- 1 reply
I'm stupmed; I'm trying to use MySQL 5 w/ DataSets and VB.Net 2003, and am to the point where I'm ready to update the database. I'm reading the Microsoft Press ADO.NET book by David Scheppa (starting on pg 408 if that helps anyone); I've also looked at the example by Mike Hillyer here: that uses user input from textboxes. What I'm trying to do is write the generic update routines so I can pass it a row that has changed and have those changes sent to the db, assuming that I have already taken care of changing the row in the datatable. Here's my code, which is basically what is in the book... P…
Last reply by alreadyused, -
- 0 replies
I'm interested in analyzing software metrics on a project but I'm having a hard time finding a free solution for .Net 2.0. So far I've found Vil and NDepend but neither work with .Net 2.0 assemblies. Does anyone have any advice on tools for calculating even simple metrics (number of classes, LOC, etc)? Has anyone used either of these two tools? They look like they give a lot of potentially useful information... Any other general metrics advice? Thanks.
Last reply by mskeel, -
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- 2 replies
Hi. I was wandering if you could look at my code i have for a submit button on a purchase order form. In the program when a customer wants to purchase the product, I want the info from the form to be emailed to me from the form. I checked out different sites with different answers but nothing works. I had to pick the delivery method as "PickupDirectoryFromIis" b/c it wouldnt let me specify a default mail client. I stepped through the code and it said it was successfully sent but it never comes in my default emailclient. Here is the code for a submit button. Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click…
Last reply by mjcs100, -
While Loop
by Cags-
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- 3 replies
I was just wondering if anything could be considered wrong with using the following... while(MyFunction()) {} Basically the functionality of the while is moved to a seperate function, am I likely to encounter any problem using this syntax, or would it be better todo... bool isSuccess = true; while(isSuccess) { isSuccess = MyFunction(); } As far as I can tell both these sections of code will perform the same, I just thought I'd put the question out incase theres something I'm missing. The last thing I wan't is for my application to start throwing random errors somewhere down the line.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Hello experts :), I don't know where to start this. But I need the following... I need a program, where it is possible to connect to multiple client with Telnet sockets. But how on earth do I initialize this ? I managed to send data but I can not create an event driven (array) of telnet sockets. Could anyone give me a hint or (even better ;-)), code for this ? Many thanks in advance Antoine
Last reply by Antoine, -
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The Icon.Save function saves icons in a 4-bit format. Needless to say, this is pretty ugly. Does anyone know a way to save a GDI+ Icon object as a 24/32 bit icon file or a way to save a GDI Icon from a handle to a 24/32 bit icon file?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 9 replies
Hi guys... Are there "Shared" Classes in VB.NET 2.0 to match C#'s "Static" classes? Or did they not bother in VB.NET because VB.NET has Modules? The thing is though, a Static Class (enforcing that there are no instance members) is not quite the same as a Module, which is essentially a Static class plus an implicit global imports statement... Is the solution, then, that I have to continue creating a Private New() contructor for VB.NET classes that I wish to enforce as Static? Using the 'Shared' keyword in front of a Class definition does not seem to be accepted by the compiler. Anyway, I'm guessing that this is in fact the "lay of the land", but I was wonder…
Last reply by mandelbrot, -
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int x = 2000000000 * 2000000000; in java gives -1651507200 in vb, the same yields an overflow, and Code: math.bigmul(2000000000 * 2000000000 ) yields 4000000000000000000 ive learned that this is because java simply drops the higher order bits in order to fit it into the integer type my question is, how do i accomplish the same in .NET? Im transfering some code over and I was wondering if there was anything in the framework that does it thanks
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Has anyone noticed that the cursor on a RichTextBox context menu remains as an I-Beam when right-clicking when running on .NET 2.0? It only happens for RichTextBoxes and on .NET 2.0 framework. Running the same executable on 1.1 causes the cursor to switch to the arrow when right-clicking. I first thought it was a beta 2 issue, but it remains a problem. Any ideas on how to fix?
