Visual Studio 2019 Community Visual Basic Project "Setup Wizard"
by Guest johnes1- 0 replies
'Visual Studio 2019 Community' is installed with the option '.NET desktop development' selected. I would like to add a new project 'Setup Wizard' to an existing Visual Basic project but it is not an option in the 'Create a new project' selection display. Question: How to modify Visual Studio 2019 Community so that 'Setup Wizard' is available? Thanks much... jssd Continue reading...
Regex pattern for specific digits
by Guest deskcheck1- 0 replies
Hi, How do I write a regex pattern for numbers -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 4, 5? I need for any combination of digits 0 to 5 and another solely for negative one. Appreciate any help. Marilyn Gambone Continue reading...
LINQ to SQL query in related tables
by Guest Dante Havenaar- 0 replies
Hi, I have a library database with related tables. dbo.boeken (books) that only have the general data of a book. PK is BoekID There is a relationship with dbo.BoekenGegevens (Book data). These data for the book are the author, publisher and nur codes. An author and publisher have written and published several books. FK is BoekID (The other FK's belongs to Author / Publisher etc.) The other table has the details of who owns the book. FK is BoekID A book can be owned by several libraries. Now I want to do a search with a Linq query on the title of a book. How do I build a LINQ query so that I only see the books that belong to the requesting library? Th…
How to Alter Table Column Name in Microsoft Access table using VB.NET
by Guest Colin Reid- 0 replies
I get a Syntax Error with the following code "ALTER TABLE receipts RENAME COLUMN payees TO payee" Any ideas of what I am doing wrong reagards Colin Reid Continue reading...
I'm have error. Please help me. Tks All
by Guest DungC- 0 replies
Unable to start program 'D:project1/debug/project1.exe' The System cannot find the file specified i'm code windows form with visual studio 2015 Continue reading...
How To add new column to datatable from combobox item
by Guest Majed Abbas- 0 replies
Hello i want to add new column to datatable from combobox all items my code is Dim newColumn As New Data.DataColumn("Mån", GetType(System.String)) newColumn.DefaultValue = ComboBox1.Items.ToString dt.Columns.Add(newColumn) DataGridView3.DataSource = dt but is not working column is add but all items are System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox + ObjectCollection any help thanks Continue reading...
Member not found (Exception from HSRESULT : 0x80020003(DISP_E_MEBERNOTFOUND)
by Guest Nguyễn Quang Phiến- 0 replies
the error when i export data to Excel from DatagridView in visual basic 2008. error name: Member not found (Exception from HSRESULT : 0x80020003(DISP_E_MEBERNOTFOUND) Thanks any one help me! my email: Continue reading...
The taskbar is not showing when a form loads
by Guest Gary Simpson- 0 replies
Hi Good People When a form loads the Taskbar does not show. On the form in properties, I have set the windows state to Maximized. I have tried different settings on the windows state. Normal, Minimised and the taskbar does show. I have looked at the taskbar settings but all seems to be OK. And on another program That I have not yet finished, The same form, same size, Same settings, shows the taskbar. There has been an update on Visual Basic. could this have been the problem or is there something I am not doing right? I have not had this problem before the taskbar has always shown after the form load. Kind regards Gary Gary Simpson Continu…
problem when displaying data from DataTable to DataGrid View
by Guest ahmeddc- 0 replies
HI - Use this function to display data from DataTable to DataGrid View. - Everything Is fine.if No columns are added to the edit And delete column buttons -Many problems occur When adding columns To make edits And deleting button in column, when columns disappear Or additional columns appear. I don't know what the problem is. The code works fine without the edit button column Or delete button cell in columns, but I need it on the front of the invoice datagridview . function fill datagridview from datatable Public Sub Filldatg( ByVal dg As DataGridView, ByVal dT As DataTable, ByVal qurey As String) con.Open() 'dg.Columns.Clear() …
by Guest Vergassivellaunus- 0 replies
I inserted a backgroundworker form in my project. My intention is to execute a long time evaluation without blocking the graphic interface. These 2 routines should do the job: Public Sub BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted End Sub Public Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork x=math_evaluation() 'x is an array End Sub When math_evaluation is completed, RunWorkerCompleted should be triggered, but this does not happens. If I use in dowork not a func…
How to terminate old session in VB.Net web based application
by Guest kamal sekhar- 0 replies
Hi, I have one web based application and having login screen. Currently Once user logged into the application, then If user copy the URL after login and paste it in different tab the user is still able to access inside application. So here user able to access in both tab as logged-in. My requirement is to terminate first/old session If user logged into second session(which is created new session). User should able to login in one session at a time, not in multiple session and also when user logged into new session, it should prompt warning message to both session as account is used some other place. How to achieve this in Web based VB.Net. Continue reading...
