- 1 reply
Been working on this since this morning : Table cProcessComp has: oldDebtCode:A000000028 NewDebtCode:L000000789 Table BKRRPTPF has this : BKDCOD: A000000028 BKAgency:100 BKDCOD: L000000789 BKAgency:009 Now, this SQL should not pick up that row since the BKagencies are not equal but it does pick it up! What am I doing wrong?? select BKDCOD,NewDebtCode,OldDebtCode,BKAGENCY From BKRRPTPF Inner Join cProcessComp on BKDCOD= OldDebtCode where exists ( select * from BKRRPTPF b1 inner join BKRRPTPF b2 on b1.BKAgency = b2.BKAgency inner join cProcessComp o…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- Leaders
- 3 replies
Hello, Is there a way in your code to tell if the code is running from within Visual Studio or if it's running from a compiled .exe? I have a text file that I want to open from a different location depending on if I'm working on the app in VS or if it's a exe running on a user's machine. Thanks!
Last reply by CJLeit, -
- 2 replies
Is there a simple way to duplicate a certain record in the same table?
Last reply by EFileTahi-A, -
- Leaders
- 2 replies
I've done some searching but can't find a refference to fix this. I have a drop down box that has data in it, but it is not displaying, if i click on where the values should be, it is getting the value, everything is wired and working, i just can't see the value that is suppose to display. I remember seeing it a while back, that there is a patch or something... but can't find where that is.. can anyone help
Last reply by jvcoach23, -
- 1 reply
I'm using the Client/Server example from 101 vb samples 2003 and I'm wondering how would I be able to have the users send messages to eachother individually? Currently you only talk in a public chat, however, for them to talk to individual people I think I need to connect to their ip, however, the server side doesn't seem to put the clients ip in the hashtable it creates. Can anyone please tell me how to go about recording the clients ip in the hashtable? The following is my server side code for it to listen for connections and put them into the hashtable, hopefully that helps. Private clients As New Hashtable Private listener As TcpListener Private listenerThre…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 0 replies
I'm writing a program for Mobile devices (in c# and VS2003) which runs on a variety of operating systems (PocketPC / CE.NET / Windows Mobile 5) and have different screen sizes. At the moment, I've only deployed on 2 devices (one CE.NET 4.2 with a screen of 800*600 and one PocketPC with a screen 200*320). I'm using the screen size as a determinate between whether to display the forms for the 800*600 device or the 200*320, which works OK. I've now got the problem that I need to deploy this application on to a CE.NET 4.2 device with a 320*200 screen and I get problems with screen layouts due to menu positioning etc. Is there a simple way to determine the OS of …
Last reply by mjohnson3091, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
I have written an app that "fills in" a web form and posts it. This is done by encoding the parameters in multipart/form-data mode e.g.:- Public Class multipart_formdata #Region "Private constants" Private Const DEF_BOUNDARY As String = "-----------------------------7d6386366801f6" #End Region #Region "Private members" Private _Boundary As String Private _FormText As New StringBuilder #End Region #Region "Public interface" Public ReadOnly Property MultipartBoundary() As String Get Return _Boundary End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Text() As String Get Return _FormText.ToString & " " &…
Last reply by Merrion, -
- Administrators
- 3 replies
I'm trying to create dynamic hyperlinks but it doesn't work properly. I've searched the net but can't find anything similar to what I'm trying to do... The code should print a hyperlink per company that the user has permission to, ie if user has permission to three companies there should be three hyperlinks, one for each company. I only get 1 no mather how many I have permissions to! It seems it can't handle more than one link? First I tried to create the hyperlink in the code behind aspx page <asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server"></asp:Label> code behind page Dim vDataTable As DataTable = Permissions.GetPermission(UserId) …
Last reply by slimshady, -
- Administrators
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, Im not so sure why this code throws out an casting error since this feature can be implemented in vs 2003 but not in vs express 2005.. Basically i have a class which is inheriting the TreeNode class public class DGTree : TreeNode { private string groupName; public DGTree() {} public DGTree(string groupName, string text) { this.GroupName = groupName; this.Text = text; this.NavigateUrl = "index.aspx"; this.PopulateOnDemand = true; } public string GroupName { get { return groupName; } set …
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
