- 3 replies
HI, As you know that in the Pager of the Data Grid you can only show Page numbers or the Next Previous Buttons. But I want to show the Both in the Pager of The Data Grid in the format Like Prev 1 2 3 4 5 ... Next If any body have any solution can please give it to me.
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 3 replies
I have: this.myGrid.Items[e.Item.ItemIndex].Cells[4].Text and it works great as long as I don't add a column in before this one. If I do then this is off by one. Is there a way to do this by name. I am using a datagrid, 1.1 The items don't have ids so how would I get a hold of the correct one. I want to get a handle on a bound column at the selected index.
Last reply by bri189a, -
- 1 reply
I'm having a hard time with this command: formJobClient.tvwData.Nodes(strNodeParent).Nodes.Add(strNodeChild) because the parent node, where I have strNodeParent, is wanting an integer for the index, rather than the name of the node. Given the name of the parent node, how do I find the index position of it? For example, I know the parent node is named "1-Job A", but I have no clue how to get the index position... any thoughts? Sorry all, I should have done a better job searching. Just found these links:…
Last reply by alreadyused, -
- 2 replies
I know this is probably a really simple question, but I have an ASP.NET (v2.0) DropDownList and when the user selects a different item, I would like to redirect them to different page baste upon the item they selected. This is the code I'm using, but for some reason DropDownList1.Text is ALWAYS = "". If Page.IsPostBack() Then If DropDownList1.Text <> "" Then Response.Redirect("default.aspx?PageAction=reviews&ShowOnly=" & DropDownList1.Text) End If End If Any advice is appreciated.
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 45 replies
Thanks for taking a look :) Right now I am using Send Keys to acomplish playing and stoping audio on one of my computers but the problem is it is the same key. So if the player has finished playing the audio and I turn off the switch the audio starts again. What I would like to do is get the window that has the play and stop buttons and "send a message" to the application telling it which button to "hit". Can this be done in .NET or would it be better to do this with vb6? My only catch is the program has to have hardware attached to it so I have to build the application install it try it and so on. Thanks For any help you may be able to provide. ZeroEffect
Last reply by ZeroEffect, -
- 0 replies
I have a problem with controls on a webform not storing the selected index after a postback. The controls are databound only once ( in createMenu() ) as I use Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here If Not IsPostBack Then CreateMenu() InitialiseDates() panelParams.Visible = False End If End Sub The postback is initiated by a click on a button Private Sub cmdGenerateReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGenerateReport.Click LoadReport() D…
Last reply by JAS, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hi.. After installing the .net 2003 and loading my project (orginally coded in 2001) everything seemed fine until I added a new windows form to the project. The new form is fine (designer and code are all there) but whenever I try and instantiate the new form from my original "menu" form .net can't find it (either in the IDE intellisense or at runtime). The new form is definately in the same project (and the same namespace etc..) as the "menu" calling form, it's shown in the IDE under the project and I can edit it both in design and code and everything looks great.. until I try to use it that is, like so Form nextMenu = new frmNew(); at which point (when I typ…
Last reply by Slippery, -
- Administrators
- 4 replies
Hi, I have a server app (eventually running as a service) that will listen on some COM-ports and makeing calculations based on data recieved. Calculations can have different parameters which I want to be able to change from the Client App that can be run both from the local machine or from a networked computer (no firewalls in between). Which is the best way to implement this, in VB6 we used DCOM (with much headache during setup). Some basic samples would be nice too ;) TIA /Kejpa
Last reply by kejpa, -
- *Gurus*
- 8 replies
hi, i'm doing a bit of preparation for my uni project that i'm currently designing. I'm just trying to think forward to my implementation so i know what i can design and what i can't now. i need my application to be able to give a app, that is already running on the same computer as the application, some data. So basically a user can give data to the application through the web and then the data is passed to the application to deal with. is it possible for a running application to pass data to another already-running application? i could just have the app dump the data in an xml file or database and get the …
Last reply by Joe Mamma, -
- 1 reply
Hi ppl, I'm trying to create an event on a derived class, based on Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode; This object does not have any mouse movement related events, but I'd like to display a certain tooltip when the mouse hovers each element of this type. I've done a few things, but I can't get it to catch the mouse over event. I am missing something, but what? Webforms don't have mouse movement events either... Thanks in advance Here's the relevant portion of the code I have:
Last reply by Joe Mamma, -
- *Experts*
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- 10 replies
It's really annoying when you realize someone is talking about .net 2.0 and doesn't realize a feature exists and your advising them on how to re-create that feature in 1.1. At least I find it annoying. Can we add a new topic tree for the 2.0 threads?
