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I've been reading this website about OOP. I need to wrap my head around OOP and have general questions. For example: 1. Why should I use "overloading" when I can have 2 functions with 2 different names?? (Look at "Method Overloading") 2. When should I use "Interfaces"? why should i use them when I can have regualr classes to inherit from? 3. When and why should I use "abstract" classes when I can just have regualr classes to inherit from? 4. Why should I use Polymorphism when I can just have separate functions doing whatever?? (look at "Polymorphism" section) is there a rule o…
Last reply by eramgarden, -
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Does the idea of a Windows command prompt replacement program pique anyone's interest? There are many desktop replacement programs and it seems that plenty of people like them. They don't do much for me because I don't really use the desktop. I would be a big fan of the Windows command prompt but it just seems crippled and obsolete. The syntax tends to be awkward and extensibility is minimal. If you want to add your own command you have an option between the batch file, which seems to be the clumsiest "programming language" there is, or write an entire executable to serve the purpose of that single command. Most importantly, it is just plain ugly. Hence, the need for …
Last reply by mskeel, -
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'tis the time of the year when you're eagerly looking forward to getting them from your bunny, but are there any known in .NET? /Kejpa
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I'd like to use javax.sound.midi.* to generate MIDI (at a specific channel, instrument and frequency), something like this: public static void PlayNote(int channel, int note, int instrum) { try { Synthesizer synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();; final MidiChannel[] mc = synth.getChannels(); Instrument[] instr = synth.getDefaultSoundbank().getInstruments(); synth.loadInstrument(instr[instrum]); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} mc[channel].noteOn(note,200); …
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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We have a small debate at work and I'm wondering if there's any information on going one way or the other on this. The setup is that there exists a database utility class - a class that serves only to expose some static methods. It looks something like this: public class DataAccess { protected static readonly string connectionString; static DataAccess() { connectionString = ""; // Code ommitted - assumes it gets the connection string } internal static DataSet ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText) { // Code to create a DB command object, set the connection string // and call ExecuteNonQuery // Also handles exception handl…
Last reply by mskeel, -
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Hi I have a problem with I want write a code to search for line in text file and removed just the line For example In form, I have Textbox, in the textbox I was wrote a sentence "Hi, you will remove this line". And I have a button, I want when I click in this button I want removed this line from the text file "notepad" For example in text file �notepad�, I was wrote this text { I am a beginner in English language Hi, you will remove this line Help me please to removed } Please I want the code, please help me
Last reply by mhb-ksa, -
- 0 replies
I am trying to configure configure on my server. I can pull up the ASP.Net Admin tool and see the application Configuration but when I hit the security TAB I cannot connect to the SQL database the message is Unbale to connect to the SQL Server Database. When I test the AspNetSqlprovider. This gives a message of could not establish a connection to the database. If you have not yet created the SQL Server database exit the tool and use aspnet_regsql to create and configure. I have run aspnet_reg sql and can see the aspnetdb in sql. I have ensured that the machine adminisrator can use the procedures and tables etc. I have sever 2000 sp 4 SQL server 2000 ASP ne…
Last reply by FrankP, -
- 2 replies
waht is best way to show 2000 rocords to user that can move them and select one row by enter and direct to another form, with sort and search capability. now i use datagrid but it s very bad with keys control. thanks
Last reply by hamid, -
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For some reason the following code sets the value of path as @"\Themes\Default\Image.jpg". Am I doing something stupid, does the .Net Compact Framework have bugs or what? string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"\Program Files\Selection", @"\Themes\Default\Image.jpg");
Last reply by Cags, -
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Hi all I have the following update statement for a MS Access database, and I am getting an error with it. "UPDATE HerdDetails SET HerdNumber = '12345ABC', HerdOwner = 'adsf', Address1 = 'adje', Address2 = 'jaf', Town = ' nadsf', State/County = 'oasdfn', Country = 1, Phone = 012313, Email = '' WHERE Reference = 1;" Would appreciate it if anyone spotted the error could point it out. Table name and column names and types are correct. Mike55.
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm creating an Excel application and adding a new worksheet to it in a VB.NET windows application. The problem is, I want to be able to print the worksheet or save it. When I create the instance of the Excel application, the normal (File, Edit, View...etc) menu is not there at the top of the window. How can I get this to appear ? I've tried something like this: mAppExcel = New Excel.Application mWrkExcel = mAppExcel.Workbooks.Add mWrkExcel.Application.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlNormal 'mAppExcel.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True From what I've read, the CommandBars statement should e…
Last reply by Mike_R, -
- 0 replies
I've been trying to add a control to the toolbox of VS2005. but I can't get it to work. Is there anyone kind enough to tell me how I should do this? Or give me an example.... preferably for a control for a web environment... I have found the link below but it doens't seem to work. The control I use is from this site( but a litle bit modified).... help is appreciated! greets,
Last reply by inter, -
- 1 reply
Can anybody point me to any information regarding creating an application to constantly check for WiFi networks. The constantly checking part I'm sure I can work out for myself, the bit I'm struggling to find information on is getting a list of available networks.
Last reply by jo0ls, -
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Is there any easy way to show a control (textbox, combobox) as if it is enabled, but not actually have it enabled? I want to show the controls as a sample which I don't want the user to be able to edit, but at the same time I don't want the controls to have the greyed out appearance which they get when disabled.
Last reply by Cags, -
- 1 reply
I'd like to create a databound custom control that I can pass a parameter to in order to filter its dataset. The scenario is as follows: I'd create a generic StudentInfo control that would display Name, Address, and Phone Number from the Student Info table. This generic StudentInfo control would include a dataset using SQL like "Select * from Student Info". The form that contains the StudentInfo control would then pass it an SSN, upon which it would filter the data and only display the info for that particular SSN. Sounds like a simple task, yet I'm having some difficulties. Anybody want to have a go? Cheers!
Last reply by nsadowy, -
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So i've just completed my application for windows mobile. simply its one form with one tabcontrol and 8 pages. the order of the pages is important yet for some reason when i deploy it or create a .cab instalation file my pages are muddled up. does anybody know why? and does anyone know how to sort it? thanks in advance again guys Tomos
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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How do you simulate a button being clicked by the user in C# or J#? I have a button called "Button1" and it performs a task when the user clicks on it. How do I then say "pretend the user has clicked Button1" from a different method so that the actions of Button1 can be invoked by the software. So simple I imagine but I can't spot it.
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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I have a checkbox_changed event. Inside that event I have two for loops, one performs the exact opposite action of the other (e.g. if one painted a textbox black the other would paint it white). When the checkbox is checked by the user I want one of the loops to run, when it is unchecked I want the other loop to run. How do I go about doing that?
Last reply by closet geek, -
- 0 replies
i want create new event for Enter and Tab and Insert keys in DataGrid, but keydown event dont work in datagrid?! how can i create new event for these keys when user focused in one of rows of datagrid? ---- i want show all records of 3 column of my table (amount 2000 records) to user that user can move in them and select one of them by Enter, so what is best way to do it? thank you
Last reply by hamid, -
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I'm having some problems comparing delegates. In all sample projects I create, I can't get the problem to occur, but there is definitely a problem with my production code. I can't give all the code, as there's simply too much, but here's the general gist: I have a connection object which connects to a custom back-end server of one type or another. Clients of this connection object send requests via a method (e.g. connection.SendRequest()) and one of parameters to this call is a callback delegate. At a later point, the client may attempt to cancel all the requests specific to the delegate that was passed in. It's in this method that I'm doing the delegate …
Last reply by Quimbly, -
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