Last reply by Jaco, -
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How do I find out the xy-coordinates and widths of all visible windows? I'm making a screenmate incase your wondering why I'm asking such a question. PS: I'm using VB2005 and I use Windows XP.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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In VB2005 it is easy to display a picture with transparency on a totally transparent form. All you have to do is: Set the forms BackColor and TransparencyKey to be the same color plus insert a picturebox and import a transparent picture to it. But it doesn't seem to work well with PNG files that have alpha transparency. The semitransparent areas aren't transparent at all. Is there a way to get this work without having to copy the background from windows and faking transparency on the form?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
I'm currently working on a messenger(using net send), and i've gotton it to send messages just fine, but i need a way to change the text that tells the reciever my computer name to something else. Any Ideas? ( 2005) Dim lretval As Long = Shell("net send " & ReceiverName & _ " """ & Message & """", vbHide)
Last reply by YODA0340, -
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Okay - I want to convert a LETTER (char) into an NUMBER (int) given a set scheme... Specifically - when string sInput = "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", and "9" I want to leave it as-is. However if sInput is a letter from "a" to "z" I want to convert it to a NUMBER using the simplest scheme that assign "a"=10, "b"=11, "c"=12, etc... all the way to "z"=35. I have a working model (as shown in the code below) but I need to cover from 'a' to 'z' and covering all 25 cases as shown below would be ... ugly to say the least... private string ConvertToNumber(string sInput) { char[] sOutput = sInput.ToUpper().ToCharArray(); // DO THE CONVERSION SCHEME // if (sOu…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 4 replies
Given a WORD document (C:\FAX.doc), I need to write a program able to send this file to a FAX machine (or possibly a FAX MODEM, there should be a difference). I have a text file (numbers.txt) which contain a list of fax numbers, I read in from this file to get the required dialer information and want to send a copy of FAX.doc to each in an automated fashion. The only problem I am having is - how do I send a FAX.DOC (Microsoft Word Document file) to an actual FAX machine? The application will be designed to work on WindowsXP with a FAX/MODEM attached. If possible I would like for it to run on Windows2000 also but only if it does not make life any more difficult. A…
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
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I've been trying the XML commenting in VB2005. But with no success. :( When I type the three apostrophes and try to add some comments I get an error message saying that I need a language element first. Could someone post an example of XML commenting in VB2005, please? I've tried this for example: '''<color=red><b>My comment</b></color>
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 2 replies
Hi all As most of you may know, there are 3 big database engines that are rival to each other, Msft realeased SQL SERVER 2005 Express Ed. and IBM realeased DB2 Express Edition and finally Oracle realeased Oracle 10G Express Edition. They're express "free" editions and i can use them as we wish, each one with its own characteristics. I would ask to any DataBase Expert Forum user if someone has already use all of them and in which point they differ from other, i would like to have a background about the best, the most powerfull, the most reliable database engine to use in this offer of express tools from Msft, Oracle and IBM. Thanks, any idea exprience you wanna shar…
Last reply by teixeira, -
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hello sir.i am beginner in have a problem.i have a table name "trans".i want to add column in this table dynamicaly and also remove column dynamically.the column name will be given by d user.and i also tell the column number.suppose in my "trans" table there are three columns.the column names are "cake","pastry","totalquan".now i want to add a column name biscuit after the pastry can i do this? this is my problem.please help programe is write in and my database is in me please.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 1 reply
Hello I've made a form with a datagridview and 1 column configured as a combobox. I like to fill the combobox on the load of the program... But how can i reach the combobox ? combobox3.columns[3].Items.Add("item"); ? Something like that.. but i cant find it..
Last reply by teixeira, -
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I am trying to write a simple console application that clears the screen. The standard ESC [2J does not work. What do I need to set to have it use ASCII codes? Do samples of simple console applictions exist anywhere? Module Module1 Dim X As String Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("HELLO!") Console.Write(Convert.ToChar(91)) Console.Write(Convert.ToChar(50)) Console.Write(Convert.ToChar(74)) Console.WriteLine("HELLO AGAIN!") Console.Read() End Sub End Module This code returns: HELLO! [2JHELLO AGAIN!
Last reply by JumpyNET, -
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Is it possible to get some hardware info of the current computer in C#? Such as CPU Load, Total RAM, RAM Free, Hard disk space etc.. Thanks in advance :)
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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