- 1 reply
I'm trying to present mht file dynamically , the process is as follows: the mht file is being stored in a database and retrieved to a string, page a.aspx has an iframe which source is - b.mht , the request for b.mht is being handled by my http handler which uses ProcessRequest on PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance (b.mht) , the code behind b.mht is b.aspxc , in b.aspxc the code contains the following lines: Page.Response.ContentType="message/rfc822"; Page.Response.BinaryWrite(arrres); arrres type is byte[] and it holds the mht string mentioned above , by using getbytes. this works on explorer 6.0.2600 but not in 6.0.280…
Last reply by srivalli9, -
- 2 replies
Hi I found the solution but it seems does not work ! I found that the Shared function without End Function TAG and it was a design time error then I fixed it well should I call the SetNoCurrentCell() from specific Event or just on Load Form Event can someone rewrite the code again with few notes & Comments here's the code Public Class MyDataGrid Inherits DataGrid Public WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer = 513 Public WM_LBUTTONUP As Integer = 514 Shared Function SendMessage(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Int32, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Boolean End Function Public Sub SetNoCurrentCell() 'c…
Last reply by JumpyNET, -
- 2 replies
Pretty general question here, so that I can go off and do some research... I would like to post the order status of customers orders to a website so that they can log in and see when to expect a delivery. Similar to what Dell and Amazon have. My program is currently using Windows forms. Thanks
Last reply by Roey, -
- 1 reply
Isn't is true that if an aspx page's OutputCache location="None", it expires immediately? If the user hits the back button on the browser, the page should not be there, right? Here is my code: <%@OutputCache Location="None"%> <%@ Page Language="vb" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <title>Current Suppliers</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 7.0"> <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="Visual Basic 7.0"> <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript"> <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.m…
Last reply by lorena, -
- *Experts*
- 8 replies
I have a control. I place the control on a form. How do I make a button on the control the default button, handled when [Enter] is pressed.
Last reply by Diesel, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I just built my first program in C#, which I'm excited about. I want to offer it for a download on my site. When I click the link to MyApp.exe in Firefox, it downloads just fine, but when I click the link in Internet Explorer, it doesn't open the download dialog box. Rather, it seems to actually run the program on the remote server. Besides moving the program to a zip file, what can I do to make sure that Internet Explorer users can't run the program on the remote server, but can only download it? Thank you, TomJ
Last reply by TomJ, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i have a problem, i have a Service, and i must from a winform (another .exe), consult/execute/assign values and proc, from the winform in the Service... is there any way of doing it? thanks!!!
Last reply by Roey, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I want to be able to track the movements of users on my site. I of course would not do with heavy traffic. I thought of using the Cache object and filling it with an object that has the username,time,web page executed. Is this a wise thing to do.?? Could I create the object in the Cache on every request ny the user and if so which event would you recommend. Thanks
Last reply by Roey, -
- 1 reply
Hi all: Im using the visual 2002 to create the msi package.I am facing problem with the windows registry: My Installtion package created the "Mysoftware" folder under the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\" in registry.After my installation finished,installed program get the username and password from user and stored under the path "HKCU\SOFTWARE\"Mysoftware" in the registry keys are: Username JOhn password @#$%^ During the next version installation i need to include the new key "Insallationpath:c:\programfiles\Mysoftware.exe" in same location in registry as created in previous installtion. Thanks in advance But whenever installed the new upgraded ve…
Last reply by APaule, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
So today I logged in at work and now in my immediate, watch or any other debug window anything that has a value such as myArray.Length - instead of the value showing up as 1 or 5 or 315, I get the value in hexadecimal: &H00F1221 or &HF000000 etc. Don't know what I did to do that but anyone got any ideas short or re-installing because convicing desktop support to reinstall an app that appears to be working as far as they're concerned will be an uphill battle....if only I had the permissions!
Last reply by michael_hk, -
- *Experts*
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- 12 replies
Why does gmail view .vb and .cs files as executable files?
