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- 8 replies
I have a query in my code. I use this query to fill a dataset..... and with another query I fill a datareader. but instead of a query I want to use a stored procedure from oracle how do I call this stored procedure and fill my dataset and/or datareader? thx
Last reply by inter, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Have filled a dropdown list with data directly from the database. Wish to have a specific value selected when the page first loads. I am using the following line of code: ddlOrgtype.DataSource = dsOrgTypes ddlOrgtype.DataTextField = "OrgType" ddlOrgtype.DataValueField = "Identifier" ddlOrgtype.DataBind() ddlOrgtype.selectedValue = "Select Organisation Type" I am getting the error: "Specificed arguement was out of range of valid values.", any suggestions on how to overcome this problem? Mike55
Last reply by JTDPublix, -
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- 21 replies
Thought I'd start a thread on suggestions for changes. Maybe a first pass "todo" list for someone. Not sure who that is, see other thread :) 0. Fixing the code tags. A solution/discussion exsts in this post. 1. The sidebar is now updated (no longer showing April dates), which is better. How about lowering the number of items to something closer to 20 or less? It looks to be around 30 right now and it goes farther down than the forums? 2. The sidebar seems highly geared toward news, and Macromedia Flash at that. Two bad things there: these are .NET forums (Microsoft product, no flash forums) and the label is "Programming Tips" but the links are all news related. …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 5 replies
Is 56000 Records too much on a table with 6 columns? I mean, I have no ideia of how fast/slow is performing searchs in a table containing such number of records, yet, I actually don't know if 56000 are too many records for one single table at all....
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 1 reply
This is dead easy with a database. Just select one field to be an Item and another (normally the unique key ID in my experience, but not always) to be the ValueMember. Is there a way to configure this relationship manually?
Last reply by kejpa, -
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- 3 replies
I know i can insert breakpoints and when they fire I can hover the cursor over Variables and see their values. I don't want it to stop every iteration, and the logic to stop execution only when I want it, seems about as difficult as the program itself. If I pause it myself , I don't know how to see the value of any variables. Is there a way to see the value of variables when I pause it myself. I'm sure it's just one of the large number of things I don't know. thanks
Last reply by realolman, -
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- 2 replies
I have begun to write a program that will allow users to write scripts in VB/C#. Their scripts are compiled to in-memory assemblies using the compilers obtained by the Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider.GetCompiler and Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider.GetCompiler methods. I have tried handling the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Unhandled exception and Application.CurrentThreadException (from both outside and inside the script) and script exceptions are not caught by these handlers. What I want to do is catch script exceptions before they crash my program, end the script, and notify the user. How can I go about catching an unhandled exception in the script so that I can d…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 11 replies
I'm trying to use functions, I'm still pretty new to this. I have two function calls going to two different functions. No matter which one I call first, only the first one will work, not the second. I've switched them around and its always which ever one I put first that works. Any thoughts? lblQualify.Text = CalADPSPayOffDate(CreditorNameArray, BalanceArray, MinMoArray, PctArray, PriorityArray, numRecs, accMargin, totalIncome) lblQualify.Text = Format(lblQualify.Text, "fixed") lblPlusQualify.Text = CalADPSPlusPayOffDate(CreditorNameArray, BalanceArray, MinMoArray, PctArray, PriorityArray, numRecs, curADPSPlusAccMargin, totalIncome) …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 3 replies
I have a complex web application that keeps increasing aspnet_wp.exe memory usage. Even when the web app is no longer being used, the memory usage does not decrease. CLR never reclaims the memory, even after several days. I suspect that there are unmanaged resources that are not being released. The app is only partially written by me, so there are 1,000s of lines of code that I don't want to dig in to. Is there a way to view what objects are being held in memory? Thanks, Rick Deigsler
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 3 replies
When I use objects like System.Web.UI.Page, I can generate exceptions that will occur inside some properties or methods. For instance, If I try to access the "Session" property in the Page Constructor, it will generate an error. However, the code that threw the exception will always be hidden from me. I mean I will never see the "throw new Exception" line inside the "Session" property of the Page object in my browser. The browser will show me my own line, in witch I called the "Session" property. Example: public class MyPage: Page { public MyPage() { Session["test"] = "test"; } } This code will generate an exception. However, even if the exception …
