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Hi I am using IIS 5.1 on WinXp. I have created an Asp.Net website using Visual Studio 2005. Asp.Net 2.0 was used. I shared the folder containing the website on IIS and it is added to the 'Default Website' folder under the 'Websites' folder in IIS. The folder's name is LiveEventPortal. When I opened the folder in IIS and tried to broswse the ASP.Net master page (right click -> browse), IE appeared and displayed an error message. Server Error in '/LiveEventPortal' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed to access IIS metabase. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution …
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
Hello! I have a large ASP application that runs on a SQL Server back-end database. I run NUMEROUS SQL queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.), and in many cases, I need to insert a record, and then query the database for the Primary Key field (defined as an Identity field in SQL). Is there a way to write and execute an INSERT query so that it returns the Primary Key field? Here is an example of one of the INSERT commands. INSERT INTO dbo.EmployeeMaster (EmployeeName, EmployeeInitials, EmployeeEMail) VALUES ('Oswald, Steve', 'SJO', '') There is one more field in the table, EmployeeMasterPK,…
Last reply by SteveoAtilla, -
- 1 reply
I'm having a little problem with my Macromedia Flash control. I have a program with multiple buttons in front of a Flash background. In one of my modules I switch to a picture box background instead of a flash background. When switching from picture box (setting visible to false), the buttons that are supposed to be on the flash are loaded briefly onto the picture box background. I was wondering if there is a way to pause the application until the SWF has loaded. I tried Application.DoEvents() but for some reason in the module after I fire it, it stops the rest of the code execution in the sub. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by kentheprogger, -
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does any one have an example of how to use threading in a page . I hope some one can point me to the right direction
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
I have built a custom control for 2.0 in C# that derives from Composite Control. I have several public properties on this control, like Name, Title, etc. They are all exposed in the design time UI nice and neat and they get persisted to the html tag as attributes when the developer sets them. My trouble is that i have one public prop that is an object and it is not being persisted at design time, it gets lost after being set. The property is a Generic List of a class I created. This class is being recognized at design time because when the developer clicks on the prop in the prop list they get the ... and then it expands into a collection type prop collector. …
Last reply by VBAHole22, -
- 0 replies
Is there a way in Crystal Reports 9 to default a parameter to a value. For example if I have a visual basic application and it does not pass the value of a particuliar parameter to the report, can i get the report to automatically set that parameter to false with out prompting the user to set the discreate value. If so how, any help offered is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by lothos12345, -
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Hi: Has anyone encountered their application tabs stopping working? There is no one thing that does this...but I have noticed it most when I click on a text field and then when I try to tab to the next control, I can't. Doesn't always happen...I'm not trapping any key events on the text fields in question. Thoughts? Eric
Last reply by ehelin, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I have a tabbed application, when a user opens a file to be displayed in a tab I naturally want the filename to appear in the tab. Using this: openFileDialog1.get_FileName() Puts the whole path in the tab, making the tab very long e.g. C:/path/to/file.txt I just want: file.txt To be in the tab. How do I go about doing that? Thanks.
Last reply by closet geek, -
- 1 reply
Hi: I am using a standard combo box. When the user tabs in, I use the drop down property to let them select from the list...which works fine. But, the mouse cursor disappears until a selection is made from the drop down list. I have tried variations of and the cursor is set to the arrow in the properties window...but it won't show. Thoughts? Eric
Last reply by ehelin, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, Does anyone know if there is a kind of folder picker in ASP.NET 2.0 ??? or another way to do so?? Tnx MrB
Last reply by MisterB, -
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Hi Reader ;) I've got I question about a fileupload control. In my webapp. I've got a fileuploadcontol that uploads the file to a folder on the webserver ( eg. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\UploadedFiles) NOW.... what i want is.. if a file is uploaded it is uploaded to another server ( the server where the webapp runs on is eg myserver so the upload folder is myserver\uploadedfiles and i want it to be stackserver\files ) I would like to do this because the webserver has virtualy no HD space and the stack server has several TB (:D:0) any idears??? Tnx Mrb
Last reply by MisterB, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have been trying for the past few weeks to load a movie using the Windows Media Player 10 control and pausing it at the first frame of video. I have tried turning auto start to true and setting the controls.CurrentPosition to 1 and then playing and then pausing but it just continues to play. I would rather not use timer variables, i've tried that and it makes things messy for what i'm doing.
