- 1 reply
How can you lock a radiobutton so that it shows the value, either checked or not checked (not really a check but a dot), but is not greyed out like when you set the enabled property to false? Is there some css style that I can apply so that it keeps it's original look? I know that I could not show the radiobutton and show a graphic image in it's place but that seems more like a hack than a good solution. The reason for this is so that I can show a form in "readonly" mode but not allow the user to change anything.
Last reply by akiaz, -
- 5 replies
Has anyone ever had any luck with this? I've had a look at the Microsoft writeavi.c example from the Platform SDK, but it's not particularly helpful (I can get it to render an AVI of 100 frames or less at 1 fps, but little else). I've converted it to C++. It's here if you're interested: Run it from the command line like so: writeavi.exe 640, 480, 24, 100, C:\images 640 is the image width, 480 is the img height, 24 is fps, 100 is the number of images (frames), and C:\images is a directory which will be automatically searched (non-recursively) for *.BMP files to add to the movie. If anyone has a better soluti…
Last reply by galex, -
- 1 reply
Could someone explain to me the best way of holding who is logged into your website. Have got a login page, but am unsure of how and the best way to hold user info between different pages??? I am new to asp, so be gentle and examples of code if possible would be great. Cheers Simon
Last reply by PWNettle, -
- 1 reply
I have a menuitem in a VB.NET application and when the user to clicks on it I want it to open to a html document. Not quite sure how to do that, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by PWNettle, -
- Moderators
- 2 replies
Is there a way to disallow users selecting a date that has already passed? I have an .aspx page that is used to request an item by a certain date and I want to be sure people don't select a date prior to today. Thanks for any help.
Last reply by lorena, -
- Moderators
- 2 replies
I am trying to write a small web application to do the following: You want to browse a URL "". You enter this URL in a form. (In Form.aspx or whatever) The form will do a basic encryption on the URL (like shift each character one way, like "H" becomes "I" etc.), then redirect to another page with a link like this: "" Now View.aspx will decrypt the given URL to "", it will read the requested page using the following: Dim myClient As WebClient = New WebClient() Dim response As StreamReader = new StreamReader(myClient.OpenRead("")) So now I…
Last reply by david7777, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Ok, I've got a strange one here. I just installed VS 2005 Beta 2 to check out the new features. As we all know, it comes with the .Net framework 2.0 as well. Now, I don't know if this is a bug in the new version or what, but I'm having a problem with messageboxes showing up empty. There's just nothing in them no matter what text I set to be displayed. The OK button doesn't even have "Ok" written on it. I first noticed it when I was showing a friend a point-of-sale program that I wrote using VS.Net 2003. The first few messageboxes that appear had nothing written in them. Then, the third or fourth one that was displayed finally had my text in it. I…
Last reply by mskeel, -
- Administrators
- 5 replies
I'm building a web application with this structure: myApp/ loginAdmin.aspx loginsuperAdmin.aspx web.config admin/ web.config superadmin/ web.config The «admin» directory is for the clients. The «superadmin» is for the administrators. myApp/loginAdmin.aspx allows clients to gain access to the «admin» directory. Here's my web.config in the «admin» directory: <authorization> <allow users="admin"/> <deny users="*"/> </authorization> My problem is here: I want to create the same authorization for the superadmin directory. I can't just d…
Last reply by utilitaire, -
- 0 replies
OK, I'd like to Encrypt pictures. I believe that I can Encrypt using the code below. Of couse I can use any other code (if you can reach the same objective). Private Shared Sub EncryptData(inName As String, outName As String, _ tdesKey() As Byte, tdesIV() As Byte) 'Create the file streams to handle the input and output files. Dim fin As New FileStream(inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Dim fout As New FileStream(outName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _ FileAccess.Write) fout.SetLength(0) 'Create variables to help with read and write. Dim bin(100) As Byte 'This is intermediate storage for the encryption. Dim rdlen As Long = 0 'This…
Last reply by mcerk, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
I'm trying to do the following line of code to copy (in this case) a Date to a String (but I don't normally know what the objects are in advance): objTo = CType(objFrom, typename(objTo)) When I do "typename" is not resolved; I get a "not defined" msg when I hover the cursor over it. I AM using "Imports microsoft.VisualBasic.Information" as the first line in my module to call in the MS namespace. But that doesn't seem to resolve either, as when I type it in intellisense (or whatever it's called) wants to fill in the .VisualBasic and the .Information as I type in the dots. But when I leave the line the "m" in Microsoft. doesn't capitalize. what gives? Shouldn't…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 4 replies
In my project I have a collection with the texts to translate the controls. This collection is filled when the program starts, with a number that identifies the text, and a default text. To be easier for me, I need to do is in each form: - define all control.tag (label, checkbox, or something similar) with a numeric value - define all control.text with the default text Create a sub called Translate (or something else) with something like this: Dim a as integer, b as string For each x in me.Controls a = cint(x.tag) b = cstr(x.text) if (a > 0) then a.text = trans(a, b) end if Next where trans is the function that will return t…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 17 replies
Hi, I´m currently developing an application wich transmit floiting point numbers (trough a serial port). The numbers, wich are 32 bits long, are transmited in 4 bytes. Is there any way to use something like pointers in C???? what I want to do is get those 4 bytes and asign them to the 32 bit single variable.
