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Does anyone know how to make the form sleep in ASP.NET? I want the page to sleep for a bit before redirecting to another page. Regards, Joe
Last reply by kahlua001, -
- 8 replies
What are peoples thoughts on web browsers here? I mean actual thoughts, not just 'i hate microsoft so i use firefox'. Ok me personally, I like to use IE, however i also like to use a tabbed interface. I used Opera for a long time solely because it has tabs. I liked this as i can have 5/6 tabs open at a time. When i closed Opera it remembered the tabs and then reloaded them when i started Opera again. It also allowed me to rearrange the tabs into any order i like. I stopped using Opera as on occasion it hung for 2 mins or so, which was really annoying. I now primarily use firefox, i get annoyed as it doesnt remember the open tabs when you close it and that yo…
Last reply by flann, -
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- 4 replies
[PLAIN]listview Selecteditem [RESOLVED][/PLAIN] does anybody know how I can get the index of a selected item in a listview?
Last reply by flann, -
- 1 reply
I understand the scope of a variable remains within its block of code. For instance, this var cannot be access outside the If block... If [Condition] Dim i As Integer ... End If Same with a loop like this... While [Condition] Dim i As Integer ... End While However, I'm wondering if the second example is bad practice. I like having it declared within the block since that's the only place it's used. However, since it's in a looping block, I'm wondering if the var is created and destructed on every pass, and I should instead declare it before the loop. Thanks for your input.
Last reply by IceAzul, -
- 0 replies
When I have a crystal report loaded into the viewer of a Visual Basic.NET application and the user clicks the print option that is available as a control on the object is there some way when the user click this menu option I can programmatically add to what it does? Say when they print I want it to update a database letting administrators know that this report was printed. Can this be done and if show how? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by lothos12345, -
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Is there anyway to implment an abstract constructor? I.e. how can i acheive the following: - public abstract class MyAbstract { public abstract MyAbstract(); } I get the message "The modifier 'abstract' is not valid for this item" which i can understand by i wish to implement 3 overridable, overloading constructors for an abstract class. Can/should i do this? if not what am i not grasping properly? Cheers,
Last reply by DannyT, -
- *Experts*
- 18 replies
I must say im having all kinds of fun working with assembly language. Its super hard but fun because I now have a better understanding of how things are done in the CPU and RAM etc.. I have also noticed that VB.Net programs are very non-secure due to the ASCII code that is plain as the nose on my face :p I was wondering if there was a way to hide it from the ASCII code like make a password in a textbox encrypted or binary? Because doing the simple if password = textbox1.text then msgbox("yea!") else msgbox("try again") end if this sort of code is too simple to detect any suggestions on hiding the source from assembly/hex ?
Last reply by neodammer, -
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Holy crap. Holy.....crap I've never had this problem before, but when I do a Mesh.loadheirarchyfromfile("Meshes/Tiny.x", other arguments), sometimes the file path gets weird. On my computer the project is loaded in the bin directory in My Documents/Visual STudio projects. And doing "Meshes/Tiny.x" loads the file from the bin directory. But on OTHER PEOPLES computers, "Meshes/Tiny.x" searches through My Documents/Meshes/Tiny,x --> as in MY DCOUMENTS (C:/documents and settings/thepentiumguy, which they don't have). The mesh I've chosen resides in the bin folder of the application, and all I've provided is the "Meshes/Tiny.x" argument, and NOT a "My Documents/…
Last reply by ThePentiumGuy, -
- 0 replies
I have the need to copy a database in MSDE using code, and I was wondering if anyone has done this that would not mind sharing the code. I think the process would be something like: 1) Determine location of .mdf and .ldf file that you wish to copy 2) Detach database that you wish to copy 3) Copy the .mdf and .ldf file and rename to new name 4) Attach both the new and old database As I quite new to the major problem that I can see with this is error handling, as you would always want the database that you are copying to be re-attached to SQL server. Any help on this subject would be appreshiated. Thanks Simon
Last reply by lidds, -
- 0 replies