Why is visual studio signing in one program and not in the other
by Guest WolfKiller- 0 replies
I have 2 programs that I been using for a long time. Recently with the last update to 16.8.3 that my dll is now not taking signing input. What can I do to make it take a temporary certificate. Continue reading...
Installed SSDT 14.6 it has no option for scripting language
by Guest Seeker of Wisdom- 0 replies
I just had to reimage and reinstall all the software on my development computer. I installed SQL Server 2016 and Visual Studios 2015. I am converting a bunch of packages from SSIS 2008 to 2015. The scripting components are in VB but the only option Under scripting Languages is C# 2015. I must have installed something wrong because. I have packages I created before my computer when down that were in VB. I really need to get VB as a scripting language back. Can anyone help me? Continue reading...
Forum Closed
by AWS-
- Administrators
- 0 replies
I know that the owner doesn't care about this place and I doubt anyone will do anything, but, here goes. Is this place closed permanently or did you do an upgrade and forget to turn the forum back on? This site as well as the visual basic site are both closed. If this was done to close the sites a closing note would have been nice. There are still loyal staff and users on both sites that visit everyday. If this is the end then so be it. All good things get ruined at some point and then end abruptly. I guess this is what happened here.
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
I NEED to log in to and collect from there some images I like, for personal use. I am an artist! I use a windows application (NOT an ASP). I must use cookies to login to that website and set a "mature content" , to be able to see all artists posts. I need a code solution, or an idea about how to make it. I am struggle with this for half of a year already and I couldn't resolve it by myself. Please, and thank you.
Last reply by q12, -
- 1 reply
How feasible is it to convert code to C++? This company here claims to have a product to do it, but discussions online seem to say that it can't be done. Just wondering if Tangible Software Solution's solution is likely to work. Kind of thinking that if ever I want to try and get a job in computing I ought to know C++ rather than so it would be a good idea to switch over, including a couple of current projects that I have. Thanks.
Last reply by mooman_fl, -
- Administrators
- 5 replies
I'm frustrated at how slow Visual Studio is. I have a programme which is not that complicated (less than 1MB when compiled) yet Visual Studio always seems to hang when I activate it and leave me waiting for a minute or more with "Not responding" in the title bar. Is there anything I should be doing about this? I'm using VS 2005 on Windows 7. Maybe I need to get a newer version of VS.
Last reply by rbulph, -
- Leaders
- 4 replies
Can someone please try to figure out what is happening here? I'm trying to apply the Multiply filter, similar to the one Photoshop uses by crossing the RGB values between two images. I'm not a pointer* guy at all and most of the code was taken from internet so I can't really say what is wrong. The function is currently working partially, that is, it applies the filter only over a third of the image from top to bottom on the left side. private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bitmap srcA = (Bitmap)this.lbl_map.Image; Bitmap srcB = (Bitmap)this.lbl_paper.Image; BitmapData dataA = SetImageToProcess(srcA, new Re…
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- Administrators
- 5 replies
I don't know if any of the owners actually visit this site. I have been trying to contact them by email and they keep bouncing back. In any event I am posting this here in case the owner see's this. I am the original owner of this site as well as xtremevbtalk. I don't know if you're interested or not, but, I am interested in buying this site. I would appreciate it if the owner would contact me via PM to discuss this. You can also email me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I created some kind of surfing control application. The application open a form, get from the user cardinals, and then it close up and run background thread that sends information about the surfing activity to logger. Sometimes there is a need, of course, to open again the form to change settings� but since the back ground thread is a different thread, there is no way to open the "same" form again, nor close the net listener, each try to do so and with exception that generally says that you can't control the main process from another thread. I can't create new instance of the main form, since the network card is "busy" with the first process. I found that code that open…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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