- 1 reply
In a visual how do I program a combobox to autocomplete from listeditems in a collection that are filled during the run of the application? Any help offered is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by barski, -
- 0 replies
I am using VB.NET 2002 and am working in a windows form I am trying to "Crawl" or index a search engine that has a database of just files, not websites. When you perform a search your results will be links to files to download. What i would like to do is create a program to index all files within the search engine's database. My question is how do i go about doing this the most effective way? I can see just trying every possible search string then placing the results in a database and filtering out any duplicate addresses i get, but this seems like a poor method. The restrictions on the search engine are a minimum of 3 characerts, so i can't just put in a "*" or "**…
Last reply by nomaam, -
- 1 reply
Hi all I am in the process of trying to use Microsoft Application Center Test to test a web application. I am having problems following the notes in the help file, has anyone come across a good tutorial on how to use this tool correctly? Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
- 0 replies
I am writing a program that watches a certain folder for incoming files & then moves those files to another folder. Here's the problem: if I copy a group of files into the watched folder it works fine, but if I move a group of files into the watched folder it doesn't do anything, the event handler never triggers. What is the proper notify filter to use to watch for new files in a folder? I have tried both the Size & LastWrite filters but neither does what I want. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far: Imports System.IO Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class Form1 Const watchfolder As String = "c:\checked" Const targetf…
Last reply by nbrege, -
- 1 reply
I'm on an ASP 3.0 project right now and need to integrate a library (business) functions for use with this ASP 3.0 web site. I checked the 'Register for COM interop' on the build and put in all the necessary attributes...everything initially worked great...our old ASP 3.0 application was playing happy with a .NET dll. Then we went to make changes. We recompiled and no changes were detected in ASP application - long story short it was still using the old dll. I manually went in with regasm and put in the dll with /u and /tlb arguements and it came back with the successful message for un-registering. From experiance I went to delete the .dll and .tbl (and also th…
Last reply by Igor Sukhov, -
- 1 reply
Hi! I am trying to to SQL updates with an access database. One of the fields is a Date/Time field, and the problem occurs when I do n ot want to insert a date. Now I have: Dim strDate as String = Format(myDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Dim strSQL as String = "Update myTable SET date1 ='" & strDate & "' WHERE..." This works fine as long as I have a date to insert... I have tried stuff like... Update myTable SET date1 ='" & IIF(strDate="", "Null", strDate) & "' ...but I can't make it work... Does anyone know how to update datetimefields with null values? noccy
Last reply by kejpa, -
- 7 replies
Hi All, Does anyone know if or how it is posible to show or an image or a progressbar while uploading a lage file. I've seached the forum/i-net but didn't find anything usefull :o I'm using VS2005 and tried to hide/unhide an image but with no success. Thanks!
Last reply by MisterB, -
- 5 replies
was wondering if there would be any difference between literal values and datatable placed in a session, suppose i have these Session("object1") = "the string" Session("object2") = 100 Session("object3") = True and these Dim dt As New DataTable("objects") Dim dr As DataRow dr = dt.NewRow With dr .Item("object1") = "the string" .Item("object2") = 100 .Item("object3") = True End With dt.Rows.Add(dr) Session("objects") = dt would it differ in performance? (probably will) what could be the best practice? (in general), just curious
Last reply by lamy, -
- 1 reply
How do you get form variables and substitute them into text queries using ADO.NET and also ensure that the common language runtime (CLR) does not confuse your variables for literal strings ? It was easy to do this with classic ASP, but not with .Net Approximately 80% of MySQL ADO.Net examples online have SQL values hardcoded. D Connector/ODBC with Microsoft .NET: Approximately all MySQL ADO.Net text query examples are simple selects and there are very little or no action text query examples. They have all been parametized and it is a m…
Last reply by Teapot, -
- 0 replies
i want to create a central resource, custom control? or dll? that will provided a list of clients, and return the result to the program. I have no looked into using custom controls or dll's or yet, however wanted a suggestion as to the most logical direction to head. I want this resource to be located in the one central location, whereby any improvements / changes i make to 'dialog box' will flow through to all other programs that use it, without having to make changes to each of these programs. Thanks for any suggestions.
