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hi everyone i need to convert a text in RTF format into a normal text for example, i have a string that contain this : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2060{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\fs20 Bruxelles: deux jours apr\'e8s la journ\'e9e internationale de la femme, Suzanne Moubarak a \'e9t\'e9 re\'e7ue au S\'e9nat par la pr\'e9sidente Anne-Marie Lizin; pr\'e9sidente du mouvement Women for Peace, l'\'e9pouse du pr\'e9sident \'e9gyptien milite activement pour l'\'e9galit\'e9 entre les hommes et les femmes.\b0\fs20 \par } how can i transform this into a normal text best regards
Last reply by Dnx, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I want to create a generic login control. I don't want the control to know about the database or the user object, so I'm thinking I can just use the control to verify that a username and password was entered. Then raise an event when the user clicks the submit button, which queries the database (using the username/pass from properties of the control), and if an invalid username/password occurs, simply re-Show the control. Is this good design?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
working with folders and files i want to create an application to search files on a server. But i don't know where to start. is there anyone who has code that he or she is willing to share? I'm searching for code to search files with a specific extension. I think to main problem is that the directory's i want to search are on an computer in the network and i should reach them as \\computername\directory\.... also i should be able to read those directory's as a specific user. So how can i read in a directory over the network while authentication with a specific username? kind regards
Last reply by RTT, -
- 1 reply
Hi Went looking for information on how to handle errors in SQL Server 2000. I originally thought it would be as simple as putting a try catch statement around my code, like for oracle, and then specifying what errors I want to check for. However, it seems that its not that simple for SQL Server 2000. What one article said is that I must declare a variable as an integer. Declare @err as int Then after every statement, i check the value of my variable. If the value has changed, then an error has occured otherwise nothing. Select @err = @@error if @err <> 0 Return @err My questions is whether this is the best way to handle exceptions in my store…
Last reply by Afraits, -
- 1 reply
I've been working on a custom templated web control and wondering if it woukd be possible to create a complex control whereby one template provides the field for another. For example: <asp:controlname> <Template1> <div><%# Container.Template2Data %></div> </Template1> <Template2> <b><%# Container.Item %></b> </Template2> </asp:controlname> So template 1 is used multiple times with some source data and then the items genarated from this are placed in the Template2Data fields in the first template. Is this possible? :)
Last reply by mark007, -
- 0 replies
Hi all: I am need to create the datagrid dynamically at run time. I have creatd the bound coloumn successfully,but i am struggling to create templete coloumn for below Htmlcode <asp:TemplateColumn> <ItemStyle Wrap="False" Width="20px"></ItemStyle> <ItemTemplate> <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%# RedirectUrl("PTID",DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"ProfileTypeID"))%>' Visible="True" runat="server" Font-Bold=False ID="Hyperlink1" ForeColor=#336699> Edit</asp:HyperLink> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> Any one give me code to create the above Templatecoloumn Thanks in advance
Last reply by thiya, -
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- 5 replies
Hi, I am using the ASPNETPortal from the ASP.NET Starter Kits as the starting point for a site I'm building. This project makes use of a css style sheet so all the aspx files have the following line in the HTML view of the page inside the <head> </head> tags: <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%= Global.GetApplicationPath(Request) [b]&[/b] "/ASPNETPortal.css" %>' type="text/css"> For some reason when you change anything on the page in design view the IDE automatically changes it to this: <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%= Global.GetApplicationPath(Request) [b]&[/b] "/ASPNETPortal.css" %>' type="text/css"> Then when you run t…
Last reply by fizzled, -
- 1 reply
OK, I have the following code below. I have been working on this for a week, and I think I need some professional help, before I need some psychotic professional help :D. I use an xml form to store data because it is local, and I won't have alot of data. I am able to get the data and save it. What I want to do is in the grid not show any data, just the scheme so I can add data without seeing the existing data. I have tried just using the scheme and saving the data, but that always wipes out the existing data so I read the data and get accept changes and then save and that works as far as saving and not deleting the existing data. So how would I go about having the …
Last reply by techmanbd, -
- 1 reply
All, Is there any examples or resources that I can find to show me how to export datagrid (NOTE: a winControl as object on a web page, aka: Rich Client) to Excel file on client side.