Last reply by ThePentiumGuy, -
- 0 replies
Hi there. Thank god for beer! The current predicament of the week is as follows: I have two assemblies in a single solution, A and B. Assembly A is an application that installs a context menu into the file system (like that Winzip Icon when you right click on a file). When a user clicks on one of the options to that function, such as "Add this file!", a new object of assembly is instantiated and the method AddFile(filename) is called - then the object is disposed. The AddFile method simply appends the name of the working file to a text file in the same directory as the calling assembly. If the file does not exist, it creates it. Here is the code I used to get…
Last reply by inzo21, -
- 4 replies
hi, i have a simple instant message example app. for now, it just replies with whatever message you enter. it works perfectly, except when I close the form, the thread does not exit and the process continues to run. please help thanks here is the form1 code: Private WithEvents l As Listener Private thdListener As Thread Private objClient As TcpClient Private strFriend As String Private strMe As String Private Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click rtbMessage.Text += strMe + ": " + rtbType.Text + vbCrLf objClient = New TcpClient("", 1000) Dim w…
Last reply by Wile, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I need some help with the datagrids. I've spent all day with books forums etc. but i can't find a solution that works. How is it possible to control the format of every item based on data from a dataset. For example say i have a field called "Result", what i need is if this field is 0 the row to have a background color red if it is 1 green if 2 blue. So what i need is to control some properties from data of a database. Also another example, i have a datagrid with two button columns one pass one fail, but what i need is that the records that have been evaluated not to display these to buttons. Any ideas or code examples are welcome. Thanks
Last reply by otherside, -
- 3 replies
Datagrid Problem Could someone please give me an idea how i can do the following please? ID Store Partnumber Quantity By clicking upon any of the rows (each one being a link), another screen will launch being passed the Unique ID of that row? I dont know if this is possible or not. Thanks
Last reply by kahlua001, -
- 2 replies
I have a dynamically created HTMLInputText HTMLControl. I have some javascript I want to call <script language="javascript"> <!-- function gohere(){ if (document.getElementById('Text1').value == 'L') {document.getElementById('Select1').style.display = 'none'} else {document.getElementById('Select1').style.display = ''} } //--> </script> The code for creating the HTMLInputText control is this tbcCell = New TableCell Dim txtMarkBox As New HtmlInputText txtMarkBox.ID = "HTMLMark" & i.ToString txtMarkBox.EnableViewState = True txtMarkBox.MaxLength = 1 tbcCell.Controls.Add(txtMarkBox) tbrRow.Cells.Add(tbcCell) How do I tell the HTM…
Last reply by davidrobin, -
- Leaders
- 6 replies
I have created a control designer to restrict the programmer using my control from altering the controls height. Here is the code: internal class FixedHeightControlDesigner : System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner { public override SelectionRules SelectionRules { get { return SelectionRules.Moveable | SelectionRules.LeftSizeable | SelectionRules.RightSizeable | SelectionRules.Visible; } } } Then you just declare your control with the Designer attribute, as follows: [Designer(typeof(FixedHeightControlDesigner))] public class ControlClassName : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl …
Last reply by Phylum, -
- 2 replies
The question: If I put on an aspx webpage some controls like a textbox and a button and set their .Visible property to False... do these two controls get "rendered" or they don't show on the page's code? I like code-behind and this way I would solve a problem of <script... if YES then /script> SHOW HTML CONTENT <script else /> SHWO OTHER HTML CONTENT A bit weird, if I'm not clear enough just say, and I'll try to explain in more detail.
Last reply by IxiRancid, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I will admit that I am a lousy VB.Net programmer, but when the boss says get it done, it seems I dont have much choice. I am creating a windows program using data from an Access database. I thought my best bet would be to use datagrids on my form for inserting, editing and deleting data from the tables. When I used the datagrid wizard to create my form I expected I would find a lot of the same functionality that I would find if I just opened the table in Access. Sadly this is not the case. I especially wanted to be able to copy and paste rows just like I would in Access or Excel. But I have no idea where to start. I also need to find a way to add comb…
Last reply by AlexCode, -
- 0 replies
hi i would like to save and retrieve a memorystream as binarystream to an oracle9i blob-field. how could this be done? i have no ideas where to start... best regards george
Last reply by ganders,
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