- 5 replies
tblSalesItems(SalesItemsPK[PK], SalesItemCode, DiscountPK[FK]) tblDiscount(DiscountPK[PK], DiscountPercent) I am designing my databases in MySQL. In the tblSalesItems, DiscountPK can be NULL due to no discount applied. So, this is mean "zero or one to many relation". But, everytime I perform insertion to tblSalesItems without DiscountPK, an error showing "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key contraint fails" Can you please let me know what is the problem?
Last reply by georgepatotk, -
- 0 replies
hi, is there a way to create an empty space (variable width) for another control in a ToolBar control? Such as a very wide separator? For example, in the VS.NET IDE the Debug/Release combo box is an example of this. Thx in advance for an answer.
Last reply by zildjohn01, -
- 0 replies
HI all! I am need to deploy the application directly from web site.How can i make the web installer using visual to install the application directly from web to the client machines like "yahoo messanger" online installation. Thanks in advance
Last reply by thiya, -
- 7 replies
hi, I am creating a Purchase ORder(PO) system using So it is basically a Master -detail system,with the PO header and the items in the PO. I am using a Datagrid to enter the details part of the form. When a user creates a new PO , I dont want the PO to be added to the Database (Sql Server), till the user clicks on the ADD button (since the PO has to be given a specific PO Number, which is given only when the order is added.) My question is , where can I save the items that are added to the datagrid , till the user clicks on the ADD button. (What technique should I use here) Remember that , a user may later decide to modify an already added PO , so the t…
Last reply by HJB417, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
hi all: In my application im using richtextbox control and need to display the word doc in the rich textbox control. How can i get the application folder path.I am trying to use following code RTxtEula.FileName = Application.excutablePath & "\EULA.rtf" but it has pointed the bin folder. Plz any one help me to overcome the issue. thanks in advance,
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- Leaders
- 1 reply
I want to get Highlighted Node from TreeView. TreeView.SelectedNode doesn't return the one highlighted. When you select node by left mouse button, SelectedNode is same as hightlighted Node. But, if you select it by Right mouse button, SelectedNode doesn't return the one hightlighted. How can I get it? Thank you all..
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 8 replies
I have an INSERT statement that looks like this: Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO ULogRec ( ULDate, ULTime, ULName ) " & _ "VALUES (@Dat, @Tim, @UName)" This works fine with an executenonquery statement. But, I want to use @@IDENTITY with an ExecuteScalar statement to retrieve the value of the row that I just inserted into the database and assign this value to an integer variable. The primary key of the table is an autonumber type. Any ideas? Thanks, Chester
Last reply by HJB417, -
- 3 replies
HI ALL: In my application, I need to restrict the user to enter the keyboard input to the combo box. when i was working in vb6 i had used the code: keyascii=0 in keypress event of combo box How can i acheive for combo box thanks in advance
Last reply by thiya, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
hi all, i have a question about inheritance of windows forms controls. is there any way to inherit from 'Control' and add functionality that all controls will have? For example if I inherit from 'Control' and add MyMember, is there any way to have a text box include MyMember also? So far I have been inheriting from every Windows Forms control and adding the same functionality, it seems there may be an easier way... Many thanks in advance for an answer.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 3 replies
Hi I have a master detail form (in that displays Purchase Order (PO) header and its details (Items). I load a dataset with the PO detail rows of the Purchase ORder (from a SQL database) and assign it as a datasource to a datagrid. For programming purposes (to track changes to each row) I add an Integer colum "ID" (autoincrement=true) to this Dataset AFTER I load it with the PO detail rows . (note:this column is not from the database table , but manually added ) The problem I face is that this column (ID) has NULL value for already existing rows (i.e. retrieved from the database). The field starts from 1 only for rows that are added after the page is …
Last reply by Rattlesnake, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
I was wondering what is the preferred or better method in .NET for type conversions? this way ? dim intNumber as integer textbox1.text = intNumber.toString OR? textbox1.text = Cstr(intNumber)
Last reply by michael_hk, -
- 5 replies
Hi, this is longwinded, but straightforward... please take a look... I'm trying to set up a website that will eventually be on its own url, but for now it is in development on my test machine. i want to include a file like this: <!-- #Include Virtual="/includes/"--> so when i'm finished, my real website would have this url to the include file: but here's the problem - right now its in a local virtual directory at: d:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite\includes\ and the virtual directory is set up in IIS to point to mywebsite, so i can view it at: http://localhost/mywebsite/…
Last reply by PWNettle, -
- Leaders
- 4 replies
Is there a way to repaint a form in VB.NET?
