- 2 replies
Hi, I have a page with two different frames loaded on two different domains. Is there any way to get access to both frames on a local computer? Whenever I try to read the second frame it usually gives me an error. Thank you
Last reply by leontager, -
- 1 reply
I recently needed to find information about available 3rd party help compilers. I first tried to search the forum for 'chm compiler'. But, three letter words are not permitted in searches, so I received a huge list of messages with only the word 'compiler' in them. I then tried to search for 'help compiler', but was informed that the word 'help' is too common and would not be included in my search. I realize that is a common word in a help forum, but why can't I have the option of including it in my search? It may take me a few tries, but I think I could whittle the results down to where I can find what I'm looking for. And, why can't we search for 3 letter words? In oth…
Last reply by mjb3030, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hi to all, I'm currently making a app that has to read 2 files and combine it all in one. The information is layout in lines. Something like this 000222333 23222323 Street number 27 6700-200 003343344 34556324 The Mall 24 5400-200 000003322 32233233 Street Hólând 33 3432-233 So i go through the lines and take the information. That easy because i have the position of each information so i can take it with Substring. Something like this string value = string.Empty; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"C:\File.txt"); string sLineApolices = null; while((sLineApolices = srApolices.ReadLine()) != null) { value = sline.Substring(25,…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
How can I retrieve the name of the computer through code?
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- *Experts*
- 7 replies
Hi to all, Currently in my application i have to read from a huge file and make some operations with the file. Because the file takes some time to read, i would like to show a progress bar to indicate that the file is being read. My problem is that i dont know how many lines the file has so i cannot indicate the maximun value to increment it. any body has an ideia?
Last reply by rfazendeiro, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I would like to know which are the messages involved in a Sql Connection using the .net command SqlConnection. It would be something similar to ask and answer that Web Services works under SOAP, and SOAP is based in XML, and all runs under http, but I don´t know what happens in a SQL connection. Would it be with http if the connection is against other machine?? If it is a local connection, how does .net work?? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by FZelle, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm from a CE country that has some special characters in the alphabet. DB2 stores values in it's own code table, then when "pumped out" they have to be changed to "870" code table (in AS400 prompt window). I did a casual pull and filled a dataset in VB.NET but the characters (our native: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia...) are looking really funny and strange. Anyone (possibly from CE europe) has similar problems or solutions? I tried changing DataSet locales, but now the thing just doesn't work at all :rolleyes:
Last reply by IxiRancid, -
- 2 replies
I have a Rich textbox and have some text in it, What im trying to do is when the user selects text and clicks a button it will replace that selected text with something like <tag>{selected text}</tag> How would i do this? EDIT-------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok well i got what i wanted after playing around with the code for a while, Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click codebox.Copy() tmptext.Paste() formattext.Text = "<b>" + tmptext.Text + "</b>" formattext.Select() formattext.Copy() code…
Last reply by Getox, -
- 0 replies
hello, i am making an C# smart application, and i have a problem.. i have an xml file for configuration... i need to know how can i make it for when i make the debugging deployment, the xml file uploads automatically... i must to upload manually... thanks... PS: i put to the xml file, the property i think it is "action generated"... i put it "content"... i dont know if this has something to do.. but...
Last reply by Rothariger, -
- Leaders
- 4 replies
I have an UnhandledExceptionHandler and ThreadException handler wrapped around my main form in the Main method. However, I can reproduce an error that doesn't get caught by these 2 handlers. What gives? What would cause these 2 'Catch-All' handlers from not catching a System.NullReferenceException? PS. I've read that these handlers are 'Catch-All' handlers. I'm not so sure now.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Database Paging I'm trying to page data that comes back from a cursor on the db (AS400) - but it's a generic problem on all databases I think. The reason for needing the database to handle the paging is that the complete resultant dataset is too large to cache, multiple by users and you'd crash server (because each one has individual results). I've come up with two working models, but both leave that bad taste in your mouth that let you know it's not right. If you have ideas keep in mind that the user can set the rows per page, jump into the application at page X (it remembers where they were last at), and sort (acs and desc) on any column in the cursor returned (to…
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 1 reply
I want to open a .txt file and just get the number of lines that it contains. Not the specific information within the lines. But just a line count. How would i go about that?
