- Administrators
- 1 reply
i have looked around for ages for an answer to this question and i cant get a specific answer im looking for. so here is my question: i have an application right and want user to be able to log into it and i need a way to store username and password ip and few other settings. I dont know what is the best way to do so but id guess xml is one of them. i am not really worried about security that much atm i just want to get authentication working. sample xml <username ="User"> <password>password</password> <ip></ip> <laslog>whenever</lstlog> </username> i also want to select specific user from the fil…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- Administrators
- 7 replies
Hello! An site I have developed is dramatically slower when accessed over the internet compared to loading it from the localhost. Here is the deal: I've made an site that has been moved to production now. When I developed the site I had it both on the local computer where I did the developing and on an intranet server. The loading times of the site were normal from both locations. I only accessed the site from inside the local lan. Now the production environment is within a customers network and the site has dramatically slowed down. But this only seems to bother when used via internet. When I use the browser over ther at…
Last reply by Jore, -
- 0 replies
I need to draw 2D line diagrams. Are there any free libraries to do this? thanks for any help
Last reply by zoggolino, -
- Leaders
- 5 replies
I'm programming a science tool. for this i have an input string like this: "y= 1.3*exp(-x*3)" from an input textbox. Now I have to convert this string into the form: dim py as integer dim px as integer py = 1.3*math.exp(px*3), becaus i have to calculate the formula. how can i do this. is there a possibilty to include a code fragment in a string into a vb project? thanks a lot for any help.
Last reply by zoggolino, -
- Leaders
- 6 replies
I have this small application in Framwork v1.1 which loads an Access database and show its insides onto a DataGrid object. This task only takes about 5 seconds or so, to show the database's contents (11MB Access file with about 900 records with 40 columns). I opened then the very same project in Framework v2.0. After the conversion I executed it and now it takes like 14 seconds to display all data into the DataGrid... My question is: Is DataGrid slower in v2.0 or is actually the Framework's fault? I never worked with databases in VS 2005, so, I really need to see whats going on before moving to VS 2005. Thank you
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
I created a sleep function in VB .NET Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Const SLEEPTIME As Long = 1000 for some reason this code does not work in 2005. Does anyone know of a way that i can get the program to sleep for a period of time in 2005?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
I create a TypedDataSet for Employees, go to the TableAdaptor and select the Update StoredProcedure in the properties. Everything is fine except for the Parameter Collection isn't being populated. A Co-worker goes through the same steps and the Parameter Collection is filled. I give him my TypedDataSet and he opens it, no Parameters. He re-selects the Stored Procedure and all the Parameters are populated. We assume it's a database permission or local setting somewere. I can execute Stored Procedures just fine and if I manually enter in all the Parameters, the dataset works 100% fine. Anyone have any idea on this one? We're pretty stumped.
Last reply by Denaes, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
private function one() Dim words(50,2) as string Call two(word) end function Private Function two(byval two() as string) End Function That is essentially what I want to do.. but the problem arrises on how I accept a 2d array in a function.. aka like: private funtion two(byval two() as string) creates a problem.. So how do I pass 2d arrays to functions? thanks!
Last reply by trend, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I have a program that will give me a random date.. example: 5/1/2006 or 2/3/2003.. or whatever.. and I need to find the previous and next's friday's Date. I guess the big problem is month endings.. 29days, 30days.. 31days?? I am afraid all I know how to do right now is split(date,"/") to give me the day, month, year values.. Where do I go from here? thanks!
Last reply by trend, -
- 4 replies
Hey... I am looking to open a txt file and count how many time each word occurs within that text file. I know how to check for a specific word with in a txt file and count how many times it occurs but i need to just read the txt file and then output a list of all the words within it and the number of times each one occurs. If anyone could help me out... or help get me in the right dirrection then that would be great. Thanks
Last reply by Erel, -
- 1 reply
Why trying to run an application on my pc i am getting an error message that says that the application does not have permission to do what it wants to do. here are two pictures of the error messages. The errors are not happening on the computer in which i wrote the program on. Just another computer that is running the program... this is my code: Form 1: Imports System.IO Imports System.Security.permissions Private Function ParseFile( _ ByVal fileName As String) _ As Hashtable Try Dim data As TextData Dim ta…
Last reply by Wraith, -
- 0 replies
i need code that create thread adn do somethings and when thread is runing add dot to a label and when threade done it change label.text to complete. (how can increase time of a thread in order good result?) this is my code: public delegate void MyDelegate(); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Thread thstart = null; thstart = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.loadall)); thstart.Start(); } public void loadall() { //do somethings that need long time changelabel(); } public void changelabel() { if (label1.InvokeRequired) …
Last reply by hamid, -
- *Experts*
- 4 replies
I have noticed in some of the marketing information for VSS 2500 that it is what they call 'project based' rather than file based. I have not used VSS before and so I am a little bit confused as to the benefits of this particular claim. Could someone expond upon this a bit for me? I have also been looking at Subversion, and Open Source product, and it apparently has a following in the VS.NET community, at least enough for someone to develop an Open Source plugin for VS.NET that permits use of Subversion from wtihin VS.NET. So I am just curious about the differences between these two systems and would appreciate input from those of you who have used VSS. I have no…
Last reply by irasmith, -
- 0 replies
I have an Access MDB file and I have compacted an repaired it, but it has errors. It has created a MSysCompactError that has the errors in it. There is a binary column in the error table that has a bookmark to the offending row. I have found a module an access module that is suppose to give you the rows that had problems. I am trying to build something similar in vb .net to get the corrupt rows. This is the module code for access: Sub main() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim db As DAO.Database, vBookMark As Variant, _ rsMSysCompactError As DAO.Recordset, strErrorTable As String, _ rsErrorTable As DAO.Recordset, fldErrorField As DAO.Field, _ st…
Last reply by cpopham, -
- 2 replies
Is any way to check if doc is password protected?
Last reply by jo0ls, -
- 1 reply
Thanks For stopping by, Here is what I am doing. I want to take an excel file grab some data from it and then do some other things with that data then export it as a new excel sheet. I am able to load the whole excel file into a dataset which is great but I don't want all the data that is in the excel file. But As of right now I have not found what expresion to use to find the data I want. Here is the code I am using to load the file. Dim DBSet As System.Data.DataSet Dim DBCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim DBCon As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Try DBCon = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("prov…
Last reply by ZeroEffect, -
- 0 replies
I'm interested in extending the capabilities of the SQL Profiler. I have a very good reason for doing this, I'd really like to trace individual processes. I assume that it just uses stored procedures to run itself (maybe some system stored procedures too). I tried tracing the profiler with another profiler, but didn't come up with anything useful. Does anyone know of any articles or tips that might help me?
Last reply by samsmithnz, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, I created a web app that is located at, for example, and it works beautifully. I then created an A record so that now when you go to it points to, or "redirects" to, Now the problem is when I go to view a page that includes a crystal report viewer on it, the images do not appear, I get the little red X. I know this is a reference issue but where in the world do I change the reference so that the images now appear when visiting the particular page with a crystal report viewer on it?? I greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide.
Last reply by jccorner, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have created a link in my asp/ web page which open a PDF file in another window. I want that a PDF file should be opened and scroll to some specified page number. like suppose i want to open page no 10 then it should open the PDF in new window and goto page number 10 Please help me finding this solution
Last reply by Arch4ngel, -
- 0 replies
Anyone got any .NET project or free software do to a budget? I've been looking for one in .NET with sources if possible but haven't got any luck so far. Anything you are using that might be useful? P.S.: Please... not excel and neither Notepad and the like)
Last reply by Arch4ngel,
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