- 1 reply
Hello again, now I have the problem how to print raw text, as far as I understand the PrintPageEventHandler / PrintDocument.Print() - mechanism just prints graphic data (the store to file stores this data as postscript). Now I want to send escape codes to the printer. How do I achieve this? Kind regards, HaraDej
Last reply by neodatatype, -
- 4 replies
Ok, here's the problem. I have a form(a) which I am calling from another form(b). when form(a) is loaded i have a set of code that is set to run. Now form (a) is launced by double clicking on a chart in form (b) using The problem is this: form(a) only loads half the time. Half the time I attempt to load form(a) the code set to run on load is activated and runs but does not show the form, the other half it shows the form but does not run the code. I am really confused. Any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by JJKazJr, -
- 1 reply
Hi I am trying to create a RSA Key container. Here are the command that I am using: 1. This creates the key container. aspnet_regiis -pc "myKey" -exp 2. This grants authority to access the key container. aspnet_regiis -pa "myKey" "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" My problem now is, where is the key container that I have created stored? According to microsoft it is located at: However I do not have the Application Data folder. How can I find it? Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
- 0 replies
Took me awhile to track this down. But as far as I can tell the Refresh method of Control objects seems to function differently in the .Net Compact Framework 1.1 to the full .Net Framework 1.1. When calling Refresh it doesn't appear to call Refresh on its child objects, hence they don't update. I think the only way to get around this may be to override the Refresh method and loop through the children calling Refresh. It seems weird that I only found one reference to this issue by searching google. The only solution offered was by the person who found the issue, saying they used a loop. I just thought I'd post it so theres at least another reference to this issue for a…
Last reply by Cags, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hello everybody! I have a problem with which I've been struggling for the last couple of days. We have a web site with a lot of articles and have recently prepared a functionality for automatic conversion of the text to PDF. The conversion works fine, but there is a problem - the thing is that we should be able to control the page flow so that there wouldn't be any unwanted page breaks - that is because certain pieces of the content (eg. tables) should not break. Our idea is to calculate the remaining height on the page and comparing it to the needed height. If the needed space is bigger than the space available we would insert manual page break. Yet, as you may i…
Last reply by theone69, -
- 0 replies
I need to get the handle to a toolstriplabel control in a toolstrip. Any help greatly appreciated.
Last reply by bjay55, -
- 2 replies
I am experiencing some very odd behavior when using RANDOM to randomly pick a direction for my BOTs to move in (making a game)... Specifically - I have a an object (BOT) that have an object (BRAIN) has a private member - the class BRAIN is responsible for telling the BOT where to go (what direction to move in), typically it is expected to move any a RANDOM direction (defined by MoveDirection)... This is the code I use: Random rand = new Random(); botDirection = (MoveDirection)(rand.Next() % 4); So, this code returns a random choice of MoveDirection (one of 4 possible options: Up,Down,Left, or Right) as expected (so far so good)... And the bots move according…
Last reply by Cags, -
- 0 replies
Hello, what is the code to call the pocketPC to link to a URL. In web application is Response.Redirect="URL". for PocketPC is how ??????????. If ListBox1.SelectedItem = "On An Island" Then response.redirect = "" Else MessageBox.Show("Please Choose One Of the Following") End If Thanks a Lot.
Last reply by jimmychan, -
- *Experts*
- 1 reply
Simply - I have just integrated SOUND into my game and encountered an amusing situation... My first approach was via DIRECTSOUND, it requires some setting up but after that worked perfectly for my .WAV files. Problem is I also wanted to play MIDI files and I heard AudioVideoPlayback was able (which it is, sometimes)... So I switched over and tried AudioVideoPlayback but to my surprise I found an odd delay/lag on the first time it is used (chokes on the first time I create an Audio via "Audio a = new Audio("Sounds\\Effects\\" + sSound, false); Audio.Play()")... So, question is simple - which of the two are better for gaming purposes? I don't care about effects an…
Last reply by mutant, -
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- 4 replies
I have a program where the user can change the background image of the form. Right now I just have about 5 images they can choose and when they choose a new image it saves to a file so that when they open the program again it will load the right image for the background. I want to add a custom option so they can choose a image file but I can't figure out how to get the file path and file name from the dialog box.