Last reply by SonicBoomAu, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to execute the following oracle procedure from my app: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_manual_order (i_order_no IN tbl_orders.order_no%TYPE, o_order_id OUT tbl_orders.order_id%TYPE, i_xfactory IN DATE) IS BEGIN --insert order INSERT INTO tbl_orders(order_no, client_name, postcode, picked_date) SELECT i_order_no, 'Manual Order', 'MAN01', to_date(i_xfactory) FROM dual WHERE i_order_no NOT IN (SELECT order_no FROM tbl_orders); -- get just added order_id SELECT order_id INTO o_order_id FROM tbl_orders WHERE order_no = i_order_no; END; / I'm using the following to call the proc: With cmdOrder .Connection = getCn() .Command…
Last reply by DannyT, -
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- 4 replies
Hi, We are currently developing a big application in ASP.Net and VB.Net. We are facing the problem to decide which method to use for retaining the layout of the application. The Application contains a Top Banner, A Left Side Menu and a footer . All of these controls should come on every page. we have several options to use these Like 1. Use the Web User controls and place these controls on every page. 2. Use the Frames which contains all these controls. 3. Use some thing like Master Pages in the ASP.Net 2.0 but their are no standard implementation. 4. or use any other method. Currently I want to know that which method is best suited because we ha…
Last reply by FZelle, -
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- 12 replies
Right-clicking on any file in windows explorer lets you access file properties, including title, subject, author, comments, etc. How can I set these properties using .NET? The FileVersionInfo class lets you retrieve these properties but not set them; I have not found anything to let me set them. :confused: Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 6 replies
I had a cunning thought today. In my current ASP.NET project (A fairly simple application used by 3000 users), I currently receive an email everytime there is an unexpected exception. I was thinking today wouldn't it be cool if the email included more information, like the current HTML for the screen the user is on... So I could see the error, and exactly what they were doing. Is there a way to currently do this? Any thoughts anyone? I thought this might make support a little easier...
Last reply by samsmithnz, -
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- 48 replies
I'm curious as to what the folks on these forums actually do for a living. I've been randomly coming to these forums since they were put up and still have no clue as to what the regulars do in real life. :) I guess I should start; I'm a full time student, but it's summer right now so I'm taking what time I can to put the knowledge I've learned to some use in semi-real world applications, that way I can learn more.
Last reply by mark007, -
- 2 replies
I have loaded some images into a Hashtable (myHashtable.add(["pic1"], Image.FromFile("path"))), the problem is that don't know how to use them once they are inside the Hashtable. I would like then to assign then to Image or Bitmap objects like: Bitmap picture = myHashtable["x"]; I tryed countless times the way I would assign them with no success... Any help trully apreciated... Also, is there a simplier way of loading images to memory (with key names support)?
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 1 reply
How do I add an item with text AND value to a combobox? I know i can add an item by using comboxox.items.add("text"), but I want to be able to add an assiociated value to the text so that i can get combobox.SelectedValue - This value must not be displayed. How do i do this?
Last reply by david7777, -
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- 3 replies
I currently have an application that allows data entry. It's been in use for over a year and now I'd like to add two columns to the table in the database (SQL Server 2000) that the data is stored in. The first column will be a date called "FirstCreated" and I want it to always store the date the row was originally created. The second column is also a date called "LastUpdated" this should always be the date that the row was last updated/changed on. I know how to do this is my code but I was wondering is there a way to add these columns and have SQL Server do the date updating automatically? This way I don't have to hunt down every place I change or create rows in my c…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
I want to record changes due to a transaction(which can change different values in the different). After the transaction commits I want to record what are the tables and field it changed. can it be done through application?? i am using sql server and
Last reply by shailee, -
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Hi Does anyone out there know of a good reporting tool for and other that that piece of crap (Crystal Reports) that Microsoft ships with .net??? Mike55 :mad:
Last reply by neodatatype, -
- 7 replies
Hi. I use visual basic .net and develop windows application. Everything went well with deploying my app. until I added two office web components: office chart and office spreadsheet into one of the forms. Now, I have no problems to run the app. on my development laptop, but when I try to install it on a different PC that doesn't have development environment installed, I get an error message: "Class not registered". I've installed the office web components runtime files (owc10.exe from microsoft web site) and included all the files I thougnt that might be related, but still get the same error message. What else should I include in the setup project or install on that…
Last reply by HJB417,
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