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I'm using Vb 2005 and Sql 2005. I'm trying to use the ParameterDirection.inputout... and it's not working. With cm .Parameters.Add("@intTblWaitingListId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = mintTblWaitingListId .Parameters("@intTblWaitingListId").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput end with cn.Open() cm.ExecuteNonQuery() when i trace this in sql.. this is what it is sending in declare @p1 int set @p1=8 exec spWaitingList_Save @intTblWaitingListId=@p1 output,@intTblCamperId=781,@intTblWeekId=1,@intPriority=0,@intMisses=0 select @p1 the set @p1=8.. the 8 seems to be the number of times I've tried runn…
Last reply by jvcoach23, -
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- 2 replies
I input a XML file with UTF-8 encoding. I get the file length and hash the file, I write out the file and append the hash and length to the file. I input this newly created file, extract the hash and length from it and then calculate the hash on data. When I view the data before and after hashing, they look the same, However, the hashes are coming up completely different. Could someone look at my code and see where I may be makiong my mistake. Private Sub CreateAppHash() Dim encoder As New UTF8Encoding 'To encode the data Dim SHA1 As New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider 'For hashing Dim bytHash As Byte() 'To store the hash bytHash = …
Last reply by cpopham, -
- 1 reply
I want to make a control, mainly for options forms, that is like a tab control, but uses a different style 'page selector', which will be a button bar type of control. To be honest though, I'm not any good at control development, and I need to get this thing done asap... today if possible. First off, I've been working on the button bar part of it, but I don't know how to make the TypeConverter work properly, so I keep getting an exception of something like 'Can't convert ButtonBar.ButtonBarItems[] to ButtonBar.ButtonBarItems[]' or something like that. Any help there would be appreciated. I'll get the exact exception message for you later. Secondly, I know I need a …
Last reply by rot13, -
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- 2 replies
I an trying to write some code to send an email message from VB 2005 Express. I found some code examples for but I am having trouble converting it to work in VBX. Could someone please provide me with a code example that will work. Thanks...
Last reply by nbrege, -
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- 7 replies
If a project is written in ASP.NET with database in sql server and we want to create the same project with database in access, are there many changes in the code beside the connection string?
Last reply by FZelle, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I just thought I would report that I was recently taking a look at the Tutors Corner, but when I tried (both) post(s) entitled 'Faster VB.NET File Handling' I discovered the links contained were invalid (i.e. don't point to anything usefull). Just thought I'd let you know.
Last reply by Cags, -
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- 2 replies
i have 2 ASP.NET applications running on my web server. app B loads the assembly of app A in order to perform some reflection. i have noticed that after this has occurred, it will no longer let me delete the .dll of app A within windows explorer. it's almost as if app B has loaded the assembly but not let go. can anyone help me please.
Last reply by Wee Bubba, -
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Guys & Gals I have a new project and I'm not really sure how to start at all. Basically I will be iterating through a set of web pages and performing actions depending on the page's source. So my first task is to find how to get a copy of the HTML behind a page on the net. The only thought I have had is to use the Web Browser control, but even then I have no idea if it has the methods I require to obtain the source code of a page. Thoughts? JWA
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I am writing a program which allows adding new components - text boxes and labels I want to be able to click the edge of a text box, hold the mouse button down and drag it to increase the component's width How do I add this event to the object that I add at run time?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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