Last reply by mutant, -
- 0 replies
here is what i had gotten: 1) start -> run -> iisreset /restart, it runs in full screen mode ('cmd' will not...) 2) when i try to debug a solution containing 40+ projects, full screen mode will pop up quickly and gone for each project compiling. this leads to flash screen, annoying. and the more you compile, the less flashing you will see. 3) when you debug a console app, the command prompt goes into full screen mode. help!
Last reply by alanchinese, -
- 1 reply
I have been attempting to find out how to cache a dataset into the clients browser cache. I am going to have users which will have information in a database that is for them. Each user will have different information, so instead of caching the dataset on the server, I want to cache it on the users computer. Can someone help me out? Thank you, Chester
Last reply by Igor Sukhov, -
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- 2 replies
Hello, I have a project that calls a web services but it needs to call a different version of the service based on the environment I'm working in. I have this working with the code sample below but doing it this way I lose the intellisense for the web service. Is there a way to do late binding and still use intellisense? Dim wsVendPart As Object If bTestEnviornment = False Then wsVendPart = New VendPart.VendPartServiceWse Else wsVendPart = New VendPartTest.VendPartServiceWse End If
Last reply by CJLeit, -
- 1 reply
I have a report embedded in my application. I can view it within my application at runtime using these two lines here: CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo(0).ConnectionInfo.Password = Chr(10) + "mypassword" CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = "({OrderHistory.OrderNumber}=""" & ListView5.SelectedItems(0).Text & """)" I do not have a username/password for my database file, its just a database level password. The rest of my application uses it just fine. I can open my crystal report just fine. However. I need to be able to automate the export to pdf option. ( yes i know its available on the view window but i need to be able to build a pdf and email it in the ba…
Last reply by robplatt, -
- 0 replies
Currency Exchange rates & web service Hi Does anyone know of a web service that provides upto date currency exchange rates? or any other services that can be invoked automatically, with a minimal time delay. Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
- 0 replies
hi, i am generating the report, in report i have two formula fields values are passed from the form dynamically during the runtime it works in VB, but in i don't have idea crp.Formulas(0) = "dt1= '" & a1 & "' " crp.Formulas(1) = "dt2= '" & b1 & "' " it's urgent Thanx
Last reply by kumar_pln, -
- 0 replies
hi, i have developed appln using VB.Net frame work 1.0 and crystal report 8.5 and database using sql server, while i install at client's place, is it necessary to install all the above softwares and install my appln software is there any other solution Thanx
Last reply by kumar_pln, -
- 0 replies
In the bad ol' COM days, there was a way to get the file type description (e.g., "Text Document") from a file using the Scripting.FileSystemObject. Is there a way to get this in .NET? I don't see anything similar in System.IO.FileInfo.
Last reply by David Anton, -
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- 7 replies
Hi All, I cant update my database. Im using Access as the db. I retrieve the data and put it in a datagridview. I want to be able to edit the data in the datagridview and then store it into the db, but it just doesnt want to. in the gridview the change is there but when i check the db it hasnt changed :confused: I cant insert into the table either :o Me.DAsrch.Fill(Me.DsSrch1, "Staff") If Not newtext Is Nothing Then Me.DsSrch1.Tables(0).Rows(e.RowIndex).Item(e.ColumnIndex) = newtext End If 'MessageBox.Show(Me.DsSrch1.Staff.Rows(e.RowIndex).Item(e.ColumnIndex)) Me.Com.Connection = Me.DBCon Dim field As String = Me.…
Last reply by melkanzi, -
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hello i have a question if i want mask the text that entered in textBox component in .Net how i can do it? example force user that enter 0000-00-000 format text thanks
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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