- Administrators
- 1 reply
hi everyone, i have read at this article, that there are some kind of different thread modes! static and dynamic!? So static threads are hardwired to one cpu while dynamic threads can jump dynamicly between cpu's! how does that work and how can i do this with!? i couldn't find any setting in the thread class like this! or is it just a marketinh hoax?! thx & greets natarius
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Leaders
- 4 replies
Alright I have a program with a combobox thats items are based on how many files in a certain directory have a certain part of a name and extension. So basically it says: If ComboBox2.SelectedItem = ("Baths Style A") Then ComboBox3.Items.Clear() ComboBox3.Text = ("Choose the Picture") Dim exedir As String = CurDir() Dim x As String = 1 For Each filename As String In Directory.GetFiles(exedir & "\BATHS & POWDER ROOMS", "BathA*.jpg") ComboBox3.Items.Add("Bath Style A " & x) x = x + 1 Next End If So basically I was wondering if anyone could help …
Last reply by daveydave400, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I searched and found nothing helpful so I thought I would ask. I have a form that uses the System.Reflection class to get the version number of a number of my dependency files. The problem is that is one is missing (multi use app, some files not needed when installed in some modes) the whole form and attached app dies, but try catch statements are not alowed at module level where I am creating the assemblies. Is there any way to keep these at module leve and still trap and handle errors?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know of an open source library, preferably .Net but I'll take anything at this point, that will convert range/bearing/elevation (RBE) information into Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) and back again? Any help anyone can give would really be great. I appreciate it greatly.
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 1 reply
I am not a database designer, so hopefully someone here can tell me how to set up what I need. The protocol is called J1939 and is a network protocol for industrial machines. Individual signals called SPNs carry information about specific parameters (temperature, pressure, rate). Most of these are either 1 or 2 bytes in length, but some are only a couple of bits. The j1939 protocol sends information in protocol groups called PGNs that group together the SPNs of related items, so the number of SPNs in a PGN varies. Though the PGN groups have similar structures, they vary in length, depending on the SPNs contained in the group. My database contains a table for t…
Last reply by joe_pool_is, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
ASP.NET Webservice, simple question.. Hello, this just crossed my mind, if I decide to build an webservice, will I be able to communicate with this service with for e.g. php? Thanks
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 8 replies
Still trying to understand the GAC and SN better. In order for something to be in the GAC it has to be SN; I've learned how to do SN - pretty simple (at this point). I know the 'purpose' of the GAC is not to have to have a billion copies of the same dll on a targeted machine. Besides this what are some of the advantages to the GAC? I don't know of any, but I'm sure there are some. Is there ever a reason to SN an assembly and not put it in the GAC? I've learned how to deploy something into the GAC (and I really think it's stupid that if you deploy to the GAC you also have to deploy to the Visual Studio folder so it shows up in in the Add References dialog - if …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- *Experts*
- 3 replies
Given an Excel File [Tasks.xls] that I create (as a kind of template) which has a Header row [row1, the first row in the Excel File] So obviously I want to make that rows font BOLD, problem is when I use my current code (as shown below) it seems to make the entire range BOLD so the actual rows of information I add afterwards [row2+] are all BOLD also - not just the header row as I wanted. oSheet.get_Range("A1", "G1").Font.Bold = true; [/Code] Is there a way maybe to set the Font cell by cell? [very easy to just manually set cells [1, 1-6] bold, I just don't want every subsequent row to also be bold. Is there a way to set it only for row1? (cell by cell basis? …
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I�m going to do my best trying to explain this, so go along with me. I�m working on a class project called BarHopper. The goal is to build a Pocket PC, GPS enabled, GIS where users can mark their favorite bars and plan out their night with a route of bars to �hop� to. That said, I wanted to build a framework that could be used to build variations of BarHopper for any application, such as an application for marking wireless Internet access in your town with X and Y coordinates, etc. So, I designed the Locator framework with namespaces and classes that you�d need to build a BarHopper derivative. Most of which are abstract classes that implement interfaces. I had…
Last reply by CompiledMonkey, -
Design mode
by julk- 4 replies
ok i know this is kind of wierd but i need to be able to not only add new controls to my for but they have to bet in design mode. in other word the user of my program would go to a menu were they could choose to add a button for example, and the button would apear in the form and the button would be in design mode so that the user could drag, size the control. has any one done this? any help would be greatly apreciated.
