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I have an application that allows new rows to be, added, updated, or deleted from a sql database. The problem I'm having is that when I add new rows, the new Primary Key (ID) is not in sequence. For Instance, the database I'm currently modifying has 2600 pieces of equipment. When I create a new piece of equipment and add it in to the database. The Id Becomes 2601. So far, so good. Now when I go back and delete that same piece of equipment and then add a new one, The ID becomes 2602. How do I go about making it sequential. When I view the database from Visual Studio, it only shows 2600 pieces of equipment but if I keep adding and deleting rows, the Increment keeps going u…
Last reply by cpopham, -
- 2 replies
I have got one datagrid inside each TabControl page, and I have them docked or anchored so they will resize according to the form's size. If I shrink the form's size small enough so that for each page, I can see the scroll bar(s). After going through each tab page and have seen the scroll bars on each page (problem only happen if I do this), I then maximise the form so that I can see the scroll bars on the "current" tab page disappearing. This is where the problem starts. After maximising, other tab pages' scroll bars will remain in the same position as before, even though the datagrid has expanded. So I will have the scroll bars (at the position before maximising) …
Last reply by nirubhai, -
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- 6 replies
I'm trying to udpate an Access DB from a dropdownlist in a datagrid. When I click the Update button, I get the following error at the cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() line: "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Expected query name after EXECUTE." I'm new to ASP.NET so maybe I'm way off course, but how do I fix this? Private Sub UpdateRecord(ByVal source As Object, ByVal E As DataGridCommandEventArgs) Dim di As DataGridItem Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("UPDATE NewReport SET HEADING = @HeadingID, HEADNAME = @HeadingName WHERE ID = @Id", objConnection) Dim param As OleDbParameter di = E.Item cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@HeadingID…
Last reply by rangerstud620, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know of any free calendar controls in which you can add daily notes on the calendar?
Last reply by Machaira, -
- 0 replies
Guys/Gals, I've not been able to find a "neat", reliable way to fill a DataTable with the results of a DirectorySearcher. I tried multiple variations of the available DataAdapters that I could find, but none seemed to be "adaptable"... (I made a funny!) :p Anyway, I'm trying to stay away from a direct LDAP call to AD, and use the DirectorySearcher/SearchResults. I wouldn't think that it would be too difficult. I'm sure there's some way that the Framework will let me do this. Your assistance is greatly appreciated... -Ted
Last reply by bvfd2775, -
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It's the little things that annoy the most isn't it? Has anyone noticed that if you use regions, and they are collapsed, when you search for something in your code it can't delve into the collapsed region to find? Maybe I am missing a setting somewhere or something. I like using regions but I also need to search for things at times. Also, is there a way to collapse or exand all regions at once? Does the regioning change in VS2005?
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have a case here. I have a table named "user" with two fields, "username" and "password". Within the table, I have three records with username "adin", "anida", and "admin". I tried this query: SELECT username FROM users WHERE (username = 'Adin') I expect the query returns 0 result. But no, the query returns 1 row, the row with the username "adin". Can someone explain what's wrong? Thanks.
Last reply by amir100, -
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- 13 replies
Ok, I have never done serious WEB programing, meaning that, my skills with ASP or PHP are ZERO. So, since I will need to learn ASP in my new job in order to perform some modifications on the company's website (wich is made in ASP) I was counting with anyone here to point me to a good tutorial or at least describe me the basics of how ASP works / what is needed to make it work... I am experienced with Databases (ODBC) with C#. So, I know the basics of Oriented Object programming and Database connections. The problem comes when HTML, JavaScript and ASP are all mixed together in order to produce a web-site. I will now drop some basic question so, and forgive me if any …
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 2 replies
Well, I have browsed the web and this is the best toturial I have found so far regarding the pathfinding subject: Although it is quite well explained and a good "get started" point for more advanced pathfinding methods, it have a problem, no C# example... What I would like to know if there is anywhere a (GOOD) C# tutorial covering a more advanced pathfidning method like Dijkstra's or A* method. The ones I have found so far simple suck...
