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Hi all, I've got a ListBox, TextBox and a Button. I'm searching the ListBox like in the code below: Private Sub btnZoeken_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnZoeken.Click Dim lbItem As ListItem Dim strFind As String = txtZoeken.Text Dim strFirst As String Dim strRest As String If strFind <> "" Then 'Change the first character into UpperCase and the rest into LowerCase. strFirst = strFind.Substring(0, 1) strRest = strFind.Substring(1) strFind = strFirst.ToUpper() + strRest.ToLower lbItem = lbWerknemers.Items.FindByText(strFin…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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- 7 replies
Been reading about Authentication against SQL Server and finally found this site: We have sql server database, each user has a Login (my manager doesnt want to use Windows Authentication). Login page has "user id" and "password". Then I need to authenticate the user against the SQL database based on that userID/password.. That site shows a connection string with userid and password, then makes a select to Pubs database. It says : must include the user name and password of the database user But I have like 100 database users with Logins. And I dont know their passwords …
Last reply by eramgarden, -
- 0 replies
hello all, I am developing .net atlas web site but I have a strange problem. When I tried to get data from a datasource after button click I see I could fetch it but couldn't write into textbox.. do you have any solution? thank four your reply
Last reply by mccrash, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody. 1. How can multiple GridViews on a single page be exported to a single Excel file, so that all GridViews are located on the same worksheet (with proper distances - empty rows and columns - between the separate GridViews, of course)? 2. How can be done a similar operation: each GridView to be located in a different worksheet but still in a single file? Thank you.
Last reply by Arix, -
- 0 replies
Dear all, I have implemented a class to export the content of RichTextBox to image in WYSISYG mode so that line breaks on the screen are the same as exported. [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] public struct STRUCT_RECT { public Int32 left; public Int32 top; public Int32 right; public Int32 bottom; } [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] public struct STRUCT_CHARRANGE { public Int32 cpMin; public Int32 cpMax; } [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] public struct STRUCT_FORMATRANGE { public IntPtr hdc; public IntPtr hdcTarget; public STRUCT_RECT rc; public STRUCT_RECT rcPage; public STRUCT_CHARRANGE chrg; } /// <summary> /// Su…
Last reply by vincentchang, -
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- 4 replies
[PLAIN]HashTable vs Jagged Array for an array of arrays[][/PLAIN] I have a custom class which holds about 8 different variables of differing types. I need to create various Arrays of those classes... but i'd also like to sort all of those arrays for easier programming by enumerating those arrays. Is Hashtable a low-system resource thing or what? I'd like to simply use a jagged array but the documentation says they're not CLS compliant. I'm wondering what the best solution to this is, performance is probably an issue. Is there a simple way to enumerate class arrays?
Last reply by NeuralJack, -
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Some of you might recall I had issues running my application (game) on a slower machine (WinXP SP2, .Net 2.0, 1.6gig cpu, 256 megs ram [i know this is really really low, but still most high-end games work fine]), each time it was launched it generated a "Out of Memory" Exception ("System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.") So to resolve the problem I did some "optimization" and was able to make a big difference - it crashes much later on in the Level Generation phase (where I create all my cells, objects, characters, etc... - this is the chunk that counts)... Obviously this wasn't good enough but I spent an entire night looking through my code and was unable to fin…
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
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When i first joined this forum its seemed full of people, now it seems like hardly anyone uses it. Is this just me or had the forum been in massive decline?