Dear All, I am using WebClient in my Visual Studio .Net 2003 project to download an image from the Internet. The following is my function: public static bool downloadFile(string URL, ref string fileName) { bool result = true; System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); try { string[] temp; temp = URL.Split('/'); fileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\tempimage\\" + temp[temp.Length-1]; webClient.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; webClient.DownloadFile(URL, fileName); } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = false; } finally { webClient.Dis…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
Howdy, I'm hoping someone may know the answer to this.. I am using .net 2.0 frameworks smtpclient class object from System.Net.Mail namespace to send emails in a C# application. It seems that when the email gets sent, it sends it with base64 encoding, though my body of the email is actually encoded using System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; This works fine to read the body in Outlook or to use webdav commands, but when I try to use my pop3 class objects, which I found at: It fails to see the email as multipart and the body is actually just a string of characters like "DFDFKDJ343DFDF" etc. Does anyone know of a wor…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
Hi to all, im trying to send logon information via GET to a website., but i'm having some problems. I'm using 1.1 with vs2003. This is the code i have right now string sUrl; HttpWebRequest oRequest; CookieContainer oCookieContainer; HttpWebResponse oResponse; Stream oStream; StreamReader oStreamReader; string responseFromServer; sUrl = ""; //sUrl = ""; oRequest = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create(sUrl)); oRequest.Method = "GET"; oCookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); oRequest.CookieContainer = oCookieContainer; //this allows the cookies sent '\b' to be loaded; …
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
How do you call a sub from an asynchronous sockets beginread event? Im guessing its not as simple as "Procedure(argument)" since its not on the same thread... or is it?
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 5 replies
Hi I'm developing an application that reads the serial port to get some data sent by a barcode reader. To avoid system hang up (because during the barcode reading a lot of treatment has to be done to validate and make some decisions with the data ), i would like to put this in another thread and i could make this, but when i need to access this (from de 2nd thread) data a runtime exception appears, because e can't access objects from cross-threads, it says. How can i solve this issue? Thanks in advance, any help will be great, Tiago Teixeira
Last reply by teixeira, -
- 3 replies
I'm trying to send a POST to a website and I need the cookies it's suppose to return, however, it's not returning all the cookies I need. If I do it with my browser I get seven cookies, if I do it with the ASP.NET post I get 2. I've read the headers to make sure .NET just isnt taking all of the cookies out, and there's definately not more than 2. I've tried searching everywhere on the net for similar issues and I'm all run out of ideas for what to try next. Has anyone any ideas?
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
We're using SoftArtisans OfficeWriter to stream Excel files to users in ASP.NET. The problem is, some of these files are very large, so clicking on the download button seems to do nothing. What we'd like to do is to show something that lets the user know that the file is downloading. The problem that we have is that we'd like to show the message once the button is clicked, and then remove the message when the save/open dialog box appears in the browser. As the initiation is server-side and the event that we're waiting on is client side, it's hard to know how to do this. I was thinking of something along the lines of showing some kind of panel with an animated gif in…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
This is one which I have been scratching my head over for some time now. On an ordering page is a gridview, that grid view displays all unprocessed orders. Here the problem is; I need the orders to be up-to-date. Is there a solution that I may display up-to-date orders every five minutes with 2.0? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks,
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
How do you find all computer names on a a network?
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 2 replies
If the user that is put into the listview is Roxbury or Roxbury22 then I need the text to be red, however, it is remaining the default white...Can anyone help me here? ListView1.Items.Clear() Dim I As Integer For I = 1 To users.Length - 1 ListView1.Items.Add(users(I)) If ListView1.Items(I).Text = "Roxbury" Or "Roxbury22" Then ListView1.Items(I).ForeColor = Color.Red End If Next
Last reply by Roxbury, -
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Hi, does anyone know a way of running a traceroute inside a form then displaying the results in a label?
Last reply by Gill Bates,
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