- 4 replies
I have a microsoft axwebbrowser on my form and im trying to have it go to: but there is a script on that site that redirects it to, so is there anyway to prevent this that is kinda simple to do?
Last reply by michael_hk, -
- 1 reply
Can anyone tell me why when I try to create a seperator item in my menu I only get the "-"(hyphen) and not a seperator? I'm using VBExpress.2005.FrameWork(2.0).XP.HomeEdition! -Thanks.
Last reply by kurf, -
- 4 replies
Hi I want to create a sockets based chat and shared whiteboard web-based application in .Net. I want the following things to be implemented. Easy deployment. Easy to upgrade. Socket based. Loaded in Browser just like ActiveX control (as chat) Which language should be used. is there any way that the user doesnot need to install .Net framework. pls guide
Last reply by Mister E, -
- 0 replies
I have a .Net app installed on an IIS 5.0 server. When I attempt to browse to the start page the browser just appears to keep refeshing and never gets anywhere. When I check the web logs, I get an error 302: Object Moved. This works on my development server. I just can't get it moved to the production environment. Does anyone have any idea where I can even begin to look to solve this issue? Thank you!! Eva
Last reply by evaleah, -
- 1 reply
Currently, my app makes a HTTP request of the server, the server responds in XML (about 1400 records, two columns). The client receives the XML into a memory stream and then loads the memory stream into a dataset using ds.readxml(ms). The HTTP -> MemoryStream portion is very fast. It's done on average in about 2 seconds, but MemoryStream -> Dataset can take up 30 seconds and beyond. Question 1: Can this be sped up? Should the server respond with a different format? Perhaps some sort of preformatted dataset? Question 2: If using ds.readxml(ms) is the right way and I'm just going to have to live with the speed issue, is there a way to translate the progr…
Last reply by Alistair, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
I am trying loo through a ArrayList, but how do I get the length of the ArrayList, u know what in vbscript is Ubound(array). CartContent a = new CartContent(); ArrayList cardArray = a.GetCart(); foreach (?????){ PageMsg.Text += "Count this sentence to see how many elements"; }
Last reply by fasil, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
Hi, Have created a user control, with two grids. Each grid has a column of checkbuttons that the user can select, I also have declared two arrays: arrayGroups and arrayMembers, as strings (size = 1). Now when I click the first button on the form the following method should run Public Function retrieveSelected(ByVal dgName As DataGrid, ByVal arrayName As String) Dim rsc As MetaBuilders.WebControls.RowSelectorColumn = MetaBuilders.WebControls.RowSelectorColumn.FindColumn(dgName) Dim selected As Integer Dim selIndex As Integer Dim person As TableCell selected = 0 For Each selIndex In rsc.SelectedIndexes selected…
Last reply by mike55, -
I am using a listview (in detail view) that is given focus when the screen first loads. I would like the first item on this listview to be highlighted imediately, without any user intervention. Could someone please tell me how i could achieve this please? Thanks.
Last reply by Jay1b, -
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Hi all! Months ago I posted a thread where I was looking for a control that simulated a crossword grid. I found a similar one, but is writed in C#, i tried by myself to translate it, but always I get errors and more errors. What I want if someone could translate it (PLEASE! ), and post it here for all of us, these code is free, i found it throught google. If someone knows that these code is copyrighted or is private, please tell me, and i delete the post. The idea is to make a Vb.NET DLL. If someone could help me, I will be very happy ^^ Can someone help me? Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english.
