- 2 replies
Hi All, How can I put text into my HTML dynamically? What I am trying to avoid is having created a generic/dynamic ASP.NET then put my text in the HTML. I would rather let the user select a page from the menu and based on that do a call to the database which would bring the text back. I can manage this part no problems, what I am finding difficulty with is what to do with text I bring back. Say if my result from the database is stored in a string called myText which holds the text along with any formatting tags etc. How would I use this string to render this text into my HTML along with all the formatting? Please help. Thank, Dave. :D :D :D
Last reply by davearia, -
- 0 replies
Actually I'm interested in putting some icons, next to each Item in the ddl . If you could tell me how to accomplish this, or a FREE control, I would appreciate it very much . To make it sound funny what I need is a "Free Rich DropDownList"
Last reply by PROKA, -
- 1 reply
we have an HTML page with this on the top of the page <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> But it still caches the page from time to time and users have to "delete files". Any ideas what we're missing?
Last reply by HJB417, -
by lothos12345- 1 reply
How do you open an .ncb database. In fact what is an .ncb database. I think it has something to do with C++ and intellisense but I am not sure. I just need to know how to open the database and use it hopefully with visual Any help given is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Joe Mamma, -
- Administrators
- 11 replies
Hello all, I'm trying to write an XML to a file from the save as. My program reads an XML file, loads all the values in from the Attributes in the XML file, then it needs to save it only editing the Attributes frome the specific objects in the xml, in the exact same form it was read, just with the new Attributes. I've been searching everywhere, and I can't find help anywhere. All sites are always talking about database editing - i am not connecting to a database in any way, I am just editing a specific type of XML file. Every single thing works in the program except writing to a NEW xml file. I don't want to write to the same XML file, or to a predefined "…
Last reply by pelikan, -
- 0 replies
hello i have an windows vb app, that must to connect to an webapplication the problem is that the site have basic authenticacion... ok i have done this... Dim strURL As String = TextBox1.Text Dim ReportWebRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(strURL), ReportWebRequest.Timeout = 1000000 ReportWebRequest.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 50 Dim cCache = New System.Net.CredentialCache cCache.Add(New Uri(strURL), "Basic", New System.Net.NetworkCredential("User", "Pass", "Domain")) ReportWebRequest.Credentials = cCache ReportWeb…
Last reply by Rothariger, -
- 4 replies
I rewrite matrices example from dx sdk with new fast loop. But its speed = speed Doevents loop? Why? using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.DirectX; using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D; using Direct3D = Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace MatricesTutorial { public class Matrices : Form { // Our global variables for this project Device device = null; // Our rendering device VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = null; PresentParameters presentParams = new PresentParameters(); bool pause = false; int count = 0; double fps = 0f; double time =…
Last reply by DrunkenHyena, -
- Leaders
- 5 replies
I am trying to to a manual Double Buffer in I have several bitmap objects, and I would like to draw each of them onto a single bitmap object, then finally draw that to the form. There is a reason for my madness, I am developing for the PocketPC and I cannot get Me.SetStyle to work. I am kind of confused with the syntax of how to do that. If someone could give a small example drawing two seprate bitmap objects onto a third. C# code is okay, I can convert but Visual Basic would be more desirable. Thanks inadvance.
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 2 replies
I have created a control named "control.ascx", and I am dynamically generating objects : Dim ctrl As control = CType(LoadControl("control.ascx"), control) I don't know how to handle events for this controls I know it has something to do with AddHandler and 'delegates' but I have no ideea of how to implement those See attached code
Last reply by Joe Mamma, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Is there a way to add the descriptive text of a custom method that I create, like the ones that appear when you select a method or property from the IDE? Thanks, Chris
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 1 reply
The interior of Tabs are not displaying accurate colors when using the enableVisualtyles ON. What's the best way to walk around this bug?
