- Administrators
- 5 replies
Hi all, If I had a fully normalised database with the following two tables Employees(ID[PK], Name, Access[FK-AdminPrivilages]) and AdminPrivilages(ID[PK], Details)where Access is the foreign key for the column ID in AdminPrivilages. How do I best handle the removal of a row from the AdminPrivilages table without affecting the Employees table?? In the past I would have added an extra row to AdminPrivilages: status, which would be set to 0 or 1 to indication if the row was valid/active(0) or had been deleted(1). However I'm not sure if this is the best approach? Any suggestions on how best to deal with the deleting of data from a normalised database, or how do yo…
Last reply by mike55, -
- Moderators
- 5 replies
Is there a tool to see what an ASP.Net page is doing? for example, track what stored proc it's calling , the behind the scenes activities of an application? I found this site but not what I'm looking for:
Last reply by eramgarden, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
I'm looking at creating a form layout dynamically from an XML document. The parsing of the XML data i'm fine with and the creating of the controls I think I'm ok with, it's just the naming of them. The code below is a cutdown example of what I'm using to draw the form. I'm using C# and hope to deploy this onto mobile devices at some point. // Loop around the number of Data items and draw the form for(intLoop=0;intLoop<dtData.Rows.Count;intLoop++) { switch(dtData.Rows[intLoop]["Type"]) { case "Button": { Button btn1 = new Button(); btn1.Width=dtData.Rows[intLoop]["Width"]; btn1.Height=dtData.Rows[intLoop]["Height"]; // ..... etc. f…
Last reply by mjohnson3091, -
- 6 replies
I have a combo box that is getting it's data from a stored proc in Sql. The proc is bringing back the data to the combo box, but when I select the drop down arrow, the box is blank.. depending on which box I choose, there is enough data in teh drop down that the scroll bars show up, but none of the data is displayed. If I select a value, then that values appears in teh combo box. I'm not sure what I've done or not done that it is working this way. can anyone help. Here is what I'm doing to bring in the data With Me.cbServer .DisplayMember = "vcServer" .ValueMember = "intTblPMServerId" .DataSource = wsPerfmon.spPMList…
Last reply by jvcoach23, -
- 3 replies
Hi there I have created the following stored procedure on the sql server: create procedure DownloadsBetweenDates @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime as select * from Downloads where downloadDate between @BeginDate AND @EndDate On my Webform there are 2 textboxes, one for the BeginDate and one for the EndDate, a button and of course, the report Viewer (crvDownloads) I need to see the result of this StoredProcedure on my report (a Crystal Report) I've managed to fill a datagrid with the data from the procedure, so the logging on the sql server went well but i just can't figure how to display the data on the report since i can't drag fields from the Datab…
Last reply by Puiu, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys / girls, Just need a bit of advise and guidance on this one. When my application is lauched I try to obtain setting information for my application from my DB server, just by calling a stored procedure. If the server is down then eventually times out and gives an error, after waiting about 15 secs. If however it connects to the server, I display an icon on my application taskbar to show the user it's connected OK. Now this is where I need the advice, 1) Is there a better way cleaner / quicker to check that I can connect to the server before I try to call my stored procedure??? Have got some code examples on how to Ping a server, is this a good method?…
Last reply by lidds, -
- Moderators
- 4 replies
I have setup the IIS on my computer and downloaded the web page which is in need of being changed to the "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\page_name" path as described in site. The problem is when I try to run locally the web page I downloaded. It gives me the following error: the count.asp describes the following: <% MM_counter_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("direscrita/acessos.mdb") %> <% Session.LCID = 2070 Session.CodePage = 1252 Dim Con Dim Con_numRows Dim RS Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open MM_counter_STRING Con_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim usersettings Dim us…
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 2 replies
Can someone point me to code to determine the name of the PC that the person is using? For example, the code would return "ClientService0015". THis is the same name as you would find if you opened the Properties of "My Compter" and clicked on the "COmputer Name" tab
Last reply by kcwallace, -
- 8 replies
Hi All. I am having a problem with a SQL Statement. Here's the code: Dim strNewSQLStatement As String strNewSQLStatement = "SELECT " & strP2Custom & _ " From (PermanentAssets) " & _ "WHERE SwitchLoc = " & strSwitchLocValue & _ " AND BladeNo = " & strBladeLocValue & _ " AND PortNo = " & strPortNoValue & " " Call LoadDBIntoDG(strNewSQLStatement, "Permanent") Here's the error I get: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'SwitchLoc = - AND BladeNo = - AND …
Last reply by SonicBoomAu, -
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- 4 replies
I am relatively new to .Net, and have functionality question with modules in .NET. In VB6 I created several applications that shared modules. When I fixed the code with Module X within Application A, the changes cascaded to Module X in Application B, C, and D. Conversely, When I try to do the same thing in .NET the changes in Module X do not cascade to Application B, C, or D. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the VB6 functionality gone?
