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Hello all, I ve got a about using turkish character in my page. I designed turkish web page but I faced with a problem to postback data in a textbox to back correctly and get data form my sql-server 2000. I saw some strange characters to post-back I tried everything about what I could find on the internet to support turkish language but was no chance. Do you have any idea to solve this problem. Thank you.
Last reply by hamid, -
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I am new to this forum. Thnx for accepting my registration .
Last reply by dev_tej_kohli, -
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I have a weird problem. I'm trying to populate a drop down list (ddlField01). When I debug, I can see the data in my Dataset, but after the auto postback, I don't see the value displayed. Here is what I'm using. ddlField01.Text = dsMyDataset.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); If I change it to a text box, it works fine. txtlField01.Text = dsMyDataset.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); The syntax I use for the drop down list is used in a few other drop downs without problem. Any ideas? Thanks, Jeremy
Last reply by mike55, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I am facing a strange problem with my ASP.NEt page. It throws an error 500: Header size too large whenever accessed. The problem which I foresee with this page is that it has too many controls on it. Basically the page is a checklist page with many questions on it. Now depending on checklist a user selects there are variable number of questions. If the questions are less then the page loads easily with no problem but if the page has more questions, which obviously means more controls then it throws error 500 page stating that the header size is too large. The page shows up fine if accessed locally but the problem arises if it is viewed from outside the f…
Last reply by ashutosh9910, -
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hello, this is really more of a problem with the IDE (that's wut it's called rite..?). I hit F5 to compile and run, but it won't compile, it just runs the last thing. I type random stuff (for bad syntax) and a red squiggle appears under it (instead of the usual blue one) and it runs the same last build, did i mess up my settings somehow?
Last reply by TaleOfTimes, -
- 1 reply
Hello Everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with a custom ASP.NET Control written in VB when I post the form and try to access the text of the custom control. Here is what I have: ' Custom Control Called ctlAddress with 1 label called lblAddress and one textbox called txtAddress '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Class ctlAddress Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here End Sub Public Property Address() As String Get …
Last reply by digioz, -
- 2 replies
iam a vb.6 programmer just starting to explore and i was wondering what u guys thought of my tinkering...btw...each and all comment, improvements, add ons are welcome... excuse my pore grasp of the language but english isnt my first language...
Last reply by Goggy, -
- 0 replies
Dear all i am a newbie if it comes to, however i have been given an interesting task to accomplish. i have to build an application that reads and wites data from a dataset or user input to an embedded OWC spread sheet. Sadly the internet is a bit scarse n this subject and i seem to do something wrong in my code Dim sheet As AxOWC10.AxSpreadsheet sheet = New AxOWC10.AxSpreadsheet sheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = 1 above code is what i can make of to write to and OWC spreadsheet on form1 but then i het the error 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException' occurred in AxInterop.OWC10.dll what am i doing wrong here? and can somebody h…
Last reply by l_schuiling, -
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There are two methods I can use to end my program: "End" and "Me.Close()". Is one better than the other for terminating the application?