Last reply by mauleTTT, -
- 0 replies
Ok, I'd like to read the title in the pdf file. I believe that it can be read using Adobe Acrobat 7 Type Library So I want to read GetInfo("Title") property, and I do not know how. Here are some VB6 samples (and acrobat 6.0) 'acrobat 5.0 Dim x As String x = InputBox("Enter complete path to PDF File") Dim opdf As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc Set opdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") opdf.Open (x) Dim y As String y = opdf.GetInfo("Title") MsgBox y Set opdf = Nothing 'acrobat 6.0 Dim x As String x = InputBox("Enter complete path to PDF File") Dim opdf As Object Set opdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") opdf.Open (x) Dim y As String y = opdf.GetI…
Last reply by mcerk, -
- 1 reply
i would like design to design the crystal report in landscape format, but i cant get the landscape format of the crystal report in how can i get the landscape format during design time
Last reply by pendragon, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
i have a textbox field that allow user to enter the stdcode, after user press enter, listview.selecteditem will according what the user enter in the textbox field, i have try this ListView1.SelectedItems(i).Text = textbox1.text but it's doesn't work, it's not highlight the selecteditems in listview1 can anyone tell me what wrong with my coding above? thank
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
I have a program that creates logfiles, by using the applications name, the date and time and then .log at the end for the logfiles filename. I want to retrieve a list of these logfiles. So far this successfully retrieves a list of ALL files in the directory, i need to match the name against the applications name and ".log" at the end of the filename. From my research i came up with something like this below, but it doesnt work. Could someone guide me in the right direction please? ' Create a reference to the current running directory. Dim DirBase As New DirectoryInfo(StartupPath) ' Create an array representing the files in the current …
Last reply by Jay1b, -
- 1 reply
--Using [VS ASP.NET]-- Given a dropdown list box (ddlDevice) filled with a Struct objects [DeviceInfo] as follows: struct DeviceInfo { public int nDevice_ID; public string sDevice_Short; public string sDevice_Address; public DeviceInfo(int pnDevice_ID, string psDevice_Short, string psDevice_Address) { nDevice_ID = pnDevice_ID; sDevice_Short = psDevice_Short; sDevice_Address = psDevice_Address; } } --- MAIN CODE --- DeviceInfo diInfo = new DeviceInfo(1, "Device1", "Home"); ddlDevice.Items.Add(diInfo.ToString()); [code] Now later on in my code I am trying to retrieve the INTEGER value (nDevice_ID) associated with the selected it…
Last reply by kahlua001, -
- *Experts*
- 3 replies
I have a class I'm exposing to the user via the PropertyGrid, so my property names have to make sense. One of the properties needs to be "Optional." Normally, the code in my class would simply be as follows... Private mbOptional As Boolean <System.ComponentModel.Category("Behavior"), _ System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(False)> _ Public Property Optional() As Boolean Get Return mbOptional End Get Set(ByVal vOptional As Boolean) mbOptional = vOptional End Set End Property However, the word "Optional" as a property name is not allowed since it's a reserved word. But it seems there should be a way to have a Property…
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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- 9 replies
When I load an image into a picturebox through code, the images quality is diminished. I have the same image loaded into a different picturebox from design time, yet its good quality. How do I preserve the quality when loading from an image list, during run-time? Thanks!
Last reply by jimbo2k, -
- 4 replies
I am using a DataView to Sort my DataGrid. I set the Datasource for the Datagrid to my DataView, then I bind my DataGrid. Works fine. If user selects another option, I would like to RE-Sort my already sorted DataGrid. In order to do this, I will need to obtain a DataTable to pass into the NEW DataView I am using C#.... DataView view2 = new DataView(DataGrid1.DataTable????,"TheCity='"+city+"', PlusMinus DESC",DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); [/Code] Obviously there is no DataGrid1.DataTable Property. Is there a way to extract a DataTable?
Last reply by Ice725, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to create a user control which will act as a menu list for users to click on. All the user control consists of is a panel, a table within the panel, 1 tablerow and multiple table cells for a horizontal look. However, the tablecells inside the usercontrol cannot be found ("Object not set to an instance of an object"). If I implement the same code within the page itself, without the usercontrol, it works fine. Here is my html: <code> <asp:Panel Runat="server" id="Panel1" style="Z-INDEX: 108; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 48px"> <asp:table id="Table2" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="X-Small"> <asp:TableRow Visibl…
Last reply by wsyeager, -
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- 2 replies
Any insight to what is causing the following error. A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly
Last reply by reagan123, -
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I have a smart client application that need to function fully in connected and disconnected modes. you can assume that critical components are downloaded when the application is connected to the network. Now this client is part of a multi-tier model. the clinet need to be deployed and the question is what one technology or combination of technologies can be used? Knowing that the client -deployed on pc or laptop-must: 1- have read/write access to the local disk 2- connect to an MSDE local databse server perform CRUD. Don't worry about synchronization. 3- When connected be able to download not just dlls but also new/updated document tepmplates (word, acrobat et…
Last reply by lottman2000, -
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