Last reply by htrada, -
- 2 replies
Dear All! I use Visual Basic .NET 2003 and want to produce graphs by using Office Chart 11.0. I would like to provide this chart with data from an Office Spreadsheet 11.0 and I use the following code I have found: ... ChartSpace1.Clear() ChartSpace1.Charts.Add() Dim c = ChartSpace1.Constants ChartSpace1.DataSource = Spreadsheet1 // Here's the problem ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add() .... When I run this code, I get an error message saying that the specified cast is invalid, reffering to the line I marked (Datasource). Does anyone know what what can be done to fix it? Thanks! Tom.
Last reply by herilane, -
- 3 replies
I have the following code which is calling an asp file that displays and image from my database. The ID value in the img src tag is the image number from the database. The code below works fine, but as you can see it is always calling ID=1 and not using the ID variable. <% Dim ID ID = Request("ID") response.write "<html>" response.write "<body>" response.write "<img src='file.asp?ID=1'/>" response.write "<p align='center'>" response.write "<b>Showing Binary Data from the Database '" & ID & "'</b><br>" response.write "</a></p>" response.write "</body>" response.write "</html>" %> The…
Last reply by lidds, -
- 4 replies
I sent my resume to a company looking for VB (didn't say if they wanted 6 or .net) and Progress developers. I got a callback and they want me to come in for an interview for Progress. They had to explain to me what it was - as far as programming languages come I havn't really heard about it except in passing. Now they say its similar to VB and is a language geared towards databases for the PC. I found some docs on it, but I couldn't play around - the only IDE I found looked like the Microsoft of this language. You had to purchase a suite and support. Then again my Google Fu seems to be hampered by a name like "Progress" Anyone have any insights?
Last reply by Denaes, -
- 0 replies
I have a simple Hyperlink Web control, how do I pass a form variable in the query string when I click the Hyperlink? Does anybody have an example of a Custom binding expression for the NavigateUrl property to do this simple task? I found the above by clicking the design-time property called "(DataBindings)" of the Hyperlink control. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
Last reply by ABOUD, -
- 2 replies
I'm needing to have an asp page that allows a user to lauch a file browser form which allows the selection of an image file to be uploaded to an access db. The problem is that I am new to asp and was wondering if anyone has an example of such a page as it seems like quite a common thing??? Also is it actually possible to store image files within an access db (not my choose of db, been forced to use it, don't ask :o ) an if so what must the field type be set to, as access does not have binary or anything??? Cheers Simon
Last reply by lidds, -
- 0 replies
I want to list the tables in a database with a flat-file structure (MAS90) using its ODBC connection. Can anyone give me some guidance on the command I need?
Last reply by TheWizardofInt, -
- 0 replies
Hi All I want to mimic the drag and drop action where an image of the dragged object is shown with the drag cursor as is done on Windows Explorer. The problem I now have is getting an image of the object being dragged. I can get it of it is fully on screen, but if half of it is off the screen then I can only drag the visible part. Any thought or suggestions please... Thanks
Last reply by BaldrickThe4th, -
- *Experts*
- 5 replies
hi everyone i need to convert a text in RTF format into a normal text for example, i have a string that contain this : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2060{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\fs20 Bruxelles: deux jours apr\'e8s la journ\'e9e internationale de la femme, Suzanne Moubarak a \'e9t\'e9 re\'e7ue au S\'e9nat par la pr\'e9sidente Anne-Marie Lizin; pr\'e9sidente du mouvement Women for Peace, l'\'e9pouse du pr\'e9sident \'e9gyptien milite activement pour l'\'e9galit\'e9 entre les hommes et les femmes.\b0\fs20 \par } how can i transform this into a normal text best regards
Last reply by Dnx, -
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