- 1 reply
I am trying to search through a txt document line by line and get any webpage out of it. I have been learning about regex.. but I believe this will just return the whole line of there is a webaddress on it. (to recap, I want any address..something like,,, I am trying to use: Dim rx As New Regex("www\.*[\.net|\.com|\.org]") But this is just returning the whole line (I think?) What should I do to just return the website's url? thanks Lee
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
- 1 reply
Hi to all, when i double click in my tree view i change the image that displays, indicating a diferente state of that node. The images are in my imageList, and by default the images index is 0. Ok. So far so good. I have 2 main problems that are tied together. 1) When i double click the image change only appears when i select another node. 2) When i select a node, the image reverts back to the image that existes by default. When i select another node the image returns to what i had there. so what can i do to 1) change the image imediatly when i double click the node and 2) how can i, when i select a node, prevent i to revert to the original image th…
Last reply by rfazendeiro, -
- *Experts*
- 3 replies
Dear all, I am trying to filter data by using dataview and display the results on the combo box, but the problem is it displays more than 1 exactly the same results on a combo box, how can I do it to prevent this happned? Thanks PlayKid
Last reply by rfazendeiro, -
- 2 replies
Running a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 I created a new stored procedure in SQL Server 2000. How do I get ASP.Net to run one or many stored procedures when a user clicks on a button? :confused: :confused:
Last reply by mike55, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way to discover if a font is fixed-width(Monospace) or not?
Last reply by Afraits, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Can anyone help me !!! might not be the best place to post this but as I have been a member of this forum for awhile I'd prefer to try here first. I am having trouble to find a way to scale images so they show up as good quality thumbnails. At the moment I have just resized the image in html but obviously distorts the image. If anyone could help?? Cheers Simon
Last reply by hrabia, -
- 1 reply
I am using ExceptionHandling Application Blocks to create Exception log files into a file named trace.log .That is OK and working fine. I also want to write these log messages into SQL Server database table. I am not getting how to configure Enterprise Library to make this happen. Please do some help for me (,C# )?
Last reply by hrabia, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know of any good Jabber/XMPP examples or tutorials? I've been looking on google for quiet some time now, but havn't found anything useful... Thanks in Advance, Decrypt
Last reply by decrypt, -
- 5 replies
Ok, Here my code piece..... DOnt I need to close the file here? If so How? Try If File.Exists(frPath) Then Dim rFile As StreamReader = File.OpenText(frPath) ReadString = rFile.ReadToEnd() stubText.Text = ReadString End If ' Q: DO I need to close this File? How? Where? Here or after ' End Try? Catch End Try vbMarkO
Last reply by vbMarkO, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
after reading some posts here, i even added the [] around the fields... but still the update does not update... pls help... updateCommand3 = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("UPDATE [Event_Nuclear] SET [Event_Nuclear].[Number_Of_Levels] = ? WHERE [Event_Nuclear].[sS_Event_Nuclear_ID] = ?", Me.connection) updateCommand3.Parameters.Add(New OleDb.OleDbParameter(Me.EventNuclID, OleDb.OleDbType.Integer)) updateCommand3.Parameters.Add(New OleDb.OleDbParameter("Number_Of_Levels", OleDb.OleDbType.Integer)) updateCommand3.Prepare() updateCommand3.Parameters.Item("Number_Of_Levels").Value() = Integer.Parse(Me.TextBox1.Text) updateCommand3.Parameters.Item(Me.EventNuclID).Valu…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
Is there a way to display a context-sensitive menu after the user has clicked on a listview item and entered into the label edit mode? I can capture the "BeforeLabelEdit" event and display the menu there, but that is too soon to show the menu. I need the menu to show when they are actually editing the text. The purpose for this is that I would like to be able to let the user select from items on the menu to place at the location of the insertion bar/cursor. Example: the user clicks on a list view item that has this text: "Windows is great". They place the focus bar after the letter "s" in the word "Windows", right click and a menu pops up that has the choices of "N…
Last reply by flynn, -
- 0 replies
Hi friends, I am trying to convert a bunch of JPEG files to video. So far, the most I have been able to do is convert one JPEG frame to a video. For this, I used the WMEncoder SDK from MS. However, the SDK is very rigid as far as the variety of inputs it accepts is concerned. It accepts several video formats and can spit out to different video formats too. But, it takes only one input file (in this case, one JPEG). So, has anyone of you tried doing this? JPEG to any commonly-used video format (mpg, avi, wma etc.) Do let me know. Thanks, DNM. :)
Last reply by dotnetman, -
- 2 replies
Hi all Is it possible to write a program to retrieve emails and if so does anyone know where I can find an example? Thanks
Last reply by pendragon, -
- 10 replies
I have a datagrid and I'm trying to put in the edit command. The edit event works, it opens up the current record to edit, but when I click on the update button or cancel button, those events don't fire. Is there a step that I'm missing that would make these fire?
Last reply by Hyuga, -
- 1 reply
sorry: Flash + Hi Guys, and sorry for that it's just that i need to know how to open a flash document with and how i can send and receive values. Thanks again, Bili
Last reply by neodammer, -
- 1 reply
I have this log on my txt file: line 1) M7994959481766084OP-M-SAC53320050405182339Last Bag >> Break 20 line 2) 05 line 3) M7994959481788092FL-M-SAC20320050405182119Active Flight Schedule line 4) line 5) W7994959481788093BA-W-OCC00220050405182119SortingID >> 0304200 line 6) 5 Chute/LineNo= FS2-G How do i combine line 1 & 2, line 3 & 4, line 5 & 6. The other things is I try using this regex regex r = new Regex (19|20)[90][0-9](0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) and try to seperate between ; example: Column 1 M7994959481766084OP-M-SAC533 …
Last reply by mark007, -
- 1 reply
Hi Friends, I have made a CCW that basically loads up an image viewer on a button click. The button click events are handled within a VB program. The image viewer resides in the GAC and is loaded by a method within the CCW. The image viewer has a feature that allows the user to navigate through image thumbnails using the Up/Down arrow keys. This feature works great as long as the calling program is also a .Net app. However, when the image viewer is invoked via the CCW by a VB program, the Up/Down arrows cease to function. The focus never goes to the image viewer and stays on the calling program. Anyone got any idea why this might happen. Appreciate the help. DNM. :)
Last reply by mark007, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I wrote a piece of code here to open and close an excel file.. Everything works fine..But im not sure why when i go to the task manager, the instance of excel is still there running > means that the excel file is not closed properly..Do you guys have any idea what is the problem? Thankx in advance oXL = new Excel.Application(); oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\\Content.xls", Type.Missing,false, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,true, Type.Missing,Type.Missing,Type.Missing); oWB.Close(false,Type.Missing,Type.Missing); oXL.Workbooks.Close(); oXL.Quit();
Last reply by mark007, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I urgently need to know how to access the security attributes of a windows file to find the Windows Network User which has a file open and causes the file to be locked from other users. If anyone can point me in the right direction or show me the code I need to use that would be excellent. Thanks Martin
Last reply by mark007, -
- Administrators
- 7 replies
I am trying to create an event which, when you scroll the mouse wheel UPwards, an event occur, & when you scroll the mouse wheel DOWNwards, an event will occur. Is anyone familiar with using MouseWheel Event, in VS 2003 ? or is there some other Event that can be used? I need example/s or maybe tutorial/s a.s.a.p. for my project. thks, FYRe
Last reply by Afraits, -
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