- 0 replies
Hello All, How do you databind tables who's relationship have been decomposed to create a third intersecting table? The details: Lets say we need to create an application that will allow us to manage Security features for all SQL Servers in the organisation (the project I chose). This is what it should do and below is an image of the form. You select the relevent server via the navigator (it displays ServerName from the Server table; see below), and it displays the security areas (it displays the AreaTitle field from table SecurityAreas; see below) that have been chosen for implementing on this server, in listbox "listSecurityArea". When you click on the Area ti…
Last reply by gotch_ur_number, -
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- 11 replies
Hi Can someone please help me? I'm trying to create a program to control an IP Wallboard (which is an LED screen, often used to scroll text 2 lines deep by about 30 characters long - traditionally red LED). Firstly i tried connecting via WinSock which works perfectly! However I want it to work in the .NET way of doing things, which would mean using sockets. I've tried two ways from MSDN, and about another 3 ways from other examples i've found. I just can get it working! Could someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me why this isnt working? I've been trying to do it for 2 weeks now and its doing my head in. Private mobjClient As TcpClient Private Sub Form…
Last reply by Jay1b, -
I need to determine a users network user name from within a C# winForm. I have the VB equivalent: Dim NetName As String = My.User.Name
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 1 reply
Good Afternoon, What is the most efficient way, in your opinion, to copy the the data structure and data from a table in a dataset to another dataset? Thanks Guha
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 0 replies
I have a project with a class library, both open in the IDE. Why do I find that errors in the class library do not cause the debugger to stop execution at the relevant line, but instead to go right the way up the call stack back to the project, and exit the orginal procedure? This naturally makes it hard to track down where an error is occurring. I have tried recreating this with a simple project, but I do not get the same problems there. In both the simple project and the one I am developing the Debug tab of the Project properties has "Enable the Visual Studio Hosting Process" checked, so there is no difference with that that might be causing it.
Last reply by rbulph, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I have created an alert message that displays as a pop-up window that is supposed to display whenever an error is encountered - I call it in the catch block of my try-catch. (Previously I was using a label on the page and setting it's text value to the error message and changing it's visible property from true to false whenever an error was encountered.) I changed to this much cleaner, better looking option. My problem is that, when I call it, it displays sometimes and sometimes it doesn't...I don't know why. On the pages where it displays fine, it always works, but on other pages, under other unknown conditions, it never works. If anyone could shed some lig…
Last reply by Gill Bates, -
- 13 replies
I was reading this tutorial: He has :In a real-world application, the BLL should be implemented as a separate Class Library project; however, for these tutorials we'll implement the BLL as a series of classes in our App_Code folder in order to simplify the project structure I know we want to have a 3-tier design. At my last job, it was .net 1.1, the vendor had 3 projects in the solution and they used "Visual Basic Building Blocks/BusinessFacade/dataAccess" etc. They had 3 projects one with "common" functionality . Question about the structure of code: in 2.0, there's App_code and that article ment…
Last reply by eramgarden, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Good Morning I have created a report that shows all the journal entries for a particular account. The problem with this report is that for each journal entry it shows the ticket # each time as well as the other detail information such as the customer name, address, etc. Does anyone know (if possible) how i can display one ticket#, cust name, address, etc for an account that has say 10 different journals. Any help or suggestions you can give would be most appreciated. Thank you again for all your help. tasha
Last reply by natasha, -
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Where can you put initialisation code for a class library? I've got a List of objects which I use in the class library and I want to initialise it with data. Where would I call this from?
Last reply by rbulph, -
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This should be really easy but I can't figure out the .NET way of finding which Statusbar Panel was clicked? Any help? Thanks, Bernie
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Can someone tell me why I am getting this error {"Specified cast is not valid."} The code: SqlDataReader dr = setDataReader(CntSQL, connection); long retVal=dr.GetInt64(0); The returned value from the database is 2776842
Last reply by kcwallace, -
- 3 replies
I just installed the new 2005 and found the new serial port control. Does anyone have any details on how to use it? Thanks, Gary
Last reply by forgottensoul, -
- Administrators
- 1 reply
I have a SERVER / CLIENT based chat interface (lobby) - the communication is done via TCP using TcpClients and TcpListeners - currently I have a working model using TcpClient and TcpListeners with NetworkStreams, StreamReaders, StreamWriters, etc.... At one point the CLIENT will ask the SERVER for the PLAYER LIST so it can be displayed to the users - in code the PlayerList is actually on the server as a DataSet (dsPlayerList.Tables["PlayerList"]) so when I send this to the Client I need to convert the results into a string and send it (using my StreamWriter.WriteLine and StreamWrite.Flush). It would be so much better if I could just send the DataSet [dsPlayerList] dir…
Last reply by PlausiblyDamp, -
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Am I right in thinking that the e as System.EventArgs provided in most windows events never contains any useful information? Classes that derive from it, like System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs, of course do provide useful information, but this seems to provide nothing.
Last reply by rbulph, -
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- 6 replies
Assume you instantiate a new object that can raise an event and, then, add an event handler. In order to clean up, after all references to that object have been removed (set to Nothing), do you have to explicitly execute a RemoveHandler command as part of the cleanup or will that be taken care of somehow in the garbage collection process without any explicit programming?
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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Shouldn't interface objects have the basic methods of an object, like GetType, Equals, etc.? For instance, in the following code I have to had quite a bit extra to tell if the two objects are of the same class. Maybe the answer is that I should be using inheritance instead of an interface here, but still, logically it seems surprising that you can't use all the basic methods of an object on an object referenced like this. Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim p As INameObject p = New class1 Debug.Print(TypeName(p)) Dim c As INameObject c = New…
Last reply by snarfblam, -
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- 2 replies
I am using a ListBox (lbChat) as a chat box for the chat text of my chatting application - simply put when a user sends the server a message it is written (added) to the chat listbox as so: lbChatBox.Items.Add(stext); Where (stext) is a string of text that will be displayed, something like "Player1: Has Joined the Game" or "Player2: How was lunch?", etc.. you get the idea... (quick note - I am using the LISTBOX because I thought it was the best control to use - if you have other suggestions that would be better then a listbox I am all ears...) So, the way it works - Clients send text to the servers TCP Listener Threads which pick them up and then add them to the …
Last reply by snarfblam, -
- 4 replies
I have an empty table in a database that has default column headings (Field1, Field2.....). I would like to change these headings programmatically by downloading the table to a dataset, changing the column captions in the dataset, then updating the database table from the dataset. (It's part of a course excercise). My code seems to work OK - the database table fills the dataset and the column captions are changed in the dataset. However, after the database table is updated no changes occur to the column headings in the database. I get no errors either. Appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Following is my code. The database is Assign…
Last reply by IUnknown, -
- 5 replies
Hi all I am currently experimenting with FitNesse, which is an automated acceptance testing tool. Now to run my fit test, I have to clear my database of all the data. I am therefore using "Delete From <<table>>", and replacing <<table>> with the name of the table. Some of my tables have an id column that is auto-incrementing. My questions is therefore, can I reset the column id back to 0 using sql code? Mike55.
Last reply by mike55, -
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On my form I have a combobox and 2 checklistboxes, I'm trying to populate them all from the same datasource (an arraylist). The populating is fine, however once populated, if I select something in the combobox, the same items get selected in the other two lists?! I didn't think an arraylist has a "selected" property or collection so why is it doing this? I want to bind to the same datasource but allow each of the lists to have their own different selections???
Last reply by DannyT, -
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