Last reply by penfold69, -
- 2 replies
I am having a really strange thing happen to me when I am attempting to use shell.sendkeys on a program called INFOConnect Accessory Manager for UNISIS. Here is the code: private sub sendkeys (byval key as string) shell.sendkeys(key) threading.thread.sleep(500) end sub private sub button2_click (byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles shell = new iwshruntimelibrary.wshshell shell.appactivate("Accessory Manager") threading.thread.sleep(900) sendkeys("Pack Spring") end sub Now when I try this it spells out: ack ing Thats it!!! :-( I have tried everything to get it to put the rest of the letters in th…
Last reply by laroberts, -
- 1 reply
I am simply trying to load in a texture and have the mip maps be auto generated or force the generation of the mip maps through Texture.GenerateMipSubLevels(). I am getting very strange results. This bit of code generates multiple levels. Texture srcTexture = new Texture(Device, 256, 256, 0, 0, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed); srcTexture.LevelCount = 9 at this point, so it did create multiple surfaces. Changing the Usage only creates one level. Texture srcTexture = new Texture(Device, 256, 256, 0, Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed); srcTexture.LevelCount is 1. I tried calling srcTexture.AutoGenerateFilterType = Text…
Last reply by DrunkenHyena, -
- 1 reply
I have created a client using 2003 in C# using the june sdk, im also using the SampleFramework, now when I run the client on the computer that has the SDK installed it works great if I run it on a comp without the SDK the drvice wont create, any ideas I installed the redist on the comp I am trying to run it on with no luck. thanks
Last reply by DrunkenHyena, -
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- 14 replies
Afraits had found a snippet from MSDN about IsDate, which I appreciated. When I went searching for the entire article, I found it here... However, I basically want to highlight these four paragraphs... I'm particularly interested in that last paragraph and would like some discussion since this seems to be the opposite of what everyone here has been telling me about the VB6 legacy code. So do you disagree with this MSDN claim? Is this article out-of-date with current MSDN policy? (It's two years old.) I ask because I'm finding that la…
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
- 2 replies
I have the following class (originally a struct, but wasn't working so changed to class, but still not working). I am saving and trying to pull from ViewState - before adding Serialization attribute had the 'must be Serializable error', so added the attirbute and interface and followed the help files. Still when saving to view state and pulling back out I get 'Nothing' as the value and the special serialization constructor and GetObjectData methods are never called. Haven't had to mess with serialization up until now, so not sure where to go from here. What am I doing wrong. Thanks! <Serializable()> _ Public NotInheritable Class TimePeriod Implements …
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I'm writing a user interface for an online gaming system (found at - it allows you to play XBox, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, PSP and Nontendo DS games online). The XLink engine, which does all the work tunneling packets over the Internet) is seperate from the UI, so basically you can write a UI in any language you like, so long as you communicate between the UI and engine correctly. Anyway, onto my problem - I have a treeview populated with a list of online users (tvChatUsers) and a tabControl (tabPrivateMessages). I want to add a new tab to the tabControl when a user is double clicked on, the tab should contain a button, richTextBox and a textBox…
Last reply by Joe Mamma, -
- 0 replies
I know about this to show the Search paine: Help.ShowHelp(this, helpProvider.HelpNamespace, HelpNavigator.Find, ""); but I have tried to send keywords via the 4th parameter with no results. What I want to basically be able to do is launch the search paine with my passed in keyword to be displayed and to have a search automatically run.
Last reply by cneff78, -
- 0 replies
Hello all- I am trying to implement File Drag and Drop for an App I am working on. I want to drag a custom file type onto the program and have it automatically open. Unfortunately I have had no luck with this so far. I keep getting an error about Drag and Drop registration having failed. I have tried setting AllowDrop to True on the main form and implementing the events for DragEnter and DragDrop but I continue to get the error. Is it not possible to implement this for the main window...I have a tab control on the form...should I be trying to enable the drop functionality on that instead? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- raquor
Last reply by raquor, -
- 2 replies
I have a CheckedListBox that has some items already checked, while other items are not. This entire CheckedListBox should be Read Only. Unfortunately, the Locked property does not seem to produce that effect. Any ideas on locking the CheckedState of a CheckedListBox?
Last reply by VagabondSW,
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