I'm using a dll... but, when loading it shows the error unable to load "CoreDLL.dll" Where can i find the CoreDLL .. Thanks.
Last reply by mark007, -
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- 12 replies
Hi all, I am having 2 forms, and I have declared an integer variable in form 1, then I assign something from from2 to that integer value, but it just didnt pass my value, can somebody tell me why??But when I am passing a textbox value, it can be passed. PlayKid
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
Hey guyz, I cannot get Smartnav to work when copying my code out to our production env. It works fine on my client (WinXp SP2). Do I need to set any option on the webserver in production? :confused:
Last reply by bizarre_urban, -
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What is the best way, Have tried both Convert and Cast but nether seem to work. Mike55
Last reply by mike55, -
- 7 replies
Anybody know of a good regex function for extracting links from html code? Im finding it hard with the various ways to display links.
Last reply by mark007, -
- 1 reply
How can I create dash boards like the one in .I am using ASP.NET and C#.
Last reply by mark007, -
- 3 replies
All, I have a problem when writing code on XSLT. I have a string like this: "123454433-56545663". I need to find a way to extract the last 3 digits before the "-" so the result will become: "433", I though about Substring but then I realized I cannot do it because the parameters of Substring is: "string, number, number", and I need to distinguish the "-". Does anyone have any idea? Many thanks, Carl
Last reply by sgt_pinky, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I think I read all of the information in the whole internet regarding the CustomPrincipal class. I have every tutotorial and reference that I could find about inplemending this, and all show the same code. A lot of people like myself are having problems when trying to cast the HttpContext.User to the CustomPrincipal Class. Maybe someone here has an answer. Default.aspx <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Security" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Security.Principal" %> <%@ Assembly Src="CustomPrincipal.vb" %> Sub Page_Load If Not IsPostBack Then End If 'Dim cp As CustomPrincipal = CType(HttpContext.Current.User, CustomPrincipal) ' gives inv…
Last reply by Polar Bear, -
- 3 replies
I need a bit of a kick-in-the-rear to get me on the right track. I have programmatically added buttons to a Panel, but I now need to handle the click event of each of those buttons. I have a sub-routine that creates an instance of a Button and adds it to the Panel.Controls collection. Once the end of that sub-routine is reached, the instance of those buttons are out of scope. Is there a way to programmatically create the event handlers for the buttons in the Panel.Controls collection or do I need to Declare a Button Array and add them to that in order to support event handling? Does that make sense? Private Sub MakePanelControlTop() Dim buttonAdd As New …
Last reply by VagabondSW, -
- 2 replies
I have seen a few people tring to reinvent the wheel by creating an application log file and then having problems with accessing the file, keeping the fiole synced between instances, etc. . . Don't rebuild the wheel, just do the following: 1. Drop an EventLog component from the components tab on to your form/page and : windows - eventLog1.Source = this.Name; eventLog1.Log = Application.ProductName; eventLog1.WriteEntry("Something Happened", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information,0); or ASP.NET eventLog1.Source = this.Name; eventLog1.Log = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath; eventLog1.WriteEntry("Something Happened", System.Diagnostics.Ev…
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
Given a dataset [ds] and combobox dropdown [cbClient], I need to populate the dropdown with the values from column0 of ds.Tables[0] Problem is I want the values in the combobox [cbClient] to be unique... Dataset ds looks like this (space in between each column): client1 Assignment1 ACTIVE client1 Assignment2 ACTIVE client2 Assignment1 ACTIVE As you can see there are two rows that have a value of Client1, if I populate my cbClient directly with the Dataset ds.Tables[0] then my Combobox [cbClient] will have Client1, Client1, Client2 - I only want UNIQUE names in the combobox, no repeating Client1 twice because it is in two rows. The only thing I could think of is…
Last reply by VagabondSW, -
- 2 replies
If I had two datatables. e.g. Car and Passengers. Car CarID, Colour, Type 1 , Red, Jaguar 2 , Blue, Lotus Passengers PassengerID, PassengerName, CarID 1 , John, 1 2 , Phil, 2 3 , Paul, 2 And wanted to output these in XML with Car as the master node what would use in C# ?? Thanks, Tim :D
Last reply by Tim Field, -
- 0 replies
hi I am reading from a .CSV file and filling a dataset with the data that I return. The problem that I am encountering is that the dataset does not pick up the data from the first column if it is in a format other than int. The .CSV file is accessed and opened using Excel, would this have anything to do with the problem? The name of the column is Custom_ID, I have also attached the .CSV file. Public Function readFromCSV(ByVal filetable As String, ByRef data As DataSet) As Boolean readFromCSV = True Dim ds As New DataSet Dim fileLocation As String Dim sql_select As String Dim obj_oledb_da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter …
Last reply by mike55, -
- 2 replies
Given the following code that connects to an Excel File (as a DB) and reads (works great) and writes (doesn't work - this is the problem). The Excel file itself (C:\myData.XLS Sheet1) looks like this: row(1): Client1 Assignment1 RUNNING row(2): Client1 Assignment2 PAUSED row(3): Client2 Assignment1 FINISHED (spaces delimited between columns) using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; DataSet DS; OleDbDataAdapter MyCommand; OleDbConnection MyConnection; MyConnection = new OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source=C:\myData.XLS; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"); // Select the data from Sheet1 of the workbook. MyCommand = new System.Data.…
Last reply by Machaira, -
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Is there a way to change the backgroundimage on a form? i tried things like frmMain.BackgroundImage("path") but it doesnt work for me.. is it possible and if so how?
