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- 2 replies
I like the new file based feature for - the one that lets you debug pages without using IIS. I'm having some issues with it though and i wonder if anyone else is. For starters, when I debug (F5) it opens a new Firefox window and show s the page. But I am designing my page for IE and would prefer that open instead. I have switched my default browser to ie and rebooted and I can confirm that when I click on a link in an Outlook email it does open ie. Is there a setting for this in Visual Studio 2005 (among the myriad settings)? Also how can I force the debug back to IIS (VS03 style) when I want to? I know that when you build a website you have to choose file, htt…
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
I'm just starting out in 2.0 and finding out alot of things have changed. Alot of things. Anyway I'm writing a website that has a main default page with a few divs for header and nivigation and whatnot. Then I make user controls and swap them in the middle pane. Real simple like. In VS03 I would have all of my pages in a namespace and then things like data tier access in another namespace for neatness. But now when I generate a control in 2.0 I don't get a namespace attirbute on the top, instead I get a partial class. When I try to add the namespace in the code behind I get an error about the partial class name not jiving with the inherits tag and maybe I'm not d…
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I see on the MSDN docs where you have a code snippet manager in Visual Studio 2005. But I don't have it. My install went fairly well and it was the most recent available at the time but under my Tools menu I have no snippet manager. Anyone else have this issue?
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- Leaders
- 1 reply
Dumb question that I can't resolve..(cuz I'm dumb) So I have a class with a property called AttachmentPath which is an arraylist. I would like to store the size of the attachment along with the path and if I understand it correctly, the Arraylist collection is one-dimensional. Can I get some ideas on how to store the size of the attachment and use a getAttachmentSize function to have that returned? Thanks in advance, Aaron
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 1 reply
I am successfully reading Outlook messages with this code: MsgItem = DirectCast(FolderAlertsIn.Items(1), Outlook.MailItem) However, these messages have HTML in them that I am NOT seeing. If I go to Outlook and right-click on the message, select "View Source", I can see the embedded HTML (this is the stuff I need). Does anyone know how to get Outlook to give me the text just as it appears when selecting "View Source"? Thanks in advance, flynn
Last reply by mark007, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
Ok, this has been driving me insane for the last hour! I have the following function: Public Function EncryptPass(ByVal s As String) As String Dim encoder As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding Dim md5Hasher As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider Return encoder.GetString(md5Hasher.ComputeHash(encoder.GetBytes(s))) End Function To encrypt passwords. However a particular password is returning a null byte after the hash has been replaced. I'm pretty sure this is what is causing my problems. Earlier in an area using an encrypted pass I was getting the following results in the command window: Me.m_Pass.length ==>12…
Last reply by mark007, -
- Leaders
- 4 replies
Hi! I am trying to create a textbox that will only allow certain characters (such as "A" or "V"). For example: -If the user typed in the string "AVVA", then the code would evaluate as true -However if the user added another character "AVVAM" then it would evaluate false. How could this be accomplished?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
OK so I managed to save an object in a collection with a key: myCollection.Add(myObject, intPK) How do I get it back using the Key rather than the Item number? :confused:
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 1 reply
let's say you have a vendor record returned to the client and within that record you have a "payment terms field". Now, you want both user a and user b to be able to view this field but user b should be the only one with the ability to edit this field. is there anything similar to the Browsable attribute that could be set to control this? if not what would be considered a "standard" technique for controlling this?
Last reply by Diesel, -
I am trying to create a usercontrol that has five labels on it and I want to restrict the font size to no less then 8.25 and no greater then 10. Does anyone know how this can be done? Thanks, dalmond
Last reply by Diesel, -
- Administrators
- 5 replies
Hello, When i try to connect to an access database , the program always struggles at this line, does someone know what it means? dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() This is the error i get An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Additional information: ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized. Greetz
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
Let's say I have an xml doesn't make a difference, but let's say the format is <project> <file><name>assemblyInfo.cs</name></file> <file><name>Form1.cs</name></file> <file><name>SuperCoolApp.cs</name></file> <file><name>Form1.cs.resx</name></file> <file><path>Resources</path><name>Logo.gif</name></file> </project> It just lists the files in the project. Now, In Visual Studio, when you add/delete a file from the project I want to update this Xml file. Im thinking I maybe able to accomplish this through …
Last reply by Diesel, -
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- 6 replies
In Version 2.0 you don't seem to have these any more? What's up with that? In another post I complained about having to strongly name something to use it (because XCOPY isn't good enough for WebPartManager); now I can't strongly name it because I can't find a dll or assembly for it? ***????
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have a problem reading an excel file in .net I have something like this: string strConn = string.Empty; strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=D:\\ICRs.xls;" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]", strConn); In the excel file I have a column with data like these, and the format is fixed, I can´t change it: 1256 1256 1256A When it finds the row with 12356A it retrieves a System.DbNull, instead of 1256A. Can somebody tell me how can I read the data??? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by carpe2, -
- 1 reply
I have developed a Visual Basic.NET application, with a picture box on the main form. I user aquires and image and it loads into the PictureBox, the User can then draw lines, rectangles etc.. using the mouse on the picture box image. The problem comes in when the user scrolls down on the image the marks they previously made disappear. How can I prevent this from happening? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by thenerd, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Not sure if I am posting the following problem in the correct location, but please bear with me. Have created my application and I have uploaded it to the server. I can also access the project over the internet. The problem that I am encounter is that one of the functions in my application needs to be able to send SMTP messages to users. I have installed the SMTP component in IIS via the Add remove programs window. The problem is that I cannot see the SMTP in IIS or computer manager, so I cannot configure the SMTP to allow the sending of messages. Where can I find the SMTP, all the books and web sites that I have checked out all indicate that I can find it …
Last reply by mike55, -
- 23 replies
Hi all, I have a created and deployed a class library that includes a crystal report. I have followed all the deployment steps advised by crystal decisions - including adding the licence key code in the properties field in the regwiz.msm file included in the setup package and I have the .net framework on the server on which I am deployed the package, I have also tried installing the .net service pack 2. I am getting the 'keycodev2.dll file is missing or not valid error message. I have tried manually adding this file to the package, but with no luck. Crystal Decisions mention something about new and old dll packages, but I'm not sure what they are talking abo…
Last reply by cgomez, -
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- 11 replies
Um? How can I do this. :confused: I have found all these great things in .Net that has made moving, deleting, copying files easier. All the special folders are easy to find but why is it hard to move or send a file to the recycle bin with or without the conferimation diolog. Any thoughts Thanks ZeroEffect
Last reply by ZeroEffect, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, Am trying to identify a suitable subject area/topic for a dissertation for a MSc. in Software Engineering, unfortunately I am drawing a blank. I would appreciate it if anyone could suggest any such topic. Mike55.
Last reply by mskeel, -
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Iam using multipage tab strip control in .aspx form its working fine in my local machine i place the same .aspx in development server, but tab strip control is not displayed properly. 1. i placed webctrl_client from the local machine(c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dasfolder\) and placed in development server. 2. i checked for microsoft.web.UI.webcontrols exits in bin folder in development server Is there any other step i need to follow to so that i can display tab strip control properly in development server
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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