Last reply by q1w2e3r4t7, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I have recently upgraded a Visual Basic 2003 application to 2005, with minimal issues. However one issue occured that I cannot seem to resolve. I was using a dll produced by fytek called PDFMeld. I use it to fax out multiple selected pdf documents. In 2005 it is throwing an error, right when I dim instaniate it. "Dim x as new pdfmeld" this throws an unexpected error. It works in 2003 but it is not working in 2005. I'm not sure why this is occuring. Any suggestions or work arounds would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by lothos12345, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
Is there a stored proceedure (or another way) to show the releations between tables in a MSSQL database?
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- Leaders
- 14 replies
Hi all I am currently programming in Visual Basic 6.0 and I wish to start programming in VC++ .NET aswell, but I am clueless as to where to start!?! I have absolutely no knowledge of the C++ language. I've tried loads of beginner tutorials to get started but I haven't had any success.......even the "Hello World" tutorials seem mind-boggling to me!!! What were everyone's methods of learning C++ .NET from scratch? Did you use books (if so, which ones?), website tutorials (links?), or did you take courses somewhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Last reply by jo0ls, -
- 3 replies
Is anyone else having memory issues with .NET 2005 Pro? When I first start up the IDE, it takes about 15 MB. When I load my project, it baloons to 85 MB, which, see as how I have 1 GB of memory in this machine, is still ok. However, as I code, the footprint keeps growing, with my machine noticeably slowing. This is all without even running my application. At one point yesterday, I think the "Mem Usage" in the task manager said that "devenv.exe" was taking something like 800 MB. With it that high, I was getting all kinds of errors in VS about it not being able to load files. I shut it down and restarted, and everything was fine. My machine is a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz w…
Last reply by tfowler, -
Hi All, I am looking at using SSL with my site, from what I have read, I need to create a folder in my web site into which all pages that incorporate SSL will be stored. I then need to set the AccessSSL = True property, and then everything should work without any major hassle. My question relates to incorporating SSL into the FTP, I have come across a number of companies that seem to offer the service, but nothing for configuring the FTP with an existing SSL certificate. Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
- *Gurus*
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- 11 replies
hi! 1. how do i get the size of a certain directory? 2. how can i use the filesystem watcher to tell me that a certain directory size has reached a certain limit?
Last reply by Asharon, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I'm getting some pictures from internet (through http protokol). I'd like to get the time, when they were put on the server, or (even better) when were they created. I cant read file creation property when pictures are allready downloaded, becouse this date/time represents file creation time on my disk (time of download). IE can do it, so I'm sure VB can allso For ex. look url:
Last reply by HJB417, -
- 1 reply
i'm trying to implement 'Process.GetProcesses' on a citrix server however i received the "the application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. The operation required the security exception. To grand this application the required permission please contact your syetem administrator" I beleive this is due to the fact that there are several people running off the server, and the 'Process.GetProcesses' command will also receive their processes also? Is there a way to obtain all of MY processes ? Thanks,
Last reply by q1w2e3r4t7, -
- 2 replies
I am fumbling my way through teaching myself Crystal Reports in VS.Net 2003 I can set up a report using the Extreme.mdb provided for testing purposes. Now, I want to use code to set the database connection and report source. I thought I had it set up correctly but I am getting "ConnectionString property has not been initialized" Here is my code: Sub BindReport() Dim objConn As SqlConnection Dim uName As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("mappedname") Dim pass As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("mappedkey") Dim strConn As String = "SERVER=Intranet\tdsmfg;DATABASE=mtc_req;user id= " & uName…
Last reply by lorena, -
- 0 replies
I am trying to retrieve a picture that is stored in an access db with the following code: MyConnection.Open() Dim MyCommand As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM tblwater WHERE waterid=" & wateren.waterid, MyConnection) MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader() MyReader.Read() txtnaam.Text = MyReader("water_naam") txtplaats.Text = MyReader("water_plaats") txttype.Text = MyReader("water_soort") txtomschrijving.Text = MyReader("water_omschrijving") txtopp.Text = MyReader("water_opp") 'foto ophalen Dim bytBLOBData(MyReader.GetBytes(1, 7, Nothing, 0, Integer.MaxValue) - 1) As Byte MyReader.GetBytes…
Last reply by bommelding,
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