- 3 replies
Hi there, I host a site on which a lot of material is downloaded daily and I need to block download managers such as GetRight or Download Accelerator. I was just wondering if any of you have done something like this before, and knows how the best way to do it would be (either codewise: (positive) such as allowing only IE or Firefox, or (negative) stopping sessions with multiple threads, or some settings somewhere)
Last reply by michael_hk, -
- 1 reply
--Using [VS C#.NET]-- How do you configure the timeout value of a Socket? (InterNetwork, Stream, TCP). I need to configure it so that after X amount of idle time it disconnects. Can this be done via a socket property of somekind?
Last reply by HJB417, -
- 0 replies
Is there an easy way to transfore a data table in a array of bytes? I want to shoot an datatable by a socket. thank you ComCrack
Last reply by comcrack, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks, I am having a problem display dates in the windows forms datagrid. I am taking the data from a dataset and access where there are some dates re 00:00:00. I have tried setting the format field of the datacolumn to "d" but his has no affect. I have seen this on other forurms, but with no definitive working solution. :confused:
Last reply by donnacha, -
- Leaders
- 5 replies
Late Binding I have a program in VB.NET that requires that Option Strict be activated and it is giving me a late binding error. With Option Strict off there is not a probelm, however the requirement is that Option Strict be On. The code is a follows: Private Sub ContextMenu1_clicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim sendnoteid As Integer Dim tParent As String Dim tchild As String Dim tnote As String Dim i As Integer Try ' get group and replace active row cell with menu option tnote = UltraGrid1.ActiveRow.Cells(2).Value.ToString tParent = sende…
Last reply by lothos12345, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I have an xml schema file in my project called MySchema.xsd, but I can't figure out how to access it. What I want to do is load it, fill it with data, then save it, but I can't even figure out how to reference "MySchema" since it doesn't show up in the intellisense anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- *Experts*
- 5 replies
Wow, it's been a long time since I've visited this forum. I'm having some trouble filling an empty DataSet from an Access database. Here's the code (I intentionally changed the path in the connection string): private DataSet GetData() { OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(@"Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1;Data Source='Data path here';Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';"); OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(GetSql(), connection); DataSet data = new DataSet(); connection.Open(); adapter.Fill(data); connection.Close(); return data; } GetSql() returns a valid SQL…
Last reply by Bucky, -
Does anyone know of any websites where I can get free skin images?? Cheers Simon
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- 1 reply
i want to fill data to a strongly typed dataset fom excel. if i fill this strongly typed dataset with a sheet which has more columns than the typed dataset, these extra columns are put on the end of the typed dataset. example : my strongly typed dataset has 3 columns : name, address, id the excel sheet has 5 columns : name, birthdate, phone, id, email if i do this : OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"Data Source=" + filename + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"); conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]", conn); OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); adapter.Select…
Last reply by ThienZ, -
- 1 reply
i am confuse with "between" query in sql, now i have a form that will display the data retrieve from 3 tables. std and std1 is a global string variable. display = "SELECT s.*, e.* FROM Student s, Exam e, StdExam se WHERE " display = display & "s.StdCode = '" & std & "' BETWEEN " & "s.StdCode = '" & std1 & "' AND " display = display & "se.StdCode = s.StdCode AND se.ExamCode = e.ExamCode" mySqlCommand = New SqlCommand(display, mySqlConnection) myReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader can anyone help me to check what the mistake i made above?? it's cant work purposely in my program. :mad:
Last reply by Micah, -
- 5 replies
Hi! I've been a programmer for... allways :p but now I'm digging a little bit on C#. I'm facing a trouble that I don't know if it's me or if it's C#... I would like you to translate me this property to C#: Private at As New Hashtable Public Property value(ByVal key As Object) As Object Get Return at.Item(key) End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) at.Item(key) = Value End Set End Property Note: The main problem here its the property with arguments... Thanks Alex :p
Last reply by AlexCode, -
- 2 replies
hi how can i display an image in a Webform? i have used the Image-component from system.web.ui.webcontrols.image but the image i use in imageurl is not displayed! how can i display the image at runtime? please help me... greetz Apollo0130
Last reply by Apollo0130, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, i have a XML File who returns sometimes a text (ok no probleme there) and sometimes RTF format so i have this : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2060\b\f0\fs20 Environnement: les consommations d'\'e9nergie en R\'e9gion bruxelloise ont augment\'e9 de 15 pc entre 1990 et 2002 et les \'e9missions de gaz \'e0 effet de serre de 10 pc. Pour tenter d'inverser cette tendance, la ministre r\'e9gionale en charge de l'Energie, Evelyne Huytebroeck, a donn\'e9 aujourd'hui le signal de d\'e9part d'une campagne de sensibilisation aux \'e9conomies d'\'e9nergie et pr\'e9sent\'…
Last reply by Dnx, -
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
Hi, This is my first post on this forum :-p I develop using I need an advice on how to use the office integration... My next application need to go over multiple machines, with different software/hardware installed. The application need to open a word document, add some lines, print, ecc... The problem is that i need to integrate it with multiple versions of office (97,XP,2003... all!!!)... Is possible? There is a method? Very thanks :P
Last reply by masterx81, -
- 1 reply
I have 3 dropdownlists..having day, month and year respectively. When the page first load, the current date will appear.But when I do the selection, like choosing randomly for other date,nothing comes out when I click the Ok button; it does not trigger the selected value. --- If Issue_Month.SelectedValue = 2 Then If Issue_Day.SelectedValue = 29 Or Issue_Day.SelectedValue = 30 Or Issue_Day.SelectedValue = 31 Then strIssueDate = Issue_Month.SelectedValue & "/28/" & Issue_Year.SelectedValue End If Else strIssueDate = Issue_Month.SelectedValue & "/" & Issue_Day.SelectedValue & "/" &…
Last reply by penfold69, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
hi all my application use a web service but my machine can't add refrence to this web services coz i don't have permission for it only the machine that will host the Application which will be able to add refrence to it so if i take the web service wsdl file can i generate proxy class for it without adding refrence to it and how to do it and if i did that if i put my machine in the host pc can i communicate with the web service or not
Last reply by son, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I have am having a problem updating multiple rows of a dataset. I am using Visula; OleDB connection to an Access database. The table has four columns: Code, Priv_lvl, Prim_Key(autoincrement primary key), Account I run a search to fill at dataset & it retrieves two or more rows from the table. I modify the datarows with the needed data I set the parameters and commands I then run the update command. What happens is that all of the rows get updated with the last rows data. I am wondering if I have to allocate the correct data to the parameters or not? If I have to, how do I create an array of the same named parameter? The code would…
Last reply by SimDuck, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I want to pass to a sub in a web page class the address of a sub in that class like this MySub(addressof MyOtherSub) But how do I write the declaration of MySub As in something like public sub MySub(sub as Somethingorother) what is the "Somethingorother" to be?????? Please help rotsey
Last reply by Diesel, -
- *Experts*
- 3 replies
Of any sorts? ASP.Net is server side. For all it's good, it's not fully interactive in the sense of an Applet (be it on a webpage or it's own window). Is this possible in .net or not really?
Last reply by mutant, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to check if my application is already running in the system tray and if it is then bring it back to focus when I try to start a 2nd instance of my application. However, through some testing it appears that an application that is minimized to the system tray and not shown in the taskbar has no MainWindowHandle that can be used through an API to bring focus back to it? The MainWindowHandle of the process is 0. How can I bring focus back to the already running, minimized-to-tray application?
Last reply by Wraith,
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