accepting a first argument could be found. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am new to C# and this is my first try at a program. // ReneApp.cs using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ReneApp { // Describes an item in the list: public struct Item { public string Status; // Status of the item. public string Title; // Title of the item. public string Series; // Series the item is in. …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
Im am trying to solve a simple problem: in my DirectX9 application (VB.Net) I draw a simple lit cube using trianglestrip and a grid (just like every 3D editing software) using linelist. But when move the camera in the opposite position to look at the cube from behind, the grid is drawn in front of the cube, even it should be behind it. In code, the grid is drawn first and the cube is drawn afterwards. When i change the order, it doesn´t help, except that the grid visibility is inverted against the first case. Seems like lines are not depth-tested. How do I properly combine solid geometry with lines?
Last reply by bufer24, -
Hi, I have a text file with exactly 2 lines! I can read the whole file with System.IO.File.ReadAllText, but this will return both lines! How should I get the 1st and 2nd line separately? Thank you :)
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I understand that DirectX has no primitives for such task. I also understand that the circle should be done with the Line object, through connected segments. But all examples I've found so far are in c++; Come someone one help me? Thanks
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Have a strange issue. I am running Windows Vista Ultimate 64, VS2008 Ajax 3.5. I downloaded the sample site and it works great. When i try to create my own page it does not work so well. I started with just the validatorcallout. It shows up, but if I click my button again it keeps adding another validatorcallout to the page. Also, it does not show up next to the control, it goes to the bottom of the page. I can not find anything on this anywhere and can not figure out why it works in the sample code but not when I do it. i even tried to copy/paste the sample site code and I still get the same weird issues. Please help.
Last reply by nate, -
- 9 replies
The new DataGridView is really slow. :( The old MSFlexGrid was super fast compared to it's new replacement. Is there a way how I could speed up the DataGridView or am I the only one experiencing this problem? Or is there an alternative? PS: I'm using VB 2005 Express and I don't need the database features.
Last reply by rocket, -
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Why shouldn't I use public variables inside a class?
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 1 reply
I'd like to get some notification when I get an email from a certain sender. Just a beep will do. I'm using Outlook Express and can't find any way to achieve that with that programme, so it looks like some coding may be necessary. Two approaches come to mind : 1. Get a reference to Outlook and keep checking that for the new email; and 2. Add a rule in Outlook to move the relevant messages to a folder. There will then automatically be created a dbx file for such messages. If I monitor changes to that file (hopefully I can just get hold of its last modified property), that will tell me that a new message has arrived. I think I prefer 2. Can anyone give me any pointer…
Last reply by rbulph, -
- 1 reply
Hello, for three days now, I have been working with DirectSound, and have ran into a pretty big issue. I cannot figure out how to return a byte array from the SecondaryBuffer, I understand how to create the secondary buffer from a memory stream but not vice-versa, I need to either: A: Read the SecondaryBuffer to a Memory stream. B: Read the SecondaryBuffer to a Byte array. Here is what I have so far (please let me know if there is anything I can improve): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Class DSound2 Public DSDevice As DirectSound.Device Public DSBuffers As New List(Of DirectSound.Secondary…
Last reply by Fabian_Russ, -
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I'm using SendMessage with WM_CLOSE to close some Firefox windows. I have several Firefox windows open concurrently and it's easier to do it like this than by closing the windows manually. But, while SendMessage closes the windows, it doesn't actually seem to shut Firefox down. Firefox continues to be shown in the Task Manager. This leads to errors when I want to reopen Firefox. How do I ensure that Firefox closes when I close all of its windows?
Last reply by rbulph, -
- 3 replies
Hey, Does anyone have any information on to how I could go about rendering HTML and making my own CUSTOMIZED webbrowser. I don't like stealing DLLs and other objects from other browsers. I would like to make my own browser, Some of the big questions I would like to ask is : What object can I render this in? Is it a 100% coded from scratch object? Is it Possible to even Render HTML in VB? ppl say VB is Crap covered in Icing. And I really don't want to switch to C++. So.. Well.. Thats about it.. ANY ANSWER is helpful! :D. If you would like to get in touch with me then add me to messenger at : or email me at : Fabian.Russ@comcas…
Last reply by Fabian_Russ, -
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Hello, I've created a Tetris game using DirectX and VB.NET. At first, it was intented for our chat channel. Finally, I converted it in English and here it is. Most comments are in French and most of the code is in English (don't ask me why). I know that some things could have been done differently and others could have been added. This is my first real VB.NET application and my first DirectX game. Please read ReadMe.txt before doing anything. Enjoy! :) Download below
Last reply by Fabian_Russ, -
- 0 replies
Hi friends, I'm developing a software but a problem came up. I want to print paper of size 8 by 6 in. this is not a standard paper size in crystal report. Its a continuous paper. I want to define custom size through Vb.Net Please Help. :(
Last reply by danzz4ualways, -
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Hello Everyone, Im new to VB .NET, and im working on an application where the user types the lap times in and then the program has to store this data into array everytime the button is clicked. Now, I can do that, but what I can't do is to then menually sort them out, so that the fastest will be at the top and display them as a list in a label. With no built-in functions. Can anyone please post an example of how this is possible. Thanks.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
[PLAIN]Re: LoadUserProfile not creating local user profile when it does not exist [C#][/PLAIN] Split from Hi Shaitan00 I have converted the code to C# and the logon works ok, but the LoadUserProfile fails , saying the account does not have the require priv's What exact problem did you have with the enums? Thanks
Last reply by LEVANTER, -
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I'm having a really annoying issue. I have a form that has several panels on it, and the innermost panel has a picturebox in it with a few labels on top. It looks fine when I look at the form. When I use the printform control to print the form, however, for some dumb reason the picturebox gets sent to the front and it covers all the labels! Even if do picturebox1.sendtoback right before I call the print method, it's still on top. It's so frustrating! Just stay back there, please. I realize that I have the option to draw an image of the form and print that, but unfortunately this program is massive and that makes it take so much longer. Also, I need this to p…
Last reply by t3hpimpz0r, -
- 1 reply
How can we connect to Microsoft Access , Foxpro , Oracle etc ?...
Last reply by DPrometheus, -
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Hi all, i have a problem with the code below. Basicaly i have an integer that i need to convert to binary and show the results in check boxes. The code below takes the integer, converts it to a binary string, then depending upon where the "1"s are, will check the apropriate check box on the UI. The binary number returned has a max of 16 digits and a min of 0, so hence the 16 checkboxes. The problem i am having is the code runs fine counting down from the left most "1" (int32768) with all the others to the right as "0"s. Halfing the int each cycle should result in the "1" moving along the checkboxes until it reaches the right most position. But its working fine …
Last reply by EccentricDyslex, -
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Hello all i need little help. I Want to delete a line in txt file with C# Like ; When i type "google" in textbox and press delete button my program deletes "google" line in txt. is it possible ? Thanks for your help.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Greetings, Does anyone knows where i can find simple example for VideStore using ASP.NET in C#. Cheers,
Last reply by edelwolf,
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