- 1 reply
Does anyone know how the following could be tied into windows xp? 1) Custom desktop - id like to write a new program to manage the desktop, Icons would be able to have different sizes and free floating positions. Also just any information on writing a customized desktop/ accessing the data windows uses for its desktop and the "right click" menu that the windows desktop has. 2) Custom Start menu - reprogram the windows start menu. Reorganize / resize (height only) the items in the windows start menu, also have a program that keeps data on how often each item is used, search times etc... Does anyone know of any slightly less painfull ways of doing these, (writing a…
Last reply by MadMaxx, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
One of these handles the 'locking' issue. I can't remember which and I can't find it right now - no Google skills today! :)
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
I heard 2005 was supposed to have it's own flexgrid. But I don't see one. The datagrid (as i recall and might be incorrect) was awful in 2003 and was barely useful for displaying straight up views/tables. I have played with the datagrid a little and I realize it's actually customizable when bound (thats a big plus). But is it as useful as say the CompontOne FlexGrid for displaying data? Not being databound, you just putting data in some cells, formatting others, combining some cells together?
Last reply by Denaes, -
- 1 reply
ive done a few searches for good tutorials on creating crystal reports in .NET and preferably using c# . i have found a few on c-sharp corner and places like that but there are very few tutorials availiable. if anyone knows of any good ones could you please post them in this thread. thanks
Last reply by teixeira, -
- 0 replies
im having a problem and its a bit difficult to describe but heres my best try: i have a patient table with a patient_id column. there is a child table of this called work_details. work details stores the types or work a patient does such as lifting, standing, carrying... i have a work types table. this has a work_type_id and a work_type. eg "wt_1 , lifting". on my form, each work type is represented by a check box. if the box is checked, a record will be added to the work_details table. my problem is this. i dont know how to associate the work_type_id with each check box. what im doing at the minute, is to manually type in the work_type_id into the tag property of…
Last reply by fguihen, -
- 0 replies
Dear All, i need my listview to be editable, i read about the solution but now i have one problem which is: how to select a subitem by mouse. am using: listview1.items(0).subitems(2).text to retrieve the text in the 3rd column from the 1st row, i know also that i can use: listview1.foucseditems.subitems(2).text to retrieve the text in the 3rd column from the selected row, but how can i select just that subitem, i think that i need some variable to use as an index parameter to subitem, but, what is this variable??!?!?!??! i dont know. in case that there is such a variable, the following will be great for me: listview1.foucseditems.subitems(Variable).text…
Last reply by emrangrf, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
Hi guys, Searched everywhere for it, but can't find a port. basically want to create a program which is always on top (TopMost=True), not shown in the taskbar(ShowInTasbar=False), and restricts the screen working area (?) and have it docked to a side of the screen. Docking it will be just positioning and sizing, however i cant find code to restrict the screen working size so that any other program can be maximised, however will only use free space. Thanks guys.
Last reply by q1w2e3r4t7, -
- 1 reply
Before starting my application (on Form Load) I want to check and ensure that the .NET framework (1.1 or 2.0, both SHOULD work fine) are installed on the machine - if not I want to prompt the user to download and install it (simple messagebox with a INTERNET LINK to the Microsoft WebPage would be the best idea no?) So, this actually entails two questions... a) How do I DETERMINE IF .NET 1.1 or 2.0 are installed? (I don't trust or want to just look for the C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET folder, seems errorprone no?) Seeing as this is so very crusial there must be a nice way in C# to determine what version of .NET the user has running on his machine? I just have no clu…
Last reply by Cags, -
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- 2 replies
This is not actually a coding question but I have a little problem with VS 2003 and it's really annoying me. I had a project which was originally written in VS 2002 and I have now installed VS 2003 and converted my project. The problem I have is that for some reason the auto check and format code (don't know exsacually what it is called) is not working untill I debug my project. For example if I entered public sub simon() and then hit the return key it would normally automatically enter the "End Sub" line of code and format the code, but for some reason this is not happening anymore. Does anyone know how to get this option to work again?? Thanks S…
Last reply by lidds, -
- 0 replies
i have to create a printout in RTF using C#. I downloaded the specification for RTF(rich text format). im having trouble making sense of the spec. ive looked at spec's before but its tough to make sense of some of them. has any of you experts any tips for making sense of specifications?
Last reply by fguihen, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to build a website that will be viewed by pdas. in the ms help it says that to create a new mobile web application you go to the Add>NewProject menu and then you select ProjectTypes>C#>Templates>Mobile Web Application. I don't have that tab. I have a Smart Device tab but there is no mobile web listing. It seems like everything in there is for building win apps that will run on the pda. All I want to do is develop a website on my desktop that will look good on the pda. I would like to use all of the mobile web controls but I can't get out of the box and even start. I built a regular website but there are no mobile controls in …
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- 3 replies
hi all how can I know which group dismatch in holl Pattern this pattern searches for 3 words or more, that consist of 2 or more letters "(\b([A-Za-z]){2,}\s?){3,}\b" Now in real example , suppose that the user enters " Bill S " I want to dispaly that "Each word must consist of 2 or more letters " I can only do that if I know how I can get the group failure . that for reading.
Last reply by loyal, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
I have been trying to get this function that reads from .ini files in VB 6.0 to work in VB .net. Public Function ReadINI(ByVal INISection As String, ByVal INIKey As String, ByVal INIFile As String) As String Dim StringBuffer As String Dim StringBufferSize As Long StringBuffer = "" StringBuffer = StringBuffer.PadLeft(2000) StringBufferSize = Len(StringBuffer) StringBufferSize = GetPrivateProfileString(INISection, INIKey, "", StringBuffer, StringBufferSize, INIFile) If StringBufferSize > 0 Then ReadINI = LeftS(StringBuffer, StringBufferSize) Else ReadINI = "" End…
Last reply by VbStudent302, -
- 2 replies
I created a new website in vs05 and set the hosting environment to be http instead of file-based. When I run (F5) it I get a page at http://localhost/SiteName/default.aspx. That part works. I can also get the page at which is to be expected because that is my dhcp assigned ip for the box. What I cannot do is go to another computer on my home network (say and surf to the ip address and see the page. I tried it with 2 different machines, i tried using the ip, and hostname(from my host file). Each time I get a timeout which I am assuming means a page not found or the address was not located. Shouldn't I be able…
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- 0 replies
Hey folks - getting the right font from the customer is always a pain for me (I like the ones that leave that petty detail to their system globalization - but some aren't so easy and get really detailed about exactly what they want rather than focusing on what the system should do) but I digress - so I have a sampler I put together that any of you can use - it's pretty basic, but perhaps it will help you, as it has helped me, get the font-style a customer wants finalized. In trade I've never had to worry about a page that was so static that I would use cache techniques (my 9-5 job has extremely fluid pages), so I never got into how to properly use the OutputCache direc…
Last reply by bri189a, -
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- 3 replies
I'm creating what is essentially a custom control which consists of a grid with text values being included in the 'cells'. The entire control is being drawn using DrawLine, DrawString etc. What I am trying todo is have it so that if a 'cell' is resized, the control automatically selects (or at least tries to select) a font size that will still allow the entire string to stay within the sections. I know there is a MeasureString function, but I'm not sure how much help it would be in this instance, I might come up with an idea after some sleep, but if anyone has anyone can point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated?
Last reply by Cags, -
- 2 replies
Can someone suggest some guidelines / useful links on How we can improve the look and feel of ASP.NET web page design
Last reply by rjonas, -
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- 7 replies
I have a main form (main part of my application called frmApp) and there is a button the user can press that opens another form (frmHistory). Problem is, the user can press this button multiple times and, as my code is, that will spawn multiple instances of the frmHistory form (which is undesirable). So, I need a way to determine IF the form is already loaded/showing - and if so not spawn another instance of it... Currently my code looks like: private void mnDBInfo_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Display History Form frmHistory pagefrmHistory = new frmHistory(); pagefrmHistory.Show(); } [/Code] So this code doesn't check to see if an insta…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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After three weeks of toil, I have finally decided to share my misery with you. I have gone through several Algorithms, consisting of my own C#-ized ROAM, two quadtree algorithms, and a point rendering algorithm (this one worked, but only render points and lines). My last, and final hope, the following quad-based algorithm. (The code is in C#) public QuadHeightMap(ref Device d, ref Caps c, ref HeightMap hm) : base(ref d, ref c) { int sideLength = (int)Common.FSqrt(hm.height.Length); quadsX = sideLength-1; quadsY = sideLength-1; //Vector3 scale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); int byteOffset = 0; Vector3[] v = new Vector3[quadsX*quadsY]; byte h = 0; …
Last reply by zeldafreak, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4' Variable is undefined: 'NO_ACCESS' /eis/Includes/, line 41 Any help would be great , thanks Mat
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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