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Hi I want to send some keys to a Notepad. It work in VB6, but it wont work with I test SendMessage PostMessage, ...... Have anyone an example written in that sends keys to a notepad that have not the focus ? (Notepad=MyDemoAppliction, later I will send Keys to another Exe) regards Nighty :cool:
Last reply by Sweetve13, -
- 1 reply
hi, i m developing a windows forms application using MC++, when i do debug the project , it fails in the line of ' openFileDialog1->ShowDialog(); ' and gives an error like that : An unhandled exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadStateException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll Additional information: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process. But its already done in Form1.cpp like that : System::Threading::Thread::CurrentThread->ApartmentState = System::Thread…
Last reply by kkirtac, -
- 0 replies
Any one using with asp .net??
Last reply by ym21, -
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Hi Is it possible to call a web service and not wait around for its reply? Mike55.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
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Hi Guys, I have been finding for this answer for quite some time but fail. My question is that can we control that xml output from a web service? Let me explain I have a small method like this in my web service public decimal AddNumbers(decimal lnNumber1, decimal lnNumber2) { return lnNumber1 + lnNumber2; } After data is keyed in, i automatically get this format. <?xml version="1.0" ?> <decimal xmlns="">32.12</decimal> So here, can i change the xml format in a web service? Maybe i want this format <?xml version="1.0" ?> <number1> 2 </number1> <number2&…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hello all, I have this question or doubt about how SqlDataAdapter operates: I have a DataSet which I have filled from a plain text file. I fill a SqlDataAdapter with this DataSet. I execute the SqlDataAdapter.Update method so the dataSet is inserted in a SQL Server Data base. This is all working fine, now, what I suspect from a log sent by the DB administrator is that the SqlDataAdapter.Update operation is executing a Select command first, returning all the records from the table before inserting the records in the DataSet! All the records in the dataSet are new to the table in the data base and sholud be inserted without checking wheter they are to be updat…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 0 replies
if i want to stop the iis service, what command does it? i am using "net stop iisadmin" at the moment, but im not sure if thats totally stopping iis. how do i make sure iis is completely stopped?
Last reply by fguihen, -
- 0 replies
hi to all! I am developing a program from visual basic 6 and I used the Crystal Report XI for the report. Now, how will i pass a given value from visual basic 6 to crystal report? In my program, the user will input a name. Then,in the CRViewer, the data under that name will be displayed.
Last reply by tinJeff, -
- 2 replies
I have a report that has a parameter field called ClientID the selection formula in Crystal reports is {vwLetterInfo.ClientID} = {?ClientID} I obtain the ClientID from a Textbox in my Web Application How do I pass the parameter to crystal? I am very new to this, so any help would be appreciated. I looked and tried some examples already on this website (and many other websites), but none of them worked (Or I am not understanding them) Here is the code that I have so far (this works as long as I do not try and call a parameter in crystal) Dim myReport1 As New ReportDocument myReport1.Load(RTrim(Request.Params("strName"))) CrystalReportViewe…
Last reply by tinJeff, -
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Please forgive me for what could bee the noob question of the year... Normally I use VB.NET, but fooling around with C# today, I couldn't even get to first base. I attempted the following code: static void Run { MessageBox.Show("hello"); } But the compiler complained about the MessageBox.Show call, complaining that: (See the screen shot below.) Can anyone tell me what ridiculously simple thing I am missing here? Thanks in advance! Mike
Last reply by Mike_R, -
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is there a way to completly remove a picturebox from a form while its running? Im making a game and its drawing pictures and when a button is clicked I need it to completly delete the pictureboxes. im using visual basic .net any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 3 replies
I have a site, that plays music, and so it doesn't reload and restart everytime a user clicks a different link I create a little pop up that calls the music page ensuring that it plays straight through even if the user clicks a new link on the main page. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of a better way of doing this. Thanks
Last reply by Arch4ngel, -
- 0 replies
Hi I have two drop-down lists, the user is suppose to select data from each drop down, but the data selected from the second drop down must be greater that the value selected from the first drop down. Now I have a compare validator that compares the data selected from both drop downs when the user clicks on the go button. If they are correct, then the user is directed to another page where a crystal report in .pdf form is displayed. If the data selected is in an incorrect format, then the user is presented with a message in the validation summary. Now consider the following, my user selects the wrong data first time and clicks the go button. They are warned …
Last reply by mike55, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, Here is a tall order I know, however I wanted to give a user a design application where they could create a ASP.NET page through dragging and dropping various controls and other elements onto a design form in the proposed application. This in turn would create all the necassary HTML and code behind. Also at some stage a DLL of the whole sequence of pages. This IDE would allow the user to create many pages and set the sequence of order of the pages to be called. The pages would be a registration process that would ask customers all personal information and at the end of this process pass all of the information stored in session to a database. I am only as…
Last reply by davearia, -
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- 2 replies
Hi I was recently talking to a person who was telling me that with the .net 2005 environment, it was possible to deploy a windows like application by getting the user to download and install the application on their machine. This application would then monitor a particular site, and if an update became available, would allow the user to upgrade to this new version. I have being searching the web, but I have not been able to find any relevent document. I assume that what you would get is something like the skype console. I would appreciate it if anyone could point me in the correct direction. Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
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- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm creating a timeclock program, and having a problem calculating the total time that an employee works. I have a form that retrieves the employees information from the database and fills a dataset. The dataset is then displayed in a datagrid. The fields that are displayed are the Date, Start Time, End Time, and Hours worked. What I want to do is calculate the Total Hours worked and display it in a textbox. How can I do that? My code is as follows: ' Attempt to retrieve the data from the database based on the SSN entered and the date range Try strSQL = "SELECT TimeIn.DateIn, Format([TimeIn.StartTime], 'hh:mm') as StartTime,…
Last reply by tinJeff, -
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I am trying to write a program that will take a start time and an end time and then tell me how many minutes of that time span fall with in a predetermined time frame. Example I log in at 13:00 I log out at 00:00 I want to know how much time (in minutes) elapsed in the range of 15:00 to 23:00 during that log in period The answer here would be 8 hrs or x minutes. Thanks
Last reply by tinJeff, -
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Is there a way to close an error window of another application? I am using proc.start & proc.close to programatically start & close an application, but when my VB app executes the .close method, the other app does close, but it gives an error. It is the common error window where you have the option to send or not send the error report to Microsoft. Is there a way I can close that error window programatically? Thanks...
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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hi, here is my code, i receive strange error... Dim rptKadirReport As ReportDocument = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument() Dim reportPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\.." & "\.." & "\" & "KadirReport.rpt" Private connStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=dental.mdb" Private conn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connStr) conn.Open() Dim str As String = "SELECT AD, SOYAD, CEP_TEL FROM HASTA" Dim da1 As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(str, conn) Dim ds1 As DataSet = New DataSet("Hasta") da1.Fill(ds1, …
Last reply by kkirtac, -
- 0 replies
In my application, I'll be calling either SQL Server or AS400. Is there a way to have an "providor independent" data acess layer. I dont want to repeat code. Have a set of DAL for sql and another set for AS400 and another set , for example, for Oracle. Any examples?
Last reply by eramgarden,
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