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I have an ImageList with some images, all of them are png with transparency and the transparency is working correctly. The images are somekind of square with a little outline in a transparent background. On the main form, I have a picturebox that will take one of the images in the listbox. The image it will take will be different acording to some arguments, but that doesn't really matter I think. To apply the pictures I do something like this: frmMain.pic1Enabled.Image = frmMain.imgLabels.Images.Item(0) The problem is that the image does not have the correct colors I designed in the first place. The outline is somewhat blue where it should be gray. The rectangle …
Last reply by L3GACY818, -
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How can check for debug mode in VB2010? In VB2008 Express I could determine whether I was running the app from the debugger or the release version like this: [Vb] #If Debug Then 'My code here... #Else 'Alternative code here... #End If [/Vb] But in VB2010 Express this no longer works and when running my app from the VS IDE (F5) it always jumps to the else part.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 2 replies
All, I have this SOAP web service, the way I do it is generated a WSDL proxy class based on the WSDL file (using the wsdl tool from Microsoft). Now, I want to also have the ability to log the ENTIRE XML packets, both outbound and inbound. I know that there's a class called SOAPExtension to overwrite. But for ppl like me using the WSDL proxy class, how to we even hook into the SOAPExtension class since that proxy class is supposed to be make the call...? Can anyone help? Regards, Kyle
Last reply by microkarl, -
- 0 replies
Hi there can someone help with a problem im having with a datagridview i have pre setup two columns the first is a DGV comboboxcell and the other is just a textboxcell. When i try and load in saved data all it does is add two new columns after the two existing columns I need it to fill the existing columns of the datagridview not add two new ones ive tried all sorts of things, like trying to add each row in seperatley however this didn't work either this is the code that i use to fill the DGV dvg.datasource = datatable Ive tried using the DGV.Autogenertatecolumns = false but then i get the right amount of rows but with no data in al…
Last reply by 12many, -
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- 16 replies
hi all i want to simply have some code that uploads some text onto my web server in a txt file in a directory like the example below: i've found some solutions on the internet, but none that seem to work for me.. thanks
Last reply by nickjf89, -
- 0 replies
I am having some trouble binding some related tables. I have three tables which are related. users, locations, and privileges. My dataset dsAdmin contains these three tables. User will have different "permissions" (plevel)for each location, which is defined in the privileges table. I have a form with a listbox to display a list of users. A Combo Box to display a list of locations. And a Text box that displays the user's privilege for that location. Is there a way to bind these together using a data adapter? This is what I have so far: private void SetupPrivilegeBindings() …
Last reply by JCampbell84, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I'm writing a small tool in c# that need to read data from a given Excel table. Each column header is assigned with a name as a Named Range. And I need to read thru these names to know which information are stored in each columns. For example in $AR$132, I have a range namely "Txn\10_1\TxnDT", RefersTo: Transaction!$AR$132:$AR$132 which refer to transaction date; In $AS$132, named "Txn\10_1\Txntype", RefersTo: Transaction!$AS$132 which refer to transaction type. And there is another named range which tells the range of all columns. eg. "Txn\10_1\headers" ReferTo $AR$132:$AY$132. I wrote the following code to loop thru the headers and read the columns …
Last reply by reggme, -
- 9 replies
How can I open a pdf file for viewing in VS? I'm guessing I need a third party dll so any recommendations are welcome. I tried searching the forum for "pdf" but the word is too short :(
Last reply by lrvar, -
- 1 reply
I am trying to handle events of Com object (PCOMM) in .Net. My problem is that when attaching a handler to the event I get the error below. "Event invocation for COM objects requires event to be attributed with DispIdAttribute" Sample code: Private WithEvents p as New AutPSTypeLibrary.AutPS the above line will throw the above exception on the CreateMainForm procedure. if I try late binding (AddHandler p.NotifyPSEvent, AddressOf fooBar) it also throws the exception. A search of google didn't yield a solution. Any help would appreciated.