Last reply by Machaira, -
- 1 reply
Something really odd - when the user changes the text in a combobox [cbClient] it launches the cbClient_TextChanged event at which point I want to evaluate the NEW value in cbClient to see if it matches a certain criteria. Problem I am having (no clue why) is that when the event is handled the value of "CbClient.text" is still the OLD value and not the new updated value. For example - currently in cbClient.Text = "Client1", if there user deletes/backspaces the "1" then the NEW value in cbClient should be = "Client" HOWEVER when (in the event) I do cbClient.Text it still gives me the OLD value "Client1". Is there anyway to get the NEW value? Use a different event? Dif…
Last reply by Machaira, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am using a datagrid to display the records and a drop down list which contains the column names, a text box to enter the text for search and a button to perform the search. I perform the search on the appropriate column of the data grid by using the dataset's RowFilter property. It is working nice. But now i have a problem that when the user enters a single apostrophe like " ' " in the search filed it gives an error that is like {System.Data.SyntaxErrorException} [system.Data.SyntaxErrorException]: {System.Data.SyntaxErrorException} HelpLink: Nothing InnerException: Nothing Message: "The expression contains an invalid string constant: ' ." Source…
Last reply by AsifCh, -
- 1 reply
Given a Combobox [cbClient] that has been populated by a DataSet [ds] as such: cbClient.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; cbClient.DisplayMember = "CLIENTS"; cbClient.ValueMember = "CLIENTS"; cbClient.SelectedIndex = -1; Problem is I can't seem to find a way to CLEAR/EMPTY the combobox when I want to, meaning if the user presses the "CLEAR" button I want the combobox [cbClient] to become empty. I tried stuff like "cbClient.Items.Clear()" but that gave errors like "Cannot modify the items collection when the DataSource property is set", I then tried using stuff like "cbClient.DataSource = null" but that does something really odd to the GUI of the Combobox (looks like the …
Last reply by Machaira, -
- 2 replies
Hey People! New to this forum... I want to know if anyone here knows how to know when for example your mouse if over a particula mesh on the screen... I know how to use Mesh.Intersect to find out if a ray intersect a mesh and at what distace but I really want to know if my mouse if pointing to an object in the a 3D scene. I suppose I could figure out a way to put a ray where the camera is and point it in the direction the camera is pointing with an offset of where the mouse is. It will have to do with the projectiong matrix also.. But I was tryiing to find an easyer way of doing it... Maybe there is a function that is simular to Mesh.Intersect but tells if a point on the …
Last reply by cwijeratna, -
- 2 replies
I'm working on an application (with Visual C# .NET) which needs to display Images on Screen. The bitmaps are rather large (up to 4000*5500 Pixels) and I need to do some image processing on the image. I need to be able to window the images: That means I need to use the concept of Look-Up-Tables. :confused: Is there a possibility to do that with Managed DirectX? I tried it with Direct3D and had problems when displaying the large images as textures. Do I have to resize the Images before displaying, so that the size of the Image does not exceed MaxTextureWidth and MaxTextureHeight? Can I display the bitmaps directly on a Surface? I also tried DirectDraw. Displa…
Last reply by Silka,
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