Last reply by julk, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Is an oledbdata adapter needed to insert and update and delete from a database? greetz
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 1 reply
I have a public property inside my usercontrol which I set inside the Repeater.ItemDataBound event as follows: <code> If blnFirstTime Then Dim lblstrDate As Label = DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPressReleaseDate"), Label) blnFirstTime = False strDate = lblstrDate.Text End If </code> After the user control finishes databinding, I want to take the value of this property and display it on the aspx page that is hosting the usercontrol. I have the following set up: <code> Protected PressRoomArticles As New Platform_CampusInfo_PressRoom_UserControls_PressRoomArticles </code> I have the following c…
Last reply by wsyeager, -
- 1 reply
This is probably a very simple problem but i would appreciate some help. I have wired up a datagrid button with the following code. Sub AddProduct(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) Dim ProductID As Integer = CType(dg.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex), Integer) ' Create the connection object Dim connection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionString")) ' Create and initialize the command object Dim command As New SqlCommand("SP_AddToCart", connection) command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure......................... This code works fine on the page I am trying to com…
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 0 replies
I'm writing what I had imagined to be a really simple program for my parents to use to manage my brothers internet usage. The idea was that they could use this tool instead of constantly calling me to walk them through doing stuff. There is a client application, installed on the families computers, and a master application, running on my dads laptop and a computer in my apartment. The master app sends commands to the clients, and they perform the specified action. I've gotten that part working fine - they can send and receive messages perfectly. The next step is to make the client do what it needs to do. This is where I'm stuck. I need to do all of the following thi…
Last reply by kyzen, -
- 2 replies
Hi there! i have a little problem... The membership class: where should i store a user's first name and last name? i thought of storing it in the user profile, but there is a problem: lets say the admin wants to see all the users in his site in a gridview, and to see the property "IsUserLocked" (aspnet_users table), together with the user's first name (which is stored in the aspnet_profile table). its not the same table... and with the structure of aspnet_profile u cant do a "SELECT" statement.... what can i do then? thank you for your help.
Last reply by karahana, -
- *Experts*
- 7 replies
In visual I have an developed an application. Have a an arraylist with a list of, what I call targets, this list can grow and shrink. Each target in the arraylist has a value associated with it "True or False". So if the arraylist has three items, I need to account for all the possiblities of true and false that the value of these targets could be. Unforunately I have no ideal how to write an algorthim that would accomplish this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by DiverDan, -
- 1 reply
Can someone suggest a way to do this? Remove the children AND the node itself. The way I understand it is node.RemoveAll() only removes it's children. XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Inbox> <mailCount type="integer"></mailCount> <email> <uidl>1234</uidl> </email> <email> <uidl>5678</uidl> </email <email> <uidl>9999</uidl> </email </Inbox> [b][color=DimGray][/color][/b] Private Function UidlPro(ByVal uidl As String) Dim xmlUidl As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument D…
Last reply by Machaira, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
I'm not advocate of multi-threading in ASP.NET - in most cases a better design can avoid the situation, and truth be known, I'm not an expert at multi-threading - everything I've multi-threaded has been in a fairly safe envrionment and was easy to deal with, however I've come across a situation that as far as I can tell calls for multi-threading. My question though is: If I spawn a seperate thread in my application to kick off a long running process, and the main (originating) thread encounters an error or something that kills the aspnet_wp (say someone changed the web.config file) before the seperate thread is finished completing and joins back up with the main threa…
Last reply by bri189a, -
- Administrators
- 10 replies
Hi Guys, Im not sure what is wrong here, but i have totally no idea what is happening I have a form with 2 checkbox and a label and also a submit button. Basically what im trying to achieve is when user click submit button, it check if none of checkbox is selected, then display message in Label saying "Pls select at least one checkbox" if either one checkbox is selected, then process request and display in Label saying "Pls wait, request is being processed. So now the problem is that everything works fine, but the message is not getting displayed in the Label (Name of this Label is Label1) This is the html code for label ..Its in the form tag &l…
Last reply by bri189a, -
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- 8 replies
I have a database with 2 tables: Images and Keywords. In the Keywords table i have the following data: IdKeyword_____IdImage_________Keyword ------------------------------------------------ 1____________10__________forest wood elf green 2____________11__________city steel car yellow subway 3____________12__________bird computer blue sky On my website the user enters in a textbox these words: forest city bird The select query would be something like this: Select i.* from Images i, keywords k where i.idimage=k.idimage and k.keyword like 'forest city bird' This query doesn't return anything. I know why, but I�d like to know how I can make this wo…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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