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I need to do a class to write and read some specific values in the registry. That is quite simple.... What I really need to know is: - How to check if a key exists - How to check if a value exists - How to get all sub key in a single key Thanks for any help :)
Last reply by moongodess, -
- 2 replies
is there any easy way of finding out if i have reached the end of a line in a text box, so that if the text spills onto the next line il know, i can do something with it? i have thought about counting the charachters and stuff, but just wondering if theres a simpler way. im not entering the text directly into the text box, im entering it via code, you know textbox1.text = "abcde...";
Last reply by Diesel, -
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im adding text to a richTextBox through code. like so: myRichTextBoxEx.SelectedText = "The following is a list of fintans test:"+ "\n" ; i want to be able to set tabs for my text but i cant get it done. heres what ive tried: int[] tabs = {100,300,600,900}; this.myRichTextBoxEx.AcceptsTab = true; this.myRichTextBoxEx.SelectionTabs = tabs; myRichTextBoxEx.SelectionStart = tabs[0]; myRichTextBoxEx.SelectedText = "The following is a list of fintans test:"+ "\n" ; it has absolutely no effect on the position of my text in the text box. actually, when i try to assign tabs[0] to SelectionStart, SelectionStart is always left at 0,no matter how i try to a…
Last reply by fguihen, -
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What's the best method of saving a client's password? For example, I have an FTP tool where the client has to supply a username and password. I could just store the password in a local variable, but then the client would need to re-supply that every time. Is there a recommended way to store passwords on the PC? Would I store in the registry, a binary file in the Application Data folder, or something else? Thanks for helping.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hey Anyone, I know that there are a number of free tools and utilities out there on the internet that can display the open ports on a system with the process ID's of the services using them. Does anyone know how to use VB.NET to acquire this information? I can't seem to find any information on the topic. I would have thought that the WMI class would have provided this functionality but it doesn't. Anyone have any ideas to help me out on this problem or at least point me in the right direction on where to acquire the info???? Thanks, :rolleyes: Pinky
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 2 replies
For starters, I had a tool (App.exe) that was written in C++6, one of the most important aspects was the return codes which indicated where the tool failed. This was really simple to do, I made my MAIN return int and then when I get to failure points I just do "return 1;" or "return 2;", etc... and this would return the correct value. Now I am re-writing the same tool in C# (as a Console Application called App.exe) but the Return Codes are not working. So far no matter what I try it always returns a value of 0x0 no matter where it fails, I have already tried a few different ways (as seen below) and nothing seems to works. try { // DO THE WORK } catch { //Environ…
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 1 reply
My program has a notifyicon in the system tray, and this notifyicon has a context menu called mnuContextMenu. The context menu has a number of menuitems, some of which have submenus of their own. My program has procedures to add and remove menuitems and submenuitems from mnuContextMenu. Everything seems to work fine. However, when I add a new item to the submenu of one of the �main items� in mnuContextMenu, the �main item� in question will no longer expand and show the submenu, even though it still has that little arrow on it to indicate that there is a submenu. In otherwords, let�s say the starting items for mnuContextMenu are �one� �two� and �three.� And let�s s…
Last reply by Voodoo84, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have a button where I want to do some javascript validation before is runs its OnClick server code. My problem is that even though the javascript function returns false the btnAdd_Click code still gets executed. Javascript function confirmAdd() { var cmbOrder=document.getElementById("cmbOrder"); var txtInvoiceNumber=document.getElementById("txtInvoiceNumber"); if (cmbOrder.value.length > 0 && txtInvoiceNumber.value.length == 0) { exit = confirm("Are you sure that this order has not been invoiced? (OK=Yes Cancel=NO)") if (exit == true) { return true; //add order } else { return false; //dont add order } } else { return true; //add order } } …
Last reply by Polar Bear, -
- 2 replies
This is a lot harder than i thought. All i want is to increase a picture's saturation by an input amount. So i figure i most go color by color and increase saturation. I have tried converting RGB to HSL (or HLS?) and i just can't get the conversions to work rite, i've looked at several on the internet and i can't find something working. any help would be appriciated
Last reply by TaleOfTimes, -
- 1 reply
i have an object that talks to the database and returns a dataset. i use this object more than once in my form, but each time i use it, the contents of any datasets that obtained data from it before are changed. i noticed it when a datagrid bound to a dataset kept changing as i used this object. how do i pass datasets by value rather than by ref
Last reply by HJB417, -
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i want to programatically add my own tab stops to a rich text box. i have been trying this for a while and cant get it done, and i cant seem to find any examples on the web. i want simply to be able to add text, through code so that it starts at a specific tab
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 6 replies
I need to get some data (two numbers) from PHP page, the developer in the PHP side say that he will use "POST" to sned me the nembers and that i should use GET to get it. for five year with .NET i never needed to use this method... so, can some one please give the code for it? thanks...