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to create a dynamic dropdownlist, not in a datagrid, that populates the list based off of the current month, and then the previous 11 months. I've got it working to the point that it does populate the ddl, but then it is refilling it. Does anybody know of a good resource that shows how to do this?
Last reply by eramgarden, -
- 1 reply
When I use VS2k3 to access a network folder I get lockups that are around 60 secs PER FOLDER. This means if I access a server that I have mapped to my Q: drive, accessing the drive via VS2k3 takes 60 secs, and then when I double click a folder I have to wait another 60 secs. It smells like a timeout issue. Please note the problem relates to VS2k3 specifically because I can access the drive and folders quickly from My Computer, worst case scenario is when I access a server for the first time, it takes upto 10 secs to load the root directory but after that, every folder is instant. In case anybody wants to know I have a 100mbit connection and the servers are on gi…
Last reply by travisowens, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to trim this ":GA:" from the begining of each Item name in a textfile then load it to a ComboBox I am using this For Each itm In strMin If itm.StartsWith(":GA:") Then 'Dim c As Char() = {":GA:"} ' Tried this but it only cleared the ":" MainApp.minCombo.Items.Add(itm.TrimStart(":GA:")) ' SO I went to this and its still only Trimming ":" End If Next So how might I get this trimmed? I want to trim ":GA:" and add the name/itm following it to the combo box. vbMarkO
Last reply by vbMarkO, -
- 2 replies
I have 6 radbuttons on a form. 2 in one groupbox and the other 4 in another groupbox. My problem is, it only lets me have one of the 6 selected at a time. I want to have one from the first 2 and one from the first 4? Anyone know what i can do?
Last reply by Talk2Tom11, -
- 7 replies
My current code is intended to retrieve the number of entries in a database table, then retrieve these entries if the count is greater than 0. I assume I can simply reuse the same OleDbDataReader object for both queries, but I'm getting a "Type mismatch in expression" error. I'm not sure if this is because I'm reusing the OleDbDataReader object, an OleDbCommand object, or if there is a problem with my boolean parameter. The code is as follows: public void Page_Load (object Sender, EventArgs e) { string qryActiveCount = "SELECT COUNT(BlogID) AS ActiveCount FROM Blogs WHERE BlogActive = @BlogActive"; string qryActiveBlogs = "SELECT B.BlogID, B.BlogTitle, B.BlogPostDat…
Last reply by fizzled, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a great regex for extracting hrefs from a web page, but I can not figure out where I can insert one of my submatch conditions. Here is the regex that matches the href link. (?:[hH][rR][eE][fF]\s*=)(?:[\s""']*)(?!#|[Mm]ailto|[lL]ocation.|[jJ]avascript|.*css|.*this\.)(.*?)(?:[\s>""']) and here is another regex that matches part of the link: W0QQitemZ([0-9]{5,10})QQ Where in the first regex do I enter this one in order to get the following submatch? Text: <html><a href=""""></html> Match: h…
Last reply by galaganut, -
- 1 reply
[PLAIN]ddl and selected value [Resolved][/PLAIN] I am working on a webpage to pull Patient Xray information. I have a drop down list to select the correct patient. I can fill the ddl but I am having trouble capturing the selected item. After I select the patient I want...I have to select the label and hit Enter to populate the label with the Medical Record number. Can someone look at my code and suggest how to fix this? Thanks Code: Option Explicit On Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class WebForm1 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 'Declare a global Connection object Dim objConnection As SqlConnection #Region " We…
Last reply by rothjm, -
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- 5 replies
I'm in a wee bit a jam. I use INSERT SELECT statement with an OleDb Command (see code below). This SELECT statement seeks from two different tables. My problem is this: if the first table(s) contain data and the ExecuteNonQuery is done the other INSERT SELECT shuold be skipped. How can I check if the first cmd.ExecutenonQuery has inserted some actual data? It performs the Execute as if there is data, but actually doesn't insert anything. Try OleDbConnection1.Open() For Each item As String In ListBox2.Items Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim insrt_str As String insrt_str = "INSERT INTO NMYLIB.BM…
Last reply by IxiRancid, -
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