Last reply by cloudmonkey, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I'm new to .NET. I have an application that is running in VB6. It sends text through COM1 port to another device. When I converted the VB6 code to .NET the string it sends out is different! I have tried so many things and don't know what to do. I used a serial data analyzer and found the two strings are different even the the source code is the same. VB6 source code: MSComm1.CommPort = 1 MSComm1.Settings = "9600,O,8,1" MSComm1.PortOpen = True MSComm1.Output = Chr(&H2B) & _ Chr(&H4) & _ Chr(&H3) & _ Chr(&HE8) & _ Chr(…
Last reply by cloudmonkey, -
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How come I don't have to use a semicolon after the "i++" in the for loop, but if I were to write i++ after the console.writeline i would. Is it just just some kind quirky thing? or is there some deeper logic behind it. for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) // doesn't need it, won't accept it here { Console.WriteLine(myClass.MethodA()); i++; // Would need semicolon here } Console.ReadLine();
Last reply by cloudmonkey, -
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My goal is to create an application that determines which check boxes ARE NOT checked in a checkedlistbox and run a command based off of those unchecked check boxes. I have only been able to find the opposite - running a command based off of checked check boxes. Here is my code right now: Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim _RegistryKey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList") For Each _KeyName As String In _RegistryKey.GetSubKeyNames() …
Last reply by cloudmonkey, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I'm creating an application that will use API call to a web application. Therefore I need a developer API_KEY and API_PASS. Those are specific for my application, so are Then users can login in the application, witch will authenticate on the web application. This returns a logintoken. All these settings should be saved somehow in my application: - API_KEY en API_PASS are application specific - username, userpass and logintoken are user specific What is the best way to save that info? In a binary file? In some application settings? Thank you in advance :-)
Last reply by cloudmonkey, -
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Hey there. Can somebody explain to me how to add some buttons to the tabcontrol? I want to have a "X" on the tab itself. And a "+" behind the tab to create a new one. And when a new one is created it moves further. I've searched all over the internet couldn't find anything about the add button. Please help me
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I'm new here, and I'm kinda new to programming as well. I wrote a euchre program as a command line program, and I am converting it to a Windows program. For those who don't know, euchre is a card game involving 3-7 players (most commonly 4) which is most commonly played in the NE US. ( A little background on me - This is my first Windows program, and I am learning as I go. I learned C++ in college, and was only taught command-line programming. I originally wrote this program in C++ as a command-line program, and I converted it to C# for the GUI version. I learned the differences from C++ to C# through an eBook that I found, and from…
Last reply by havens1515, -
- 0 replies
Advice & Help needed, we have developed an application in VB.Net 2010 and uses SQL2008R2 as the backend. It is situated in several countries and uses replication over https which all works really well and includes images in the database tables. A new requirement has arrised where the app needs to create word documents which shell out to MS Word for the user to edit. These then need to be saved back in to the database. The replication side of things was just for info and can be disregarded, it just to show that storing the files on a central folder share would not work. The only way I could think at present (which is Very Crude) is to create the worddoc in the t…
Last reply by eddy99, -
- 1 reply
I've got a software idea. It's too big to complete by myself. But I can write code and I know the subject matter of the software very well. I'm thinking of approaching companies that could market it to work with them. I'm thinking of an arrangement where they pay me royalties for the idea and I work for them at the same time, developing the idea, on a regular salary. Do people do this sort of thing in practice? I'd be interested to hear if you know of any examples of this, and how they've worked out. Thanks.
Last reply by Reanee, -
- 0 replies
Hello , Please bear in mind that im not an experts, and my knowledge hardly exceeds what google search results has to offer a noob. i have a multi-client server application, for video conferencing, and everything works good untill more than 4 or 5 users connects to the server. I know i should be using UDP, not TCP, but this is the way i did it, and i want you to take a look at it and tell me what you think. Client Connection Code VideoSoc = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); int Videoport = 8003; IPAddress server_ip = IPAddress.Parse(textBox1.Text); IPEndPoint ConnEndPoi…
Last reply by osos, -
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hi, i have create a setup file with inno software including interop.MessengerAPI.dll of chatting application(with windows live messenger).I have created a setup file with inno of that chatting application.but installed that setup it is work in only my pc it is not work in anather pc.because this errors are generated ( Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM Component).How to avoid or remove this error.? Thanks,
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Controls[0]).Text I am using this line of code to access the value of textbox which appeared when i clicked on auto generated edit button in gridview. It is working fine. But my question is that what Controls[0] represents here? By the syntax it is looking like a collection whose zeroth control is being accessed by me. Then in what scenario would there be need to use Controls[1], Controls[2] ??
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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