- 1 reply
Hi, I hope someone can help me. The solution is probably very simple, but I'm not very good with Javascript and need some help with this problem... I have a user control LoginTable that has my username and password fields on it. This user control sits on a web page, Login. (It's set up this way because the viewstate toggles for the logintable.) Anyway, all I'm trying to do is set the focus on the username textbox. I have a user control base class for all my control methods. I've tried putting the below code there and calling it from my user control, but it's not working. If I quick watch the control, it shows the textbox name, but when the aspx page loads, it doesn't set…
Last reply by kahlua001, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
how can i always show the shotcut in contextmenu? Sometimes you can see the underlines, sometimes not....
Last reply by ThienZ, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
hi to all, i'm developing a web application with and i want people to buy images online. they add what images they want and have to methods of getting the images. 1º) wants to receive them ate home (no problem here) 2º) wants to download them. the second point is where i have some problems. i want to create a zip file on runtime with the images the client perchased a allow them to download that file. but how do i create the zip file? i'm a little lost and would appreciate some help thx to all
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 14 replies
Uhm....I've looked and looked and to my dismay can not find out how to personalize my Visual Studio .NET 2003 editor. I want to change the background color, syntax colors, etc. Now don't get me wrong - I've looked at the help files. I guess it's a snake ready to bite me. :( Could someone (gently) help me with this? :rolleyes:
Last reply by Richard Crist, -
- 2 replies
I have a 2 listboxes :- listbox1,listbox2 in a form that is databound I've set the Listbox Data Bindings via the following code: listbox1.DataSource = mydatatable listbox1.DisplayMember = "text" listbox1.ValueMember = "value" I have set the selection mode to multipleextended. Now when i loop thro the selected items i want to get the value of each of the selected item and populate Listbox 2 with the selected item and its value. How do i got about doing this. I know that i can get the all the selected items using the listbox1.selectedindices. But my problem is how do i get the value of the each selected Item. Can it be done with the valuemem…
Last reply by diya, -
- 1 reply
How can I get the handle of the window that was last focused on before my program got focus? And, how can I get that handle while my program is running too? For instance, say I have two MS Word applications running, WORD1 and WORD2. If I click on WORD1, then start my program, I want to get the handle of WORD1. Now, while my program is running and I click on WORD2 and click back to my program, I want the handle of WORD2. Can this be done? I've used the GetForeGroundWindow API in my Main() method of my program to get the last window, but I really need to be able to get it while my program is running too...
Last reply by kasdoffe, -
Could someone just clear this up please? Dim frmEdit as new frmEdit frmEdit.Show() 'Do i need this? Or does closing the form do this automatically? frmEdit.Dispose() Also if i am calling my own (simple codebased) class from within a module, do i need to dispose it? If so how? Thanks.
Last reply by Jay1b, -
- 0 replies
Hello I'm having a problem with a web service and a client that communicates over HTTPS. The problem is that the Application_BeginRequest of the web service does not seem to be fired when I access it more than once. This would imply some sort of caching going on (see here) but this blog states that when the communication is on a secure channel, such as HTTPS, no caching will take place. I was thinking that maybe it's the client (a winapp) that does the caching. Does anybody know if this is possible, and if so, how do you stop it. This doesn't really sound plausible to me though, after all what would be the point of client side caching of a web service? Anyways…
Last reply by kilobyte, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, Say you need to develop a complex winform which contains many buttons, textboxes, labels, datagrids etc. When the user clicks on button A, you need to enable/disable, set the visibility of some other controls. For button B, you do similar stuff. private void btn_A_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ControlA.enable = true; ControlB.enable = false; ... } I find this style of programming is error-prone, ie very easily you will forget to handle some of the controls. Worst still, if you later need to add an extra control, you need to insert private void btn_A_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ControlA.enable = true; ControlB.enable …
Last reply by Tygur, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
Hi, How do I save my favorite color to the Registry and then use it for the color of a textbox?!? I tried oRegKey.SetValue("FavoriteBackColor", txtFavorite.BackColor.ToArgb, RegistryValueKind.DWord) txtFavorite.BackColor = CType(oRegKey.GetValue("FavoriteBackColor"), Color) but it doesn't work. "Integer can't be converted to Color" I'm told.... TIA /Kejpa
Last reply by kejpa, -
- 0 replies
Hi, First of all thank you very much for your post related to MSDE, which helped me a lot when I faced problems with MSDE Now I would like to do some practice with the ASP.Net samples, but I don't get the most important Northwind database with MSDE. Where I can get the Northwind database scripts? Can anyone post the scripts to me ? (Since It is a default sample database I feels that It will not be violating any intellectual properties) Thank you
Last reply by Rajeeshun, -
- 1 reply
I�m having trouble getting my database to update my radio buttons on my form. I�m saving a specific string to the database depending on which radio button is pressed. When the program runs, I click on the data grid the program reads what the string is and the radio buttons get updated as expected. The problem arises when I click on the heading of the data grid and it gets resorted. Apparently, the currency manager still reads 0 for the top record, 1 for the next one down and so on. The text boxes on the form get updated just fine because they�re data bound, but no so for the radio buttons. I could really use some help from the experts.