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
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I have a form that I need to have post to an Excel spreadsheet.Is this possible? I have examples that read from a spreadsheet but can't find info on posting to a spreadasheet. Any help is appreciated
Last reply by Robby, -
- 4 replies
Any1 know how 2 increase the space between lines in a rich text box?
Last reply by paulcurtis, -
- 3 replies
I have this error coming up and I dont know what it means or what to do with it: An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Additional information: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Open, Fetching. Why would the conection state change to Fetching? and how can I turn it back to normal?
Last reply by michael_hk, -
- 1 reply
Ok I know this have been answered a couple of time, but all the thread I saw confusded me more than helped me... so i'll strat with an easy question... is usin API the only way to do it? is there a way to do it with managed code? my head hurt from readind all those article :/
Last reply by thenerd, -
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- 5 replies
Hey everybody, I'm looking for a book to learn DirectX game programming with VB.NET, and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I don't want a book that only teaches how to use DirectX, but one that also introduces the concepts of game programming. I've already made a couple of games with GDI+ (Bug Zappers and Little Robot Guy, downloadable on my web site ), but I pretty much made up my own method for the game engine. I want to learn how to do it correctly. The only book that I've found so far that meets the criteria is ".NET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0," but there are a lot bad reviews on it. Some people say it's really good for beginners, but mos…
Last reply by Klogg, -
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I know I'm going to start a flame war unitentially but I'm looking for some info that I can't seem to filter out from the junk on Google. What are some major products that are written in .NET or prior 'Micorosoft' languages (I know C++ isn't a Microsoft language, but MFC is). I know Symantec is a Microsoft Gold Partner so I imagine anti-virus was written in C++ but if someone knew, and had white paper to prove it was written C++ (MFC) or even better C++.NET or event better C#.NET that would be awesome...basically I'm looking for any major product that anyone will probably of heard of that was written in a Microsoft language, preferably .NET but not necessarly. …
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 1 reply
Where/How does ide store custom toolbar info??? This question is relavant to Office as well because vs.ner uses the office toolbars. I have put up with this crap for the last time!! I need to know where and how the ide stores it's toolbar info data as it pertains to the toolbars location docking position, what buttons are on the toolbar, as well as what each buttons image is etc etc. Where is this information stored so I can get at it and so that I can write a app that saves this info so that if my toolbars get screwed up or I do a repair install of again I can restore the toolbar info back to they way it was.
Last reply by createdbyx, -
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hi, i was wondering if anyone could recommend a good web stats program that gives all the usual information about your site but also can show for each user that visited the site which pages they clicked on and in which order any ideas would be appreciated thanks
Last reply by mskeel, -
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Hey everyone. I seem to be having trouble with a public variable and I can't figure out what is going on for the life of me. Here is some code. 'Declarations.vb - Module Public ASSEM_NUM, TEMP_ASSEM as String ASSEM_NUM gets set when the user selects an Assembler from the combo box. Now the problem I am having is that an updated program for the parts we produce is coming into effect. So I have a duplicate form but with different part numbers. When the user completes a bin the program then calls the label printing module. Because of the duplicate form I have to change the ASSEM_NUM variable so the scan guns can still pick up the label that was printed…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
When you build an application for install in VB.NET is there a way to put in a default path where you want the program to be installed to that way the person who is installing the application does not have to worry about where to install the application? Better yet during the installation can I program the installation project to look at a specific place in the registry for the install location? Any help given is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by lothos12345, -
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So I took Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 that arrived in our latest MSDN build and did a installation on one of our test laptops. It seems to work fine, until I shut the laptop down. When I restart it the network card is dead. It's happened to two laptops. At first we thought it was hardware failure, but sent the first laptop back to IBM, and they popped in a new harddrive with a fresh installation of windows and it worked fine again. Something in the installation of beta 2 kills my network card... Has anybody seen or heard about this before?
Last reply by samsmithnz, -
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