Last reply by utilitaire, -
exam query
by ace333-
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
was given this problem in an interview... anyone got any ideas.... What initial values of a and c are required such that the final values of a and b are: a = 32 b = 4 � int a,b,c a = ? b = 0 c = ? for( b=0; a<12; b++ ) { a = (a+a) * c; }
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
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- 15 replies
I have tried everything I can think of and it kills me to have to ask this...... I should know it but for the life of me it is not coming I am drawing a blank and since I am drawing a blank and need it I cant seem to find an example of it... I am google tired so here is what I need I want the items of a listbox into an array I was trying something like this Dim myArr() As String For i As Integer = 0 To list1.Items.Count myArr(i) = list1.Items.Item(i) Next I tried more but cant remember them just the same none of them worked vbMarkO
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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- 2 replies
At work I'm doing .Net. I'm in the begining stages of converting a legacy database product over to VB.Net 2005. Aside from not really touching .Net for a few months, working in 2005 is really humbling. ADO.Net has really changed. I think it's for the better, it's so much easier than I remember it... though it's still different. It's sort of frustrating all the bugs I get between Visual Studio 2005 (far and away mostly display corruptions) and SQL CTP 2005 (the damned thing won't install with the same options on any two computers!). But I have SQL CTP 2005 basically running on my machine enough to serve a database (no extra features) and VS2005 can do some of the b…
Last reply by techmanbd, -
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- 1 reply
Hello I need some help I setup my Web application to print from a WebServer. I have setup the account so that it can print correctly. However, it can only print if the printer is connected to Win98 but if the printer is connected to Win2000/XP, it throws an error: Error in File xxx Request cancelled by the user. Here is my code to print over the web: Dim x As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument() x.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "xxx" x.PrintToPrinter(1, True, 1, 1) '(eror on this line) Please give me a solution thank u all
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 2 replies
Sorry if this is a bit off topic but I don't know of a SysAdmin forum and I figured some of you guys do this stuff. Any opinions on Windows 2003's "File Replication Services" and/or "Network Load Balacing". While I'm not doubting their quality, I just wanted to hear any 1st hand thoughts on these services I need to deploy my first Web Farm and I planned on using what was built into 2003 instead of purchasing a 3rd party solution. and FYI, the servers are running SP1, and I might even consider using 2003 R2 as we won't be launching the servers for a couple more months.
Last reply by travisowens, -
- 1 reply
Okay. Strange situation. I have a mobile application that I am developing. Part of it displays a dynamic list of questions with checkmarks, based on a SQL Query. No big deal. All question controls are created in Page_Init, like so: selDynamic = New System.Web.ui.MobileControls.SelectionList selDynamic.ID = "Check" & Trim(Str(LoopVar)) & "-" & QuestionArray(10, LoopVar) selDynamic.SelectType = MobileControls.ListSelectType.CheckBox selDynamic.Font.Name = "Arial" selDynamic.Font.Size = MobileControls.FontSize.Small If Len(Trim(QuestionArray(7, LoopVar))) > 0 Then If QuestionArray(10, LoopVar) = 0 Then ' Checked EmpInits …
Last reply by SteveoAtilla, -
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- 2 replies
I put TabControl on a Form, put checkListBox in one TabPane. But, whenever I switch tab panes, the checked item are cleared!. How can I keep the checked item? Currently I keep it programmitically (when tab is switched I save checked item and populate it back when the tab including checklistbox.. but, I don't think this is the way... CheckListBox must keep its status.. as I think..)
Last reply by patdenim, -
- 0 replies
Is there a way to neutralise the Win2003 server "Date check difference" of terminals connecting to 2003 server? I mean, terminals can't log in on Win2003 server (which have their IP registered) if the system's date differ...
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
When is Joe Mamma's ban up?
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- 4 replies
i have this code in order to customize datagrid but the header text wont appear n only return blank datagrid can some 1 help me?? is there any incorrect syntax on my code?? Public Function FillDataGrid(ByVal Sqlstring As String) Dim OleDbConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(ConnString) OleDbConn.Open() Dim MyDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet Dim MyOleDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter MyOleDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand(Sqlstring, OleDbConn) MyOleDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet) Dim tableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet tableSty…
Last reply by daniel2milan,
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