Last reply by Mick Dugan, -
- 0 replies
I have a datatable that contains a calculated column in code. The way I save things to the databasse is abstracted. My code detects which columns have changed and creates an update command on the fly. The problem is I do NOT want to save the calculated column (it dosent exist in the database). Is there a way to detect if a column is a calculated column? I thought of checking to see if its expression value had something in it, but im afraid other programmers using my SQL code would put expressions in columns that really do exist in the database. The only other option I have is to read in the databases schema for the table and see if the column exists, but this requi…
Last reply by Phylum, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
I have forgotten how to do this and can not find out information on it to save my life. When my user clicks or tabs into a textbox, I want to select (highlight) all of the text in the textbox so that if they start typing, it delete what is in the textbox and put in what they are typing. Anyone have any ideas? Chester
Last reply by RobEmDee, -
- 4 replies
i am making an environment with application-wise authentication. users login into the menu program. from the menu program, it creates a new process to launch other applications. is there a way for me to pass in the user and configuration info into this new process as xml serialization objects instead of command line arguments?
Last reply by HJB417, -
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- 1 reply
How would one detect whether a drive contains a removable storage medium such as an optical disk in C#? I am implementing a design indexing all files on the local machine but am eager to avoid indexing files only in temporary use. Many thanx :)
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Leaders
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm working (playing) in and want to create a yin-yang symbol, using a few circles and a sine wave. Everything is OK except I can not find an easy way of filling in the black and white areas of the symbol. I did this program a while ago in previous versions of VB and just copied in an API reference that I found in a computer magazine article (PCW). Am I right in concluding that .net does not have a built in function for flood filling? If this is the case, isn't that kind of sad? :( Bit of an obvious oversight. I'd appreciate other's opinions. In the meantime, I'll try and find an example (probably right here) of that external floodfill in action. Tha…
Last reply by thenerd, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I've been reading over and over the threads that I can find and noticed alot of them say that MSFlexGrid is not supported in Is this true? Should I be using something else for importing database information into? I can get most of the flexgrids working properly, though there are a bit of issues that I have with what I am trying to do. Any advice etc, most appreciated. Cheers, SharkBait
Last reply by SharkBait, -
- *Experts*
- 3 replies
Visual Studio 2005 for game developers... It sounds interesting, I hope it's included in our MSDN licence so I can check it out...
Last reply by samsmithnz, -
- 1 reply
hi to all, i'm currently making an web aplication that uploads a directory of images to a database. That is done and now i want to stop the user to cancel the operation while it's running. My ideia is something like this Private Sub btnUpload_Click() Try put here code that will show the modal window For Each file In directory upload and insert in database Next file Close the modal window Catch ex As Exception response.write("ERROR") End Try End Sub my problem is how do i kill the modal window when the all fotos are uploaded and …
Last reply by kahlua001,
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