- 1 reply
Hi everybody, please help... So here's the scenario, I have populated a Generic List with strings from an SQL Select Command. Then using Javascript, i want to retrieve certain elements from the Generic List variable. In server side, you can access the List in a syntax like this: stringvariable = mylist.Item(5) '5 is the element number In Javascript, you can access variables (not list types or array types) in something like this var jvar = <%= aspvar %> 'where aspvar is an asp .net variable I have tried retrieving an element from an asp .net in some code like this: var jvar = <%= mylist.Item(5) %> this works just fine. But of co…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 0 replies
I'm working with 2005. I have a class that i've loaded up with my data. Then created a datasource off the class. I load up the datagridview with data from a class.. all this is working fine. I've got data. My problem is with the tag on the datagridview. I've gone in and bound it to the column in the datasource taht I want (i've done it like this before) when i create the double click event on the datagridview, in other code i've been able to do a datagridview.tag and get the value of column and row that i've double clicked on. I can't figure it out why it's giving me a value = nothing instead. there must be something that I'm forgetting because l…
Last reply by jvcoach23, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hello all. Here is what I have done. I created a DLL of constants for test equipment I use, and have a few different programs that use this dll. So for the first few programs the dll was getting installed in the application file. Well since I don't want multiples of the same dll, I put it in the system32 folder. In my Setup I have it go to the system32 folder and it worked fine for that. But when I start the application I just finished I get this error When I reference the dll in the project, I reference it from system32 file. Any Ideas that I am not seeing? Thanks.
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
- 5 replies
I'm using thw WebBrowser control on one of my forms. What I'd like to do is have the it do a we search based on the contents of a textbox control. Anyone know how? Thanks, Bernie
Last reply by bjwade62, -
- 1 reply
Hello Again, Can someone assist me with creating a duration formula for a report i've done in crystal using heat? I see heat has a cduration field and this field is a number. I have been unsuccessful in converting this # to string. I would want the duration time in hh:mm:ss, for calls received to the time it was modified. Any suggestions/assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks! tasha
Last reply by natasha, -
- Leaders
- 3 replies
Recently, I translated the code from VB.NET 2003 to C# 2005. I thought it should work the way like its VB counterpart, but is the code to start the process: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("mame.exe"); startInfo.Arguments = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; Process proc = Process.Start(startInfo); proc.WaitForExit(); Unlike the VB version, every VERY FIRST time I start mame, the mouse pointer disappears, the whole Windows is freezing(almost). I can't do anything but CltAltDel to stop the MAME process. Then I try again (without close the frontend) and it works! Even if I close the frontend and re-s…
Last reply by Worrow, -
- 3 replies
I'm currently working on a command line tool that I would like to automate tests for -- basically I need to run some functional/integration tests on the entire tool and I don't have a lot of money to spend. The options I've come up with so far: -- Use NUnit to run the tests -- I would probably invoke the tool programmatically, capture output, and verify the results (both printed and functional) -- Hand roll tests using a light weight scripting language such as Ruby or PowerShell. Both of these cases really amount to the same thing -- in one I can start writing tests immediately, the other I have to do a little more work up front to figure out how it will all com…
Last reply by mskeel, -
- 1 reply
We have VSS2005. I wanted to check in the solution. On Solution Explorer, i right clicked and chose "add solution to sourcesafe"... This added the project to VSS but then i have a "lock" image next to all the files. If I want to work on it, i have to check it out.. I found this link but this is for VSS6.0 that explains the same thing. It does say this the recommanded way to add solution to VSS.. At my last job, I dont remember us doing that... Question: We're 3 developers working on the project...should I check the code in VSS from Visual Studio (making other …
Last reply by TheWizardofInt, -
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- 8 replies
I have an object called Node that has 3 properties. I create a List generic to hold a bunch of these node objects. Then I want to loop over a different collection of nodes and find out if they exist in the first collection mentioned above. How can I go about that? I know there is an IndexOf method on the List object but I think that is to find the same instance of a node (which in my case would never return true). I see that there are Find methods that take predicates but I am not testing to see if the node matches some pattern, I just want to see if my node is in the List collection. I would imagine that i have to override Equals or Compare because I figure ther…
Last reply by mskeel, -
- Administrators
- 2 replies
Hi everybody, Is it possible to write a windows application that has internet connectivity and able to access a remote database? I want to avoid using a web application because the postbacks are making the program very slow. I'm not an expert in Javascript eiher so i'm thinking of a windows application. What do you think?