Last reply by irasmith, -
- 0 replies
I have an application for Pocket PC that allows user input through the hardware keys. My form has a single control on it, which in turn has several controls on. As far as I can work out pressing the hardware keys always triggers the KeyEvents of the main form, not the child (at least it has in all my tests). In order to keep my application segmented I want the control to handle these events. The way I'm doing it currently is to add a public method to the control which accepts the KeyEventArgs as a paramter and then just call this method from the forms KeyEvent (one method for each keyevent I wish to use i.e KeyDown, KeyPress etc etc). Is this the best way forward or am I …
Last reply by Cags, -
- 0 replies
I've been working on what is essentially a sliding block game for Pocket PC. My game has a few alternative modes to simply sliding however which is causing me a few nightmares. My game has gone through several iterations in terms of 'Graphics Engines' but as usual I'm still not happy and keep changing it. All you really need to understand is a square 'Board' consists of 'Tiles' (currently max size is 5x5). These tiles can move about in allsorts of various manners. Each square will end up on another square when it is moved, but various modes will have animated slides so the tiles do overlap for a time. These are the methods I've tried. 1. Using Controls is the easiest m…
Last reply by Cags, -
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Hi: In VS 2003, you can add different projects to a solution and use them as VS 2005, this doesn't appear to be the case...or at least I haven't found out how to do it. Thoughts? Eric
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I am messing with C# at the moment, I am after creating an account class which has a balance and an account holder. It also has methods to lodge, withdraw, getbalance, and getholdersName. In the constructor section I have Account() and Account(string name, double balance) which should allow me to create a blank account or an account with existing data. I have also set the lodge and withdraw method to be overrideable. I then created a class called AdvancedAccount that inherits from Account, that has a method that overrides the account.lodge method. Everything works correctly from the main class if I go AdvancedAccount a = new AdvancedAccount(); I cannot howev…
Last reply by Nerseus, -
- 0 replies
Hi: We want to use the microsoft treeview, but be able to have some nodes have checkboxes and some not...from what I can see, its either all or nothing (i.e. CheckBoxes property). Is there a way around this or is there another treeview that would allow selective checkboxes that someone can recommend? Thanks!
Last reply by ehelin, -
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Hi all, Im trying to use the Dir function to determine wether a certain image excists or not. But the variable strDir is always empty, even when an image does excist. (see code below). Public Function getIMG(ByVal pItem As String) As String Dim strDir As String strDir = Dir("Z:\images\" & pItem & ".jpg") Return strDir End Function - The parameter pItem is the name of the image without the extension. - All the images have NO attributes
Last reply by Theo, -
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When the Out_Of_Memory exception is caught I want to log the systems current memory usage (not application, system), minimally free memory... Preferably also max memory, free VM and max VM, and anything else that can pin point the system state when it crashes... Now I know how to do this in WMI or Script but I have not been able to find a way to accomplish this task in C# (2005/2.0)... Any ideas, hints, and help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Last reply by Shaitan00, -
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Hi When I create a method in, I can specify that the parameters passed are byVal or byRef. I tend to use the byRef when I want to return an error code if an exception is caught. My question therefore is: 1. Is the use of byRef for passing error codes the correct approach? or is there a more effective approach especially if my functionis designed to return say a dataset? Mike55.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Hello, has anyone of you ever wanted to read commands from a normal tv remote controller inside a VB application? Allmost all laptops have an integrated infrared port these days and I'd like to use mine. I'm asking if anyone would be interested in helping me with this? So far I've found this article: The article introduces the "System.Net.IrDA.dll" which you can download from microsoft: I will try solve the problem my self too but I appreciate any help in the meantime.
Last reply by JumpyNET, -
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I have a group of pictureboxes on that I am trying to control using a control array and all seemed beautiful till this situation. The pitureboxes that I am trying to control are on form2 which is called from form1. The first time the form is loaded, all things work properly, but all time after the first any code that uses the control array doesn't affect the form at all. Is this due to it being a different instance of form2, and the control array is still pointing to the items on the first instance? To get this to work will I need to set the control array each time I load form2? I would just like a little explination of what exactly is going on so I don't screw somet…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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I wasn't sure whether to place this in the Graphics section or the Interop section, but eventually decided on here. My problem is as follows, the following code works as I expect it to.... this.Capture = true; formHandle = GetCapture(); this.Capture = false; formDC = GetDC(formHandle); spriteDC = CreateCompatibleDC(formDC); spriteBitmap = SHLoadDIBitmap(@"\My Documents\Cags\Bitmap.bmp"); SelectObject(spriteDC, spriteBitmap); // draw sprite to form BitBlt(formDC, 0, 0, 25, 25, spriteDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); It copies a small section of the Bitmap.bmp to the screen. After getting this working I decided to try and buffer it before blitting it to the screen. So I amended t…
Last reply by Cags, -
- 1 reply
I just noticed that the first service pack for VS2003 will be released in just a few days! This is quite long overdue in my opinion. It's also good to see a service pack for VS2005 is due to be released this fall as well. And with IE7 just around the corner..whew! Exciting events coming up if you're into that kind of stuff. Did anyone here participate in Beta tests for either service pack?
Last reply by Denaes,
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