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Here: Third post from top. There is definitely a '\' in the text where it says c:setup.exe.
Last reply by Iceplug, -
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Hi, I have been making a game that uses TCP and UDP. For the UDP part it sends information such as player location, bullet information, and particle effects. I am having problems working out the best way to send the information over UDP. At the moment I am using the following 2 functions to convert a Structure to a Byte(), and vice versa. Public Function StructToBytes(ByVal InStruct As Object) As Byte() Dim Ptr As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(InStruct)) Dim ByteArray(Marshal.SizeOf(InStruct) - 1) As Byte Marshal.StructureToPtr(InStruct, Ptr, False) Marshal.Copy(Ptr, ByteArray, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(InStruct)) Ma…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
My boss has very kindly agreed to send me on the following courses.... Course 2310 (5 days) Developing ASP.Net Web Applications Course 2389 (3 days) Programming with ADO.Net Course 2640 (3 days) Upgrading Web Development Skill in ASP to ASP.NET Exam 70-305 Course 2073 (5 days) Programming a SQL Server 2000 Database Course 2071 (2 days) Querying a SQL Server 2000 Database Exam 70-229 Could someone please help me by answering the following questions please? Is there any order in which i should take the courses? Or does it not matter at all? With 2005 coming out soon, it is worth waiting for that course? - Although atm i have never used it. Also i w…
Last reply by Jay1b, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, Im not sure why i cant get this done, Ijust want to retrieve two data 1) date (dd/mm/yyyy) 2) time (hh:mm:ss) Im doing this two statements but its not only giving me the date..I dont know why i cant get it formatted..Any help will be really appreciated System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),"dd/MM/yy" Time is working as i want but not date System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() Thank You
Last reply by a1jit, -
- 2 replies
I press down 'S' on the keyboard, and the character still sits at the same previous position. Why is this? #region Using Clauses using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using Microsoft.DirectX; using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput; #endregion namespace MDX_Application { public partial class Form1 : Form { private Device device = null; // DirectInput device private bool running = true; // Game loop control variable. Common PC; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // Make a simple player object. PC = new Common(50, 50); …
Last reply by dxfoo, -
- 1 reply
Simply put - I need to create an Excel File [C:\Temp\Task.xls] that has two sheets [Tasks] and [Clients] with their own associated headers [Cells A1:G1] Question is - how to create such a file with the required information? I wanted to go about the Database way "CREATE TABLE ..." but never got that to work, so instead I decided on trying the Excel COM (Reference) and came up with some code, problem is I can't seem to get it to correctly create my second Sheet, I can create [Task] and even delete the excess [sheet3] (excel starts with a default of 3 sheets) but I can't seem to generate [sheet2] as [Clients]. Excel.Application oXL = new Excel.Application(); //G…
Last reply by herilane, -
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I need some help as I can't seem to see what's wrong, probably to tired or something :confused: What I have got is a class that holds my connection / update etc code for my project, as shown below: Public Class DBAccess Private connStr As String = Nothing Private myConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection() ' Here have Public Sub New() ' checks what type of connection mode ICAS is in e.g. IP or server name If ICASData.Instance.ConnectionMode = "ServerName" Then connStr = ICASData.Instance.ICASConnStr Else connStr = ICASData.Instance.ProjConnStr End If End Sub 'New Public Function Connect() As Boole…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I wrote a program and it doesn't work like I wanted it to.... What could be wrong?
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm developing our company Intranet using VS2005/C# and all works fine in my computer, but now that I wanna put the site in the server, i'm having some troubles with my connections to this shared database, with the information of the employers. THis database is used by 10 machines and I wanna create a connection that could use the database, does anyone knows how can I access to this shared database? When I try to connect to a copy of this database in my pc it works just fine, but when i upload it to the server it gives an error about database connection/permissions. Any ideas/help will be great... thanks in advance Teixeira
Last reply by tate, -
- *Gurus*
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Hi, I have some code in an project that works great for sending me emails on a regular form in the project. However, when I put this code in the application_error sub of the global.asax file, it never sends email. I run the debugger and the application_error IS firing, but just no email is being sent. I am running on windows 2003 server. On my home xp machine, when I do this, everything works, no problems with the application_error running the code, and it sends emails fine. What could this be? Permissions? If so, what permissions do I and where. Thanks. -JBD
Last reply by joeybagadonutz, -
- 2 replies
Hi, all I am a programmer and I usually like to "module" to seperate a bundle of functions from my main namespace and class. This is because sometimes I want other classes to access to it while these functions are simply enough that I don't want to make them into classes seperately. But, I don't think I can use module in c#, is there anyway I can achieve the same or a simailiar result if I use C#. Thanks!
Last reply by IngisKahn, -
- 1 reply
I have a e-commerce site I'm doing that is selling CD's. The person obviously wants to let the customer play samples of their CDs songs. These are stored in wav's that are 3.5 MB or an MP3 that is about 150k. When they click on the sample link I want the current window to stay, but to launch whatever default music player they have on their system for that particular type of music file (mp3 or wav) and play the sound file for them. Would a link to the file work? but then how do I keep them on the page? Ideas? It maybe simple, and I'm just missing it. Thanks!
Last reply by bri189a, -
Ok i know i can use direct show for webcams to capture streams and stuff but is there a way to do with managed DirectX 9 :confused:
Last reply by werwin12, -
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Hi again :) Right a few (hopefully simple) questions in regard to drag drop. What i want to do is drag an item from a list view on a panel. On the item being dropped the text in the item (which refers to a table) is taken and used to create an ERD item control. Now I have this working, however I cant find the mouse position in regards to the panel! When I drop the item onto the panel, its meant to create the control at the point, but its missing by a mile and ive discovered the x and y properties from the dragevent is around the whole programs 0,0! So my first questions is.... how can i find out the proper place to draw the item... is there a way to find the mouses po…
Last reply by DiverDan, -
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How can I set the icon property on a form to none using code in Thanks inadvance Simon
Last reply by lidds, -
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Is there a way for an application to open other .exe files using an open file dialog? Say, to let the user browse for a .exe file, for example "aim.exe" and execute it? Much Appreciated.
Last reply by Gooley, -
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I need to know how to trim to size an array or to know how to put the array in an arraylist so I can trim it to size with myArrayList.TrimToSize OR Can you tell me how to get rid of an element that has nothing in it MyArr is showing 6 items when there is only 5 items in it, so when I went to debug it I found an element that is null like this 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = "" <----------- I need to kill this element to uterly destroy to never see it again LOL But how oh great ones :) Sorry went off the deep end there for a sec My thought was if I put into an ArrayList then I could use the TrimToSize to settle it :) What do…
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm working with 2005 and I'm using Datagridview. What I would like to do is to add a complete column (not only the header!). I know its possible to do the following: Dim row0 As String() = {"6/30/1992", "3", "Dress", "P J Harvey", "Dry"} With Me.dataGridView1.Rows .Add(row0) End With (Found this in Documentation) But can I do this with Colums too? Sorry if this is a stupid question... Thanks in Advance, Twister
Last reply by Goksly, -
- 1 reply
Hi Environment:IIS6,ASP.Net on windows 2003 server. Problem:Try to retrive the users first and last name from his NT Logon id. I use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get domain/flastname information.But i want to get the first and last name here. Any help to get it done in asp is appreciated. /Koolhari
Last reply by bri189a, -
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How would i change what program or add an entry into the registry to set what program a file extension opens in?
Last reply by dynamic_sysop, -
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