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I'm using the following code to display an image from a file. However it doesn't work for some reason. Anyhelp out there? Dtl_image.Image.FromFile(SelFileName) Thanks, Bernie
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 0 replies
I am starting an application that will configure at least 2 units but could be as many as 11 (original 2 plus 9 more). There will be one control unit and the rest would be subordinate to it. I was going to do it as an mdi interface where every time you add a unit it would create a new instance of the subordinate form. Then you would click on the "Configure Me" button on the sub form to run through the process. Then once all of the sub units and the control unit is done there is some additional work testing the whole network of units. My question is.. Is MDI the best way to go? If I go with MDI can I lose the title bar at the top of the child form? Any other things …
Last reply by MTSkull, -
- 0 replies
Here is the ASP Page: <html> <head> <% Response.cookies ("TestCookie") = "This is a test cookie" %> <% Dim strASPCookie 'as string Dim strASPXCookie 'as string strASPCookie = Request.Cookies ("ResCookie") strASPXCookie = Request.Cookies ("TestCookie") %> </head> <body> The Resolution Cookie is: <%=strASPCookie %> <br /> The Test Cookie is: <%=strASPXCookie %> </body> </html> Here is the ASPX Page: 'in the code behind Dim objTestCookie = Request.Cookies("TestCookie") If Not objTestCookie Is Nothing Then Dim strASPTestCookie As String = objTestCookie.Value Dim l…
Last reply by TheWizardofInt, -
- 2 replies
i have an app with on the backend. I have a search page that take an input. when the submit button is pressed im querying a database and build a table on the server in html. i am then trying to insert the table into the <DIV> to be viewed by the client but I am having trouble accessing the div tag by its ID and assigning the table html to the innerHTML of the DIV. among the different ways ive tried are as follows: Response.Write("<script>document.getElementById('divtag').innerHTML='" & TableHTML &"'</script>") Response.Write("<script>document.all.divtag.innerHTML='" & TableHTML &"'</script>") …
Last reply by kelphis, -
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- 2 replies
Any idea how to get a list of windows services that may be on a remote windows machine? I mean the list that you get when typing "services.msc", but of a remote computer.... help is appreciated thx,
Last reply by inter, -
- 1 reply
I have a search page where I search results and based on those results, I show the datagrid and also a link to download some exe files from the server using Response.BinaryWrite. Problem is once I download an exe, the immediate next link also calls the download code. Eg - I click download >>>> It gives me Open / Save dialog to downloads the exe After downloading it, I click Search >>>>> It again gives me the same Open / Save dialog box.
Last reply by cssrk, -
- *Experts*
- 2 replies
hi folks let me ask you an easy question: how are database-views loaded to a dataset? i like to load my whole oracle database (30 tables, 25 views) to a dataset for an offline editing-tool. but if i load the views as normal tables, they won't be updated when a value of one of its related tables changes. a dataview-object isn't either what i'm looking for. they take only one table as source (but a normal database-views related on several tables)... any ideas? best regards george
Last reply by ganders, -
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- 9 replies
Dear all, I've just created an application in 2005. What a GREAT program in comparison with 2003 :). But I have one question. When I have my windows style "classic" I have the standard grey buttons. When I use windows "XP Style" I have nice rounded buttons in design time, but when running they become square. How can I change this ? I also want nicely shaped buttons in runtime :) Grtz, Antoine
Last reply by michaelrawi, -
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I am creating a CHAT interface for my game (when networking, server/client style) and I ran into a little problem... The way it works... I have forms for the SERVER (frmServer) and CLIENTS (frmClient) each of them have a LISTBOX (lbChat) in which I input (lbChat.Items.Add(string)) text as the users type it - in essence a chatbox... So, let's use the CLIENT as an example (as it is simpler and the concept the same in both client and server cases)... The Client form (frmClient) creates a thread that is used to listen for chat messages (via TCP) - so what I did was pass the listbox itself (lbChat) to the thread thus (I thought) solving my problem of writing into the li…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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I posted this class definition on another thread and decided that it would be a good idea to post it in the Code Library as well. It is a generic, global object caching class, working in a dictionary-like manner (and, in fact, backed by a Dictionary<string, TValue> object). Because of the way that .Net handles fields of static classes you are provided a complete and separate cache for each type. (Or, to be more accurate, for each type parameter. For example, you can store a Bitmap in Cache<Image> and it will not be found in Cache<Bitmap>. Likewise, a Bitmap stored in Cache<Bitmap> will not be found in Cache<Image>.) The Cache class provide…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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