Last reply by kcwallace, -
- 1 reply
Hi There I Have A Datagrid That I Use To Fill An Invoice With ItemID, Description,Qunty,Price. Saving And Retrieving The Invoice to and from SQL Server Is POC How Can I Mark The Modification On Each row Or a Deleted Row , So That When I Save My Work The Software Would Recognise The Update That Has Been Done And Perform The Condition Given Correctly my Condition In My Code That I Have Assigned In The Save Mode Are For Each row In InvDataSet1.Tables(0).Rows 'Assign Values To All Parameters And Excute Querry With MyComm .Parameters("@InvNum").Value = CInt(txtInvID.Text) .Parameters(…
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
From my main form, in a combo box, I call a second form like this: dim NewForm as form2 NewForm = new form2 After the user completes their work in form2, I need to get back to form1. How can I do this? If I do this from form2... dim OrigForm as form1 OrigForm = form1 creates another instance of form1. I need to get back to my original form1. How can I go back and forth from one form to another without re-creating them each time? Thanks in advance Ben
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
- 0 replies
I use this method to take a string in a .Net WebService <WebMethod()> Public Function XMLUpdate(ByVal sXML As String) As String ... End Function When I send it a string from a .Net web page, it works. The coldfusion page throws an error: Line 634: requiresPhoneNumbersAsPlainText = "false" Server cannot read capabilities configuration r. Source File: c:\winnt\\framework\v1.1.4322\Config\machine.config Line: 634 Which is the portion of the MachineConfig that handles Mobile Phones. Is there something besides a string that they should be accepting, or is this person just not configuring his page right, which is what I sus…
Last reply by TheWizardofInt, -
- 4 replies
when you see those free counters that tell you to put in some javascript into your website and then that tracks the number of hits etc... what is that javascript doing? its normally an include file on their server, so i cant see it is it posting the data somewhere? or is it just putting in a small gif or something that is on their server, so they can process the info then from their logs of that file?
Last reply by TheWizardofInt, -
- Leaders
- 5 replies
I use the Screen object to get the working area of the desktop (i.e. minus the task bar). I would like to be able to get updated values if the user moves the taskbar, adds another desktop bar object, etc. while the program is running. However, as the documentation says: "The constructor for this object is not public, so you cannot explicitly create a Screen object. The object is created when you call its public methods." So if I call get Screen.WorkingArea, then resize the taskbar and get the value again, it doesn't change! Is there any way to force this kind of object to be disposed of and recreated? It has no Dispose method. This isn't a critical featu…
Last reply by Quagmire, -
- 1 reply
I'm creating a Login page for users to get to certain directories depending upon who is logged in. What is the best way to handle user login? Can I get by with using session variables? I started out using session variables but then thought maybe storing the user name and id in a cookie would be better. Now I'm looking at FormsAuthentication. Any advice would be great! Thanks
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone :D I have a solution based on Secure Conversation using a Security Context Token Service (which is just a web service) that gives out SCT's, a client program gets the issued SCT. But the problem I have is can this client then hold Secure Conversations with one or a number of other web services. I have another web service the client signs and encrypts the message and attempts to send the response to the web service but I get the following error. Error "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: WSE523: The CipherData contents are invalid" I have read that much between blogs and MSDN, im all read out lol, BUT! I can call a …
Last reply by Cormac, -
- 0 replies
For my app, I am using Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS. Just to be detailed enough...when a user types the url insead of getting a login page, he gets a windows dialog box with 3 options...username, password, and a checkbox to use password manager to remember the password. If a user would just type in the username and password, use the program, and close the browser, the next user on the same computer who would open a browser and go to the page would get the login box again...which is the desired result, especially if that person is a different user. Now if a user selects the checkbox to remember the password, as soon as ANYBODY goes to that page on the SA…
Last reply by ombun2, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
HI im new in directx i have previosly made a game in directx c++ and wanted to try using managed c# and i have a BIIIGGGG PROBLEMMMM and I cant see what it is . my problem is that I have 2 meshes one in (0,0,1) coordinate and the other one in (0,0,-3) and my camara is in (0,0,5) and when i render them the last mesh that is the fardest(0,0,-3) i see it in front of the first mesh(0,0,1), its like the device doesnt use the Zbuffer for ordering my meshes and I have it enable: device.RenderState.Zbuffer = true; I dont understand WHY is it rendering in the order the meshes are getting to the effect , the device is not ordering my meshes and I cant figure it out. PLS …
Last reply by mutant, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Am outputting my crystal report in .pdf format, however during my testing phase I found out that if the client machine does not have adobe reader, then they will not be able to view the report and they get the option of saving to there machine some code variation of the report page. Therefore, is there any particular way that I can scan for adobe reader and if it exists then display the report or alternatively inform the user that they cannot display the report as they don't have the necessary software. I have included a link next to the generate report button through which the user can go to the adobe site and download the latest version of ado…
Last reply by mike55,
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