Last reply by kentheprogger, -
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Hi, I have a program that needs multiple tabs. The tabs are created when a user clicks a button and these created tabs are clones of the initial tab (which has a richtexbox on it). I have a couple of questions. 1) How do I allow for unlimited tab creation - so instead of me defining a tab name I can say to J#: "Name the tab tabPage[integer] and after every creation do [integer]++". Currently I'm just using: TabPage tabPage2 = new TabPage("tab"); tabControl1.get_TabPages().Add(tabPage2); Which does allow multiple tabs to be open but do these have the same name? 2) How do I reference the richtextboxes that are created when a new tab is created? How do I…
Last reply by closet geek, -
- 1 reply
Hey people, I just have a quick question. I was just woundering if can do this, I am trying to write a program for my own personal use, that if I have to reload my computer for any weird reason, I can reload any of my software that I use for example, a virus scanner, my webpage editing stuff and so on. So what I am tryinig to wounder can you tell to execute another .exe file. I think it would just be great, to have all of my software, on a DVD-rom that is ran by a program. Thanks :)
Last reply by Cags, -
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Questions regarding on-the-fly control creation are not uncommon. Even when people figure out how to create controls, there is often difficulty and confusion with event handling and referencing controls. This tutorial explores the basics of dynamic control creation and addresses some common issues. Example code is provided in both C# and VB for .NET versions 1.0-2.0, and a Visual Studio 8 demo project is included for both languages. Tutorial C# Demo VB Demo Suggestions and comments welcome.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Hi guys, This is very theoretical, and not very practical, but I was wondering what other people's thoughts were on the following: Shared Sub RunIsTypeOf() Dim obj As Object Dim isSameType As Boolean obj = New Employee ' <-- Which Inherits from the 'Person' class. isSameType = TypeOf obj Is Person MessageBox.Show(isSameType.ToString) ' <-- Returns True obj = New Generic.List(Of Employee) isSameType = TypeOf obj Is Generic.List(Of Employee) MessageBox.Show(isSameType.ToString) ' <-- Returns True isSameType = TypeOf obj Is Generic.List(Of Person) MessageBox.Show(isSameType.ToString) ' <-- Returns False! End Sub …
Last reply by Mike_R, -
- 3 replies
hi all, I have a web page with three list boxes and based on the selection of these i populate the datagrid with a dropdown box in each of the cell. Since I am not sure of the num of cols that the datagrid is going to have untill the selection of 3 listboxes i cannot use template columns. I query the database with the selection, get a table and bind the datagrid with this table. On datagrid's itemdatabound() i add these dropdown boxes in each of the cell of the datagrid. The user could select from the dropdown box and click the submit button. As you all might know when the submit is clicked all the dynamically created controls vanish. Hence I am not able get the use…
Last reply by pothuri, -
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Hi: I am using a combo box and validating its contents as the text changes. At the start of the method, I remove the handler (to prevent multiple calls) and then add the handler back when I am done. However, the event is called 2 more times (3 total) after the event exits. I have noticed this with the key events as well. In my app, I am not trapping any other events...what is causing the same event to be called 3 times? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thnks! Eric The event code is as follows: Private Sub cbExamRoom_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) RemoveHandler cbExamRoom.TextChanged, AddressOf cbExamRoom_Tex…
Last reply by ehelin, -
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I have an array containing letters and numbers that im trying to sort. using the array sort method i'm not geting the results im after Example A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A20 Is being sorted. A1 A10 A11 A2 A20 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
I have been handed a project which contains a mixture of SSL pages and non-SSL pages. Redirections from SSL page to non-SSL pages is achieved via the code: Response.Redirect("pagename.aspx"). In order to prevent the non-ssl pages having an s added to the http, must I alter to redirect statement to the following: Response.Redirect("http://projectname/pagename.aspx"), or is there a simplier approach? Mike55.
Last reply by mike55,
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