- 1 reply
What is this first parameter if I'm using DataAdapter and specify "use existing SQL stored procedure"? Me.SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 4, System.Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, Nothing)) Where or how should I then set .parameters(0).value = "blah" and stuff? Is this Return Value param(0) and the next one param(1) or I should just ignore the first one and then actualy the second created parameter is param(0)? Confusing...
Last reply by IxiRancid, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
if i have a database of users and passwords, do i use windows , or forms authentication or do i have to create a custom authentication method?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I have a program that loads images in an imagelist for icons, these images (.png files) are stored in \img\ folder for now (off the \debug\ folder) and are references as such when loaded in the imagelist. Problem is, it is very annoying to have an .exe file (only one file application) with a bunch of images, I was wondering/hoping if there was a way to include/package the images IN the executable so that I could distribute/deploy my application as a standalone exe? Now I am not asking about how to make an installation package, my program does not need to be "installed" just ran directly, as such I want it standalone. No other files are a requirement, no subfolders, e…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 2 replies
Hi, If I have a machine with two graphics cards, is it possible to output different things to each one using the same program? I have a program which currently allows the user to choose their location on a map, and then play videos and other info about it, and the client is asking if it's possible to have a repeater screen which only plays the video content, and displays a logo the rest of the time. I've tried to google it, but I'm not quite sure of the correct terminology, so have drawn a blank so far! Thanks David
Last reply by davidh, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
Hello all! Does anyone know how to create a designed form in Visual Basic .NET like Nero, Winamp, CloneDVD GUIs ? (rounded styled screens and so...) Thanks! Tom.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 1 reply
Using visual basic.NET I need to take data from a database that is in an RTF format and convert to text in other words no RTF coding/Symbols etc... Just plain text. Also I need to know how to save that rtf data into a word doc or word pad something that is capable of interpreting the RTF so a regular user will be able to better read it. Any help on how to solve this issue programmatically would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 1 reply
I have a win app with a textbox and a button. User enters a number in the textbox and hits the button. At this point I want to open/show a different application. The second app does something based on what the entered number was. Can this be done when the second app is a win app? how about a web app? Basically I am wondering what the limitations are in terms of communication between the 2 applications. I need for the first application (the win app) to pass parameters and drive the second app. I would like to do this through managed code and not some win api. Can this be done? Can I have control over what goes on in the second app? Would this be more or less difficul…
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 3 replies
Hi i got a little problem. I get this message An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.dll Additional information: There was an error during async processing. when i try to write binary files to a db by using a webservice. But with small files everything works, but with files of 8Mb it doesn 't and i get the error message then. Can someone explain me the error message??
Last reply by CoreTex, -
- 0 replies
I haven't done any DX programming and wanted to know if it could be used to overlay an image onto a live video feed be it DV-can, webcam, ect... if it can be any examples or a point in the right direction would be apreciated... 2003 on an XP pro system is what i am using. thanks, Will
Last reply by freek, -
- 1 reply
Hi...I hope someone can point me in the right direction here. I have a Windows application developed in Visual Studio .NET 2003. The app has reports that were developed in Crystal Reports. Last month everything was working just fine. Now, suddenly and inexplicably, all the references for Crystal Reports (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, CrystalDecisions.ReportSource, CrystalDecisiions.Shared, are broken (they have a yellow triange with an exclamation point on them in the solution explorer) and all the imports in the report.vb file have errors (namespace cannot be found). I tried removing one of the references so that I could re-add i…
Last reply by MadMaxx, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I have 2 tables in a database Customers and villages who are related with a village-id. I have created a form to add customers, but i want that you can klik the village from a combobox , but when he adds the customer to the database, he must save the village-id. Does someone know how i must configure the combobox? Greetz
Last reply by pettachi, -
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
How do I execute sql commands against a dataset in Visual Basic.NET?