Up to now, all the classes I've created in my current project have been in a specific namespace, with the same directory logic tree. It is really easy to find a class when a project is structured. If I'm looking for the class, I know I can find it in the Tools.IO directory on my computer. Fine. But Is there any good reason to organise the namespaces so that they dont fit the directory tree on your computer? For example: I have a namespace called «mycontrols». In this namespaces, I have, lets say, 20 different controls. When I want to use these controls in a webform, I just put the register tag with a single namespace: <%@ Register TagPrefix="C" As…
Last reply by utilitaire, -
- 0 replies
Hey there gang. I'm wanting to return the actual values of the registry keys in the User Shell Folders key. An example of a value stored in one of these keys would be: "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" and I would like to actually return the following when querying it: "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data" However, when returning these values using the code below (VB.Net), it resolves the %USERPROFILE% variable, and returns its correspnding value, eg: "C:\documents and settings......\Application Data" Reading through the docs it says the string can be returned in three available 'categories': ********************************************* String values c…
Last reply by Bunce, -
- 1 reply
I have seen some example of this from Michael Gold at C-SharpCorner about performing a multi column sort on a ListView but it does not work well with my code. I would like to know is there is any other way of doing this. You know, clicking the column's name and sorting the rows based on the alphabetic ascending order of that clicked column... Trly appreciate help on this one.
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way in Visual Basic.NET to put a textbox on a form and force the user to enter in information in a predetermined format. Like the use of an InputMask in Microsoft Access, but I need for Visual Basic.NET. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by jmcilhinney, -
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Hey all! It looks like this forum has 1/10 of a million posts on it. Coolness. Thought you all might want to know. Sorry, I don't have any party hats to give out.
Last reply by mutant, -
- 5 replies
Is it possible to display thumbnails in the listview? I want to display the thumbnails as previews of the object.
Last reply by FYRe, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know how to implement HoverSelection in DataDrid (like in ListView)? Thanks, Carl
Last reply by scvn, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I got a DB that contains file names. For some unknown reason, some of the entries contain a double quote ( " ). Using the replace function, I eliminated all other invalid characters from the names and the only one remaining is that darn double quote. How would I use the name = replace(name, """, "") ? Thanks
Last reply by laredo512, -
- 5 replies
I have a computer with a 9800Pro, which is great and supports hardware vertex processing. But then again, I'm doign some "beta" testing and came to the conclusion that this HP doesn't support hardware vertex processing.... Half the things that I do require hardware vertex processing, and this computer makes me use software veretx processing, dropping my frames per second from 500 to 6 (this is rendering an animated mesh, heightmap and skybox). Is this a common problem? Computers with integrated graphics require software vertex processing? See the reason I'm asking is, I went to dxdiag -> Display -> Test Direct3D and it said it supported "Direct3D 9 Hardw…
Last reply by ThePentiumGuy, -
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I use .NET 2003 and I wanted to use "using System.IO.Ports" which is in the System.dll of Network Framework 2.0. I have downloaded Network Framework 2.0, and when I try to add the new System.dll as reference, I get the Error, see picture. Somebody experience the same thing ? And what to do ? I have not read that it could not be used for NET 2003... Environment.bmp
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
- 0 replies
I've got two seperate directories on the same server. ValidPath = "\\imgnas1\vol1\TESTVOL\VOL01238\IMAGEVOL\2003091600603" & ValidPath = "\\imgnas1\vol1\imagevol\vol01238\imagevol\2003091600603" The only difference is on the "imagevol" dir I have read and execute permissions whereas "testvol" I have all permissions. I'm getting an accessed denied when I execute this line of code: Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles(ValidPath, "*.*") The directory that I'm getting the error on is the "testvol" directory; the one I have full permissions to!! The other directory works fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction on where to go to debug …
Last reply by woklet,
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