- 4 replies
Dear all I have the following code:- System.Drawing.Image src_image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgStream); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(image_width, image_height, src_image.PixelFormat); Graphics new_g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); new_g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; new_g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; new_g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; new_g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality; new_g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; new_g.DrawImage(src_image, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitm…
Last reply by monfu, -
- 0 replies
I'm attempting to use the following code to conditionally drop a link inside a Repeater, and from what I've read everywhere, I should be able to cast the RepeaterItem.DataItem to a DataRowView to access the current row of information so I can decide if I need a link or not. Does anyone see why this isn't working? private void rptrActiveBlogs_ItemDataBound (object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)) { [color=red]DataRowView drvCurrent = (DataRowView) e.Item.DataItem;[/color] Literal litAuthor = (Literal) e.Item.FindControl("litBlogAuthor"); if (drvCurrent["Author…
Last reply by fizzled, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
I have an application that reads data from a database, wraps the data in html table tags and then sent as an email to myself. My problem is as follows. I have set the email format to be html so when I open the email I should see the data in a nice table format. That does not happen however. The email contains a table structure but some of the data at the start is outside the table cells, I looked at the html code and I noticed the following, that certain ! were being added between td tags like the following, <td! > The funny thing is that if I write the html that is being sent to a file like test.html and open it in a browser the table is in perfect format. So…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 3 replies
Error Question I am developing an application on our intranet server from my local pc. I am developing it using the intranet url as part of my project name - so "" The problem I have is (and I think this may be because I am not actually working on the server), the application will not show me runtime errors when they occur. I just get that "error in whatever application" and it tells me to set custom errors to "off" (which I did) but I still cannot see them. I think this is probably why I am not able to debug my web applications since I am working on one computer with the application on another. Is that why? I hope I am making se…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
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- 4 replies
Is this just a buzz word for using attributes smartly? That's what I gather.
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 4 replies
A few weeks ago i was using visual studio standard edition and i had an app which the labels and the form are transparent. Just today i upgrade my IDE to visual studio professional edition. When i debug and run my app, the form still transparent but the labels back color changes to white! I check out the properties the back color is set to transparent though.... How to solve this?
Last reply by Souma, -
- 0 replies
In my code, I have a couple of different methods of calling my database. I'm not a database guy, so I don't know the names of the methods I am using. One method takes a DataAdapter (Adapter1) with an SQL string command (strSql) and a Database Connection (Connection1), then magically does its thing by calling Adapter1.Fill(DatabaseTable1). I don't understand how it works, but I use it in a few places, and it seems to work. Pure magic! The other method makes sense to me: Construct a similar SQL string command (strSql) and Database Connection (Connection1), but then supply these settings to a DbCommand (Command1). For this version, I have to use Connection1.Open() alon…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- 4 replies
Alright I am making a constitution day program thing for school and I need to make multiple lines of the text that I am putting in a command. Does anyone know an easy way to do this or a way to do it at all, my teacher doesnt even know how. So any help would be appreciated! :D
Last reply by SonicBoomAu, -
- 1 reply
ok.. i have installed Visual C# .NET Standard 2003. i want to look at the duwamish sample project which is supposed to be found here... Move to the Enterprise Samples folder located at: [Drive letter where Visual Studio .NET is installed]:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Enterprise Samples\. I don't have that directory... what do I need to do to install duwamish and run it on my local machine? thanks
Last reply by reagan123, -
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- 13 replies
Hey all, I have a quick question about setting up a Splash Screen for my application. I created a Gif File that I want to use on my Splash screen. Only problem is this, the Gif file will continually animate even after the first time. Since this is a Splash Screen, this is not what I want to happen. Is there any way to set my Gif file to only animate once on the picturebox. Any solutions and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, -=Simcoder=-
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I was wondering if this is even possible: - Form1 has five selections. - I have five seperate data bases can I have each of those 5 selections on form1 open up form2 but pull from each individual database respectively? I have been going round and round about this in my head and can't some up with anything. I am trying to avoid having to make a new form for each database I want to pull information from. Looking at my future with this projects, I could end up making a butt-ton of forms.
Last reply by matt09524, -
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- 7 replies
For example: When the user enters any vowel into the Textbox, I want it to appear in Bold.
Last reply by DiverDan, -
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well im trying to get it so when a persons mouse goes into a picture box, which I have named as prender, a box is drawn around the mouse, and then it follows the mouse, the code I have is this Private Sub prender_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles prender.MouseMove Dim p As Pen Dim g As Graphics g.DrawRectangle(p, e.X, e.Y, 40, 40) End Sub this all builds, and everything, but when i try it in the app, I get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object error... can someone help me with this I havent used GDI much, so im not firmiliar that much with it.
Last reply by Machaira, -
- 11 replies
Is there anyway to highlight certain words/letters like If, Else, New and others?
Last reply by Diesel, -
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- 12 replies
I have a Web Project in which I am holding a few key (Public) variables in a Module. The issue is that when two or more users are on the site or page the variables do not stick with the correct user. One user is getting the others variables. How do I fix this? I do not want to keep passing multiple variables through .aspx pages. That is why I used the module to contain them, but they do not stay with the correct user. Any Ideas? :mad:
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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OK, I have a Rich Textbox now if i had say this code in it: <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> </body> </html> Now, i have a button that will add: <style> </style> But that goes at the bottom of the page, How would i get it to add this before the </head> tag?
Last reply by Machaira, -
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i need help about database sql server is one of best DB also after oracle DB but sql server need to install in client pc. i need a good DB for single app (i need db better than access) that dont need to install in client pc and work in sql what s your offer?
Last reply by samsmithnz, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, I am playing around with the idea of doing some .NET development that would make use of voice recognition. I have downloaded Microsoft Speech Recognition SDK 5.1 as a start. Does anyone know of any good links or any other good suggestions on this subject? Thank, Dave. :D :D :D
Last reply by travisowens, -
- 1 reply
Any tips, these are nasty! Thanks, Tim
Last reply by travisowens, -
- 0 replies
It says it does not regconise it as an ActiveX component, help to resolve this? I did added it successfully before, but now can't.
Last reply by Souma,
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