Last reply by FZelle, -
- 3 replies
:mad: :( :confused: Hi all Ok i have done the following... 1. Right clicked and selected add new item 2. Selected crystal reports option and left the name the same. 3. Used the reporting wizard to set up the report. 4. Expanded the ODBC option, select SQL Server option and click next. 5. Next page tells me that the Server is "SQL Server", and the User ID is "Administrator", while the password field and database dropdown list are blank. I also have the option of checking a checkbox which indocates whether it is a trusted connection or not. 6. In this case i fill up the boxeswith the following data Server = "SQL Server", User ID = "Administrator", Password = "…
Last reply by mike55, -
- Leaders
- 7 replies
I have written a touch screen overlay program. It is essentially a full screen application with a transparent background, and buttons. Here is the code I use to set the form to be transparent - Me.TransparencyKey = Color.FromArgb("-9999999") Me.BackColor = Color.FromArgb("-9999999") Me.TopMost = True The problem is that the application that runs behind the form is noticeably slower than if the overlay were not running. It redraws slower, menus pull up slower etc� On fast machines (p4, 1gb RAM, �gaming� video card), it is not as noticeable. But, on an 800mhz, on-board video, 256 mb ram for eg, it is very bad. Turning video accelerat…
Last reply by Wile, -
- 0 replies
MailMessage m = new MailMessage(); m.To = email.Value; m.From = ""; m.Subject = "2005 Pictures"; m.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html; m.Body = "Here are the pictures you requested. The pictures you requested to be printed are on their way"; //Add File Attachments string[] pics = files.Value.Split(';'); foreach (string s in pics) { if (s != string.Empty) { string localPath = s.Replace("http://localhost/CatalogView", ""); m.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(Server.MapPath(string.Empty) + localPath, MailEncoding.UUEncode)); } } SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; SmtpMail.Send(m); The attachments are sent in the message, …
Last reply by Diesel, -
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- 4 replies
im not sure if this question would go in this category but here it is. im looking into implementing a cd key or serial key feature into my software. kind of like what microsoft does with there software. if i give someone a copy of my program i want to insure that only they are able to install it so that if they give the software to their friend that i will either know about it or they wont be able to run it unless i give them the key. i understand that this may be a tough question or would require a very long answer so any information would be very much appreciated
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 0 replies
I have a datagrid that has 3 columns that i have set up for the user to edit. One of the columns contains a URL. I have it set up where they can edit the URL but they can't actually click on it and navigate to it. I would like that functionality without losing the editing capabilities. So right now I have 2 issues: 1) all of the hyperlinks, when clicked, lead to relative paths and not absolute urls, so they fail and 2) when the hyperlink is clickable I lose the ability to edit it. Here is what I started with. This has al fields editable but the hyperlink is just a url, not a hyperlink (you can't click it): <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="field_name" R…
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- Administrators
- 7 replies
Hi There, Can anyone help me out with this one. I need to read an XML file and convert it in to an other XML file with less tags. The original XML file contains information on single Page TIFF files and I need to convert them in to MultiPage TIFF files. This is not the problem. The problem is to read the original XML file with x amount of IMAGEFILE Tags en convert that in to an XML File with only 1 IMAGEFILETAG. The original XML File also contain Meta-information about the documents and relational information between the singlepage TIFF files, that information needs to be preserved. My thoughts where, reading the XML file into an DataSet and then process the Single …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 5 replies
Hi All, I'm having a rather annoying problem at the moment with a form that is made up of a panel filled with labels that basically make up a three month calendar. When I change the visible property of the controls I seem to be suffering some kind of memory leak. I've already had memory leaks previously (which I managed to fix), but this one seems to be beyond me... Private Sub RefreshCalendar(ByVal paramDate As Date) 'Standard definitions... Dim dayCtl As Control Dim loopCounter As Integer Dim innerLoop As Integer Dim tempDate As Date Dim dayNum As Integer Dim calNum As Integer Dim levelPointer As Int…
Last reply by mandelbrot, -
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So nice of them to design ConfigurationManager.ConnectionSettings("MyConnection").ConnectionString Has anybody figured out how to use this when using a ...DataSource object In otherwords on a SQLDataSource object, the connection string can look at the web.config file (rather having to create a new one). Or for AccessDataSource object, the DataFile could look at the connection string rather than having to add the database to your App_Data or manually typing in the path. To me this would be great usability.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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