Last reply by AlexCode, -
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- 10 replies
I've been scratching my head for days trying to figure this out, but can anyone explain why even a simple application seems to hold on to resources after (supposedly) releasing them? To duplicate specifically, create a new windows application project and add two forms. On Form1 put a button and in the button's click event put the following code: Dim f As New Form2 f.ShowDialog() f = Nothing Step 1. Start the app. Step 2. Check memory usage at this point in Task Manager. In my case, it shows about 15,920. Step 3. Now click Button1 which will pop open Form2. Step 4. Check memory usage again. In my case, it shows about 16,416 - a slight increase…
Last reply by gotthedot, -
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- 3 replies
I'm curious. What are other people's memory usage for devenv.exe. I have a good amount of RAM (1 gig), so it wouldn't surprise me to see mine a little higher than average. I am currently workin on an app, though, and devenv.exe starts out at 25 megs (with my solution open). Each time I build and run a debug (windows forms app), the memory usage shoots way up (300+ megs after a few builds). This is causing other memory hungry apps (photoshop for example) to crash, and my PF usage is almost 700 megs.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- Moderators
- 5 replies
I had an interview and the company is upgrading their code. They said they have a VB6 application with 400+ Forms and they're thinking about upgrading to ASP.Net/VB.Net.. How do you go about doing this?? any thoughts? I was thinking mapping out the functions and just go page by page..But seems like a huge task.
Last reply by Robby, -
- Moderators
- 1 reply
Have posted here as it's effecting a web user control but this is possibly a more general query. As per the title I don't appear able to draw controls on the designer. Instead of the standard pointer to drag an area for the control I get a cursor and am therfore unable to drop controls on the designer. I have worked out a workaround in that if I right click on a control in the toolbox and select copy I can then paste it onto the deisgner. Anyone have any ideas as it's very irritating! :)
Last reply by Robby, -
- 2 replies
ok, it seems to me like something is acting as garbage collection on my c++ code, and i would like it to stop,.. every time i call a constructor inside a function by the time it exits that function the pointer i constructed is now pointing at nothing whatsoever.... ive found ways of avoiding it in some cases but not all and need help. What i want to word void construct(classtype1 *variable) { variable = new classtype1(); } works fine in the function but once it ends the function variable is now set to god knows what. however void construct(classtype1& variable) { variable = classtype1(); } is fine. So through my train of logic it would seem tha…
Last reply by HJB417, -
- 1 reply
Hi there I am currently looking for ways to save a DirectX/Direct3D surface to a file. I searched the web and found some examples that used SurfaceLoader.Save(). So far so good. But then I tried to use it in my program, but it says that SurfaceLoader don't exist in Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D. The same with ImageFileFormat. I use VB.NET and DirectX 9c (dec 2004), and I begin wondering that these two classes I seek is either deleted or renamed. What do I do wrong? Can anyone help me? I have implemented both Microsoft.DirectX and Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D in my program. //theHollow
Last reply by theHollow, -
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Hi! I'm rather new to .Net, but not new to programming. I'm working on developing a web service that references a 3rd party DLL. The 3rd party has supplied both a win32 DLL and a .Net Binding (which includes a DLL written in C#). I added the C# DLL (.Net Binding) to the References of the web service. It shows up under the References folder, and I can browse all the functions, methods and members of the DLL. The problem comes in when I call a DLL function which takes a parameter of "type" defined by the DLL itself, and shown in a sample provided with the component. This seems strange. You would assume that if you are using a value specified by the binding in a call …
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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