Last reply by robplatt, -
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Almost any aspect of any object can be handled dynamically through reflection. Functions can be called dynamically because we can pass parameters in an array. We can access properties and fields and instantiate classes. We can discover base classes and interfaces. But is there a way to dynamically handle events? To receive parameters as an array from an event in the same way that we would pass them to a function using reflection, or anything to that effect? I'd like to avoid is compiling and creating assembies during runtime. It seems as though it could get pretty bulky if I need to handle a very large range of event types. I will need to create them as I need them, w…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 1 reply
I am writing a application that sends SMS messages, the maximum number of characters that I can send is 612. I have two textboxes, charsLeft and messageNumber, into which I place the number of characters remaining, and the number of actual SMS messages that the users messages will be divided into. I am using javascript to carry out my calculations using the onKeyUp event of the textarea, this means that the calculations are carried out everytime the user presses a key. A problem arises if the user spots an error in their message and attempts to correct it. When they start typing in the middle of the message text, the first character will be displayed at the correct…
Last reply by Diesel, -
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I have done a lot of research and this is what im doing so far (in vb .net 2005) To create my table in access im using ADOX: Dim dbCatalog As ADOX.Catalog = New ADOX.Catalog Dim dbTable As ADOX.Table dbCatalog.Create(mdbConn) 'conn string referenced globally dbTable = New ADOX.Table With dbTable .Name = "Customers" .Columns.Append("GUID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adGUID, 36) .Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "GUID") .Columns.Append("Company", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar, 255) End With dbCatalog…
Last reply by robplatt, -
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Dear All, I've been looking into the usage of the comparison interfaces over the past few days, as I need to sort and compare a particular class. My problem lies with the fact that, though I can compare the objects using the correct property, sorting requires the use of a different property. As the data for the classes is directly taken from a database I compare the record's unique ID (SQL Server identity field) with either; the target equivalent class' id, or the specified integer. Each record also contains a SortOrder field, identifying its position in the list. So, do I need to create an independent class to use as a comparer to sort my classes, or can I i…
Last reply by mandelbrot, -
- 2 replies
My code will add all the last names to a combobox but how can I change this so it will add to an array? Sub DisplayRecords() Dim xmlTr As New XmlTextReader(xmlFile) While xmlTr.Read If xmlTr.Name = "Last_Name" AndAlso xmlTr.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then cboMembers.Items.Add(xmlTr.ReadString) ' Adds to combobox but need it in an array End If End While xmlTr.Close() xmlDoc = New XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load(xmlFile) If File.Exists(xmlFile) Then dsChurchMem.ReadXml(xmlFile) End If End Sub Any ideas, I know this shouldnt be hard but for…
Last reply by vbMarkO, -
- 2 replies
Please help me on this.. (beginners headache) im working on a project and getting a hard time figuring this out. My mainForm has 1 comboBox and 1 Textbox, when the mainForm loads, the items on the comboBox is added programmatically from XML file particularly from all the name tags (see XML file below), i want to display the content of the description tag to the textbox, for example if in the combobox johnny is selected, the description for johnny will display on textbox, same for mary. Hope you can help me with sample codes. Thank you.. my XML file is just like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <categories> <category> <name&…
Last reply by jemico, -
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First out I should mention that my project is for the Pocket PC and using .Net 1.1, thus there are certain restraints due to the Compact Framework. Essentially what I'm wondering is the best way to handle multiple 'screens' what I mean by this is 'Main Menu', 'Game', 'About', 'Options' etc. Logically speaking I suppose you can think of each 'screen' as a seperate form, but I need to only use a single form. The way I was thinking about achieving this is to have a 'Screen' class or Interface that would implement methods for Painting and for handling input events such as Key events and Mouse events. Then each screen would Inherit this class/interface. The main form would …
Last reply by Cags, -
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Hi All i have a datagird in my web application. i want to highlight whole row once the user click on the datagrid. same functionallity as the outlook inbox. how can i do this thanks
Last reply by dhj, -
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All, When it hits the Bold line, I get the error, Index was outside the bounds of the array. Anyone know what I need to know. Thanks Guha <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DataGridViewCell[,] cells = new DataGridViewCell[15, 1]; foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in selectedCells) { cells[0, 1].Value = cell.value; }
Last reply by Nerseus, -
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I am using the FormView control to insert data into a table. One of the rows is a date/time field. This value will have to be programatically inserted (and not by the user). I am using the OnItemInserting="GetDateTime" to execute a sub Public Sub GetDateTime(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewInsertEventArgs) MyDateTime = Today End Sub From here how do I get the data into the row ????? I have tried using the edit data binding wizard and the custom binding option like "Eval(MyDateTime)" but I get error.
Last reply by snufse, -
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OK Here is my code. You will note that the AutoIncrementSeed = 1 is Green at the moment because I commented it out so I could get past an error that kept happening. At first the app is working fine but after closing then coming back and adding another row of data if the Mem_T Column was showing lets say 3 records... Well if I add another record Mem_T should increment to 4 but it increments to 5 or more..... Disabling AutoIncrementSeed = 1 stopped this... but the tutorial I was following called for it.... can anyone tell me whats wrong... and if it works without it why do I need it? Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windo…
Last reply by vbMarkO,
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