- 11 replies
I truly don't understand why .NET "so-used" controls like a button don't have included on its "appearance" options the possibility to turn them into WinXP styled buttons. How can I make them look like WinXP buttons? I searched the web and a found some controls to do this, some are freeware others are not, still, I would like to know if there is a way doing this, skiping the need of instaling addional controls...
Last reply by penfold69, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
hello, all How to insert New records from text Box to Ms Access to table VB.NET thanks in advance ..
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
The title speaks for itself How do I underline hyperlinks on hover ?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 5 replies
Where can I get an encryption enabled Sql Query Analyzer ? I have oledb connections that utilize SSL. Where can I get a program like this? (for free) thanks Lee
Last reply by trend, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I want to check the width of string in each row of particuluar column of datagrid. For example, there is a column binding student name and the column width is set to 170 px. The default font size is set to 8 point. Some of the student name exceed the length of row and it is wrapped. I want the system check width of student name on each row. So if it is exceed 170px, system will deduct the size of font until it is fit to the row width(something like shrink). I search a lot of articles and forum also suggest use "MeasureString"., but I face some error. Below is my code to check the string width: For i As Integer = 0 To DataGrid.Items.Count - 1 Dim int…
Last reply by FZelle, -
- 2 replies
I am suppose to run a stored procedure.. and I will get a null or true output from the SP. but I am lost on how to do this.. here is my code: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim MyConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User Id=" & TextBox1.Text & ";Password=" & TextBox2.Text & ";Initial Catalog=WeGIR Member Data;Data;Use Encryption for Data=True") 'Dim ds As DataSet 'Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Dim myCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("sp_ValidateLogin") Dim myReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader …
Last reply by trend, -
- 1 reply
i'm developing a C# application. This application uses SQlite, i'd like to know which is the best convenient choice to represent out the ResultSets from an SQlite Select.... i thought i could use DataGrid control but on what i found it is oriented on and accepts a Datasource object...maybe it will work the same way also with SQlite? i thought also that Datagrid could be used creating a Row for each db result then adding it... pseudo code Datagrid d; Row r = new Row(); ///add the contents to the row then d.add®; but it doesn't work like this... i think i'm a bit confused on this...and maybe i lack of some info about something... anyone can drive me…
Last reply by FZelle, -
- Administrators
- 7 replies
How do I center text in a webform's textbox or label ? thanks Lee
Last reply by trend, -
- Leaders
- 3 replies
I'd like to capture the CD Insert or Autorun (if enabled) if possible. Here is the scenario. I am developing MyApp 2.0 that reads content distributed on CDs or DVDs. Unfortunately, the content CDs used with MyApp 1.0 included an autorun file that either installed MyApp 1.0 or launched an existing MyApp 1.0 installation. If the end-user already has MyApp 2.0 installed, I do not want old CDs containing MyApp 1.0 to attempt to install the legacy application when inserted into the drive. Is there a way to detect and prevent that from happening?
Last reply by jo0ls, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
Hello, I am studying for a microsoft exam I have learned you use implements with interfaces and inherits with classes. but i have a series of questions that has a strange answer. here is the question with a strange answer. you use visual to develop an application for a department. the following interfaces exist. public interface IEmployee property salary() as double end interface public interface IExecutive INHERITS IEployee property AnnualBonus() as double End interface the IEployee interface represents a generic employee concept. all actual employees in your company should be represented by interfaces that are derived from I…
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 1 reply
I am logging date/time/username/IP/Payload to a ms sql db everytime a user tries to log in. (payload = 'auth failed' or 'auth successful') I want to set it up so, if a user fails to provide a valide username/pw 3 times within 30 minutes, he will not be able to login for the next 30 minutes (30 minutes can start from his first login attempt.. or last.. i don't care) This is what I have so far: Dim MyCommand As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Login_Attempts WHERE Username = '" & UsernameTry & "' and Payload = 'Auth Failed'", MyConnection) So right now.. it isn't even checking the time or date.. But I stored the time via: date.Now.ToLongTimeStrin…
Last reply by trend, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a that will output true or null.. If the output is true, I need the _parent webpage to go to one website.. and if it is null, I need the _parent webpage to go to another one. Here is my code: If myReader.Read Then '= True Then validationwindow.Text = "SP Result: True" Session("permission") = "YES" 'install session cookie 'redirect user to ../start.asp Else validationwindow.Text = "SP Result: Null" 'redirect user to page explaining why they don't have access End If Also note.. if the result from the is true.…
Last reply by trend, -
- 4 replies
Could someone please point me in the right direction. what I want to be able to do is have an OleDbDataAdapter filled by using a stored procedure. I have used stored procedures with DataReaders: varProjSQLConn is my connection string Dim myCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("spQryDisp") myCmd.Connection = varProjSQLConn myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim myReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader varProjSQLConn.Open() myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader() varProjSQLConn.Close() But when trying to use it with a DataAdapter I can't seem to figure out the correct code, I need some help on this one. Thanks in adva…
Last reply by trend, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
Hi, I am a newbie and have been asked by my boss to create a small app that will allow him to select a file and have it copied to a different location. I am not sure which common dialog to use?! I notice there is one for opening files but I don't want to actually open the file, I just want to allow him to select it and press "OK", and then to select a different location where he wants to move it to. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I perhaps be using a treeview control instead? cheers
Last reply by darenkov, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have following two questions: 1. Is there a difference between ASP and ASP.NET environment concerning security and any other major issues? 2. We have both dreamweaver and Visual Studio, which one is better to start a new project? Any reference would be appreciated. Thanks,
Last reply by dinoboy, -
- Administrators
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Hi How do I create an icon for my program in the task bar? For the example like the Norton Icon, i choose what lists it will have----etc? Thanks in advance
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 4 replies
Hi I am looking for an algorithim to form a dictionary from a specified character set and with a specified length limit For example The character set a , bwith length two will have the following dictionary a,b,aa,bb,ab,ba I want the algorithim to take any character set and max length of a word and form a dictionary from this set Any ideas? I want to use this algo to generate word lists for brute forcing programs
Last reply by Khaledinho, -
- 2 replies
Dear friends, I want to disable two of my columns of windows forms datagrid. I am already using tablestyles and making the readonly property of both the columns to false. But on clicking the cell with mouse the cell is highlighting. How to prevent this. please helpl me. Thanks
Last reply by smriti, -
- 5 replies
I have a friend that has a database full of 2k-3k users. The users normally login with their username/password to the db (so he have 2k-3k valid users to access the db). And now, he wants to have a weblogin. I have read somewhere that he has to do "web-impersinations".. or something like that. But does anyone know? thanks Lee /edit oh yeah.. windows 2k, sql 2k, VS.net2k3/
Last reply by trend, -
- 2 replies
helooo, I did use a OracleDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet11) command to fill the dataset.Initially i did have a OracleDataAdapter1 then i deleted it manually and added another dataadapter,oracleconnection,dataset into the Form with same name and when i run the form it dosen't show any error and i can't see the form running even though shows that it is running. "OracleDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet11)" is in the formload.When i remove it from load and place the code under a button control the forum runs.Do you know the reason.Do any one know how to fix it.
Last reply by shankar_it,
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