Last reply by bri189a, -
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If I define a custom attribute with "Attribute" at the end of its name, I can use that attribute without putting "Attribute" at the end of its name, as follows: <AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)> Public Class ContreAttribute Inherits Attribute End Class <Contre()> Public Class ABCAttribute End Class I was rather surprised to see that the above doesn't generate any errors. It's not a problem, but I'm just wondering if it's part of a wider rule that I should know about or whether it just applies for Attributes. Anyone know?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
I need to preselect BY VALUE an option in a dropdownlist that is contained in a datagrid. How do ya do it in C#? Also, I am willing doing it by index too - in case someone has that code available. Thanks. Amy
Last reply by college_amy, -
- 0 replies
hello, what db engine (access, berkeley, etc) can i use for a single desktop app with 2003, the only requisites i need are the hability to store images, and to store the entire database in a single file so i can copy and transmit it over the internet in only one step, i don't want to install a service like mysql, and i don't want to use access because it doesn't support limits and ofsets in a select query thanks for your advise
Last reply by ramone, -
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Hi. This is strange. I can not open this image in visual studio. I'd like to manipulate with this image in run time, therefore I need to open image and load it into variable type Image. 'here I load an image from file dim img as Image = Image.FromFile(myFile) 'image is not loaded completely. Size of image is correct, but content is white. There is no image displayed!!!???!??!??! Can anyone figure out, why? If I convert Image using some other graphics program, and then try to open it in VS it works. But this will be automatic task, so I can't change source image format. PS: I've attached source image, so you guys can play with. PSS: image format is…
Last reply by mcerk, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, A standard web page has a opening and closing head, body, and form tag. I have a some javascript, that calculates the number of characters that each user left, given that the user cannot enter more that 254 characters. The problem that I am new experiencing is that the java script has to reference the id property of the Form tags. Unfortunately no such tags, (from my previous attempts) exists in user controls. I was using the id property to access other controls on the web page, using the following code: 'document.' + FormName + '.' + TextFieldName + '.value'; Is their any possible means of repeating this functionality using the web control. I …
Last reply by Diesel, -
- 8 replies
Hi Guys, Really need some guide on this, I heard that div elements are browser element and thus can be updated at runtime when a current c# function is processed.. How do i accomplish this operation I have code thats read from database..Sometimes processes 3000-5000 records which might take around 10minutes.. How do i update once a record is retrieved using div elements? Meaning, lets say i have a form with 1 submit button, and 9 items to select.. Once user click submit button, which ever selected report will be processed. So lets say i have 3000 data.. i want to some sort like update user in div elements regarding status (how many records alr…
Last reply by a1jit, -
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Has anyone else run into this issue?? I have a form with a tab control with over two thousand controls and when I go to run, this is the error I receive. Appreicate any help.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Hi. I've experimented a little with Perlin Noise and noise generation in general the last few months. When I started, I mostly used the Rnd() statement to randomize numbers. The first problem that occured was that I wanted the number generator to return the same number when I passed the same variables to the function. I found the following function in a Perlin Noise tutorial, which I have been trying to convert from C# to VB.NET: float noise::Noise2d(int x, int y) { int n; n = x + y * 57; n = (n<<13) ^ n; float res = (float)( 1.0 - ( (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff ) / 1073741824.0); return res; } My VB.NET-translatio…
Last reply by DecemberChild, -
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