- 1 reply
Does anyone know of a method to calculate the average and standard deviation of a set of numbers in an array other than looping through each element and calculating the average, and then loop through the array for a second time to calculate the standard deviation?
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I am facing trouble with using Response.BinaryWrite. Private Sub lnkCustomerData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lnkCustomerData.Click Dim ds As DataSet Dim objService As New AMSInternalUserService.AMSInternalUserService Dim lngReportFileId As Long lngReportFileId = lstPrevUpload.SelectedItem.Value ds = objService.GetReportFileDetails(lngReportFileId) If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim strFileExt, strFileName As String strFileName = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("ReportCustomerFileName") If InStr(strFileName, ".") > 0 Then …
Last reply by ashutosh9910, -
- 1 reply
Given the following setup: 3 forms: MDIParent, Child1 and Child2 2 Access tables: Table1 and Table2 (tables are totally unrelated) If I create a global database connection string from MDIParent, can I modify data in Table1 (from Child1) and Table2 (from Child2) using the same connection string at the same time without causing corruptions? tia, flynn
Last reply by Puiu, -
- 2 replies
I have a strange issue which I can't track down, I'm starting to think it could be a bug in J#. I have an app with a RichTextBox that displays the contents of a text file a user opens. Once the user opens one file they have the option to open another in a new tab (with another RTB on it). The issue appears to be with the: tabControl1.set_SelectedTab(); method. If I specify that once that second tabPage is created that it should be "selected" using the above code the contents in the RichTextBox on that new tabPage gets scrolled to the bottom... If I don't select the new tab as it is created but manually click on the tab instead the contents of the RichTextBox does…
Last reply by closet geek, -
- Leaders
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I'm writing an unmanaged Visual C++ application and need to open and read a binary file. What is the code and #include files needed to do it (i.e. filename is "MyBinary.bin") Thanks,
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I am wanting to write a program that does pretty much what opening mycomputer up then going to a folder that has graphics... I want to see thumbnails of the images but I also want another window sort of like in XP where you can choose Film Strip Mode Then each picture that is selected while selected will show up in the Fil Strip window.... Sort of a IMage browser..... I am not sure where to start to find examples of this..... can anyone point the way so I can study and research this? vbMarkO
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 3 replies
I know there's gotta be a simple answer to this, but it's evading me. I would like to pass a value to a method that I am invoking through System.Reflection. I have a windows forms application that calls an external dll and invokes it's TestIt method. I can call the method without any values; but I would like to pass values to it. Here's what I have that isn't working. if MakeString doesn't take any values it works as expected. 'This is in the Windows Forms App. Public Function MakeString(ByVal sdate As Object) As String Return "The Time is: " & sdate.ToString() End Function 'This is the dll Public Class Class1 Public Sub TestIt() …
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
our site developed in aspx, its giving me very slow result.. we have optimized in various level still the same thing.. Please guide me to fine tune portal applications :confused:
Last reply by basheer, -
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I haven't bother with setting password on databases before and am giving it a go now, but get an error message: "cannot find installable ISAM" this was my connection string before setting the password: gconnConnection = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\carl\My Documents\Sol\rs.mdb;Persist Security Info=False") And this is it including the password being pased to the string: gconnConnection = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Database password=" & Me.txtPassword.Text & ";Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\carl\My Documents\Sol\rs.mdb;Persist Security Info=False") all help gratefully received :)
Last reply by zaaterah, -
- 1 reply
I have this line of code to see if a search term is found in a string: If (myString.ToString.Contains(searchTermTB.Text)) .... The problem is that the Contains method returns TRUE, sensative to the case. For example First and fIRST are different. How can I make it case insensative?
Last reply by vbdotnetxt, -
- 2 replies
This is the splash screen of the application im developing you like it...what changes do you make it...thx in advance...
Last reply by Nate Bross, -
- 1 reply
I have a RichTextBox control on my form1. I have two strings called firstStr and secondStr. firstStr = "(123456)" secondStr = "(1234567890)" I want to select 123456 from the secondStr. This is how I wanted to do it and print it to the RichTextBox: secondStr.Select(1,7) RichTextBox.Text = secondStr.SelectedText but it doesn't work :( this doesn't work either: secondStr.SelectionStart = 1 secondStr.SelectionLength = 7 RichTextBox.Text = secondStr.SelectedText I want to eventually compare the selected text with firstStr. How can I do that?
Last reply by barski, -
a little preamble.... I'm very new to using patterns or should i say trying to use patterns. My problem is i keep seeing the most recent pattern i read about in what ever current project i'm working on. So some opinions would be would be appreciated. current project... something similar to EDI(no where near as sophisticated) . A vendor sends in a invoice file and each line may or may not get booked to the accounting software and may or may not send notifications of receipt based on the value of the inventory code contained in the line. my diagnosis... So what varies are the actions to be taken based on the value of the inventory code. In o…
Last reply by barski, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, I'm having a problem programmably increasing a panel's AutoScrollPosition. With the lower code, the auto scroll vibrates up and down instead of progressing constantly downward. Private Sub bkrTemp_MouseMove(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles bkrTemp.MouseMove Dim pt As Point pt.X = Me.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).X - x pt.Y = Me.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).Y - y With bkrTemp .Location = pt .Capture = True End With If pnlPanel.AutoScroll = True Then Dim bkrLocY As Integer = bkrTemp.Location.Y - (pnlPanel.Location…
Last reply by DiverDan, -
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- 4 replies
Hello all, I am using event handlers in a class I am writing and I want to add my own event hanldling if the control does not already have it. As an example, let's say I want to handle SelectedIndexChanged for a ComboBox if it is not currently trapping that event. How do I go about determining if a given ComboBox is already trapping SelectedIndexChanged? Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions!
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
Given an XMLNode from an instance document that uses a schema, how do I get the corresponding schema element? I've found posts about XMLNode.definition or XMLNode.GetNamespaces but these properties/methods do not appear to exist in 1.1. I also found the SchemaInfo property in 2.0, which is exactly what i want but again it's not implemented in 1.1 Is there a quick, easy way to obtain this info? Thanks , -lp
Last reply by LostProgrammer, -
- 2 replies
I'm having a hard time finding documentation to figure out how read/write locks work in .Net. The basic gist is that I have a log file that is constantly being written to and I want to be able to read the log file and determine meaningful statistics without having to stop the process that is writing the file. It is my understanding that a file can have many readers but only one writer. Does that hold true for .Net? I'm pretty sure the standard StreamWriter and StreamReader both get exclusive locks for reading and writing which means I can't use either of those to write or read because it will cause one application to barf depending on who gets the write lock first. …
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi! I am trying to find a way to save a MailMessage sa a .msg file. I create the message like this: Dim msg as new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage Dim att As New system.Net.Mail.Attachment("c:\test.txt") msg.Attachments.Add(att) Does anyone kow if it is possible to save the MailMessage object as a .msg file? noccy
Last reply by noccy, -
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Imports System.Threading Public Class Form1 Dim counter As Integer Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If counter = 0 Or counter = Nothing Then counter = 1 Label2.Text = "ON" Label2.BackColor = Color.Lime Thread.Sleep(Integer.Parse(TextBox1.Text)) macro() Else counter = 0 Label2.Text = "OFF" Label2.BackColor = Color.Red End If …
Last reply by Wile, -
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I need to create a Browser Help Object that will display a message on the moitor each time IE is started. The problem is I have no idea how to do this, in fact, I have just recently heard of Browser Help Objects. I have Visual Basic .net and have take one course in it. Can anyone give me some tips or tell me where to find some sample code